2012 Yunnan Sourcing "Qiu Yun" Wild Arbor Pu'erh of Yi Wu

Tea type
Pu'erh Tea
Not available
Apricot, Mushrooms, Spices, Sugarcane, Vegetal, Hay, Sweet
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Edit tea info Last updated by Kawaii433
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 15 sec 7 g 4 oz / 111 ml

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12 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I love the aroma of this wet leaf! It has a tangy fruity apricot or plum smell, & it also smells kind of like beer, well, more like Hops really. The tea is a lovely brew, very smooth &...” Read full tasting note
  • “sipdown on this one! I’ve been drinking it most of the morning. this is a smooth tasting puerh that is slightly hoppy but mostly just really tasty haha. It reminds me a little of the puerh from...” Read full tasting note
  • “DANG THIS PU’ER IS THA BOMB! Over 13 infusions I got No smokeyness, no dryness. Great flavor notes of earthy enoki mushroom, rock sugar, creamy, apricot, green bean, buttery corn, mineral, and...” Read full tasting note
  • “Great taste and nice lingering qualities. I’ve always been enamored with YiWu raw puerhs. There is such an unmistakable fragrance and taste that come from this region. I know that could be said...” Read full tasting note

From Yunnan Sourcing

Qiu Yun (秋韵) means “Song of Autumn”

Late autumn harvest tea from wild arbor tea trees (between 60 and 80 year old) growing in the area of Yi Bi village of Yi Wu county.

Entirely no spray tea from one family’s tea garden. Hand-processed from start to finish, but without any smokiness!

Classic Yi Wu taste, thick and full in the mouth. Sweet after-taste with some grass and mushroom notes.

250 grams per cake (7 cakes per bamboo tong)

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12 Tasting Notes

3294 tasting notes

I love the aroma of this wet leaf! It has a tangy fruity apricot or plum smell, & it also smells kind of like beer, well, more like Hops really. The tea is a lovely brew, very smooth & sweet, a little hoppy, a touch of tang to it, & a shiny kind of feeling in the mouth, like polished stone or maybe metal. That was around steep 5 or 6.

I’m maybe at steeping number 11 or so now. I’m working on creating promo materials for my upcoming annual birthday gig, & kind of lost track of the count, but I just keep going back for more. Now it’s a light buttery creamy mushroom broth, more or less. This really is a nice Sheng, & although in some ways it seems absurd for me to keep buying cakes of puerh, as I already probably have enough tea to last the rest of my life, I still would like to add this one to my collection at some point.

I’m really grateful for Yunnan Sourcing’s sample sizes, as they give you enough to try a tea out several times.


sounds good…i’ll put that on my YS list…yeah,25g samples are great…


Terri, do you order from US site or Chinese? i would love to try so many things, but shipping is outrageous.


I order from their Chinese site, but in bulk, if you want to order I can add your list to mine next time. I’m also looking to go in on a combined purchase of raw pu erh with other tea lovers. The website has a lot of good stuff.

Terri HarpLady

I originally ordered from the US site, but have subsequently ordered a couple of times from the China site, mainly because they listed some black teas I wanted to try out that weren’t listed on the US site.


Bigdaddy, it’s a great idea. Following you


I haven’t ordered from the U.S. site just due to the fact that they don’t have near the selection…shipping really isn’t that bad,especially if you’re making large orders…


Well, I guess I’m spoiled with free shipping when I order from ebay or Dragon tea house. At least if it could be fixed amount. I placed 4 teas like 50 g each, couple samples and glass teapot and shipping is like $18. Do you happen to know when raising of shipping costs stops? How big the order should be? Sorry for all the ??


i’ not sure…my cart is up to $400 and shipping is $27 and its going to be a heavy box…

Terri HarpLady

The main downside of ordering from their China office is that if you’re like me, and you go with the cheap shipping, it takes 4 – 6 weeks to get your order. However, by then I almost forget I ordered, so then it’s like a surprise present :)


That’s exactly what I do. It’s like a new tea adventure. I actually wondered once, did I really order that. Yet all is good.

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15620 tasting notes

sipdown on this one! I’ve been drinking it most of the morning. this is a smooth tasting puerh that is slightly hoppy but mostly just really tasty haha. It reminds me a little of the puerh from manadal i really love – not so much in how it tastes but in how it feels. yeah…feels lol this doesn’t leave my mouth dry and for those who are just starting to enjoy puerhs, this isn’t earthy or muchroomy (at least to me…) and it’s lighter tasting that some of my favourites.

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1271 tasting notes


Over 13 infusions I got No smokeyness, no dryness. Great flavor notes of earthy enoki mushroom, rock sugar, creamy, apricot, green bean, buttery corn, mineral, and copper. It had a few moments that I thought I was drinking a white tea and another time a green, however with the complexity of a pu’er.

For $15 for a 250 gram cake, this pu’er is a steal, especially with the amount of resteeps I got.

Full review on my blog, The Oolong Owl http://oolongowl.com/2013/08/20/2012-qui-yun-wild-arbor-raw-puer-from-yunnan-sourcing-tea-review/

190 °F / 87 °C

I may have to add one of these to the “stash”!

Terri HarpLady

I’m thinking the same thing :)
I still haven’t ordered anything from Yunnan Sourcing. I’m afraid that if I do, it’s really gonna cost me.

Oolong Owl

Terri: I already tucked away a sample of this cake for the teabox for you to try!


Terri try the us site for Yunnan Sourcing. I am not sure if they carry it on the US site but the shipping is much less.

Terri HarpLady

I will…when I’m allowed to order again! LOL!

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141 tasting notes

Great taste and nice lingering qualities. I’ve always been enamored with YiWu raw puerhs. There is such an unmistakable fragrance and taste that come from this region. I know that could be said for most all teas, but this one is very easy for me to pick out.

The leaves are whole and complete, not broken up. The cake has a medium tightness, which allows for easy prying off of the desired amount for brewing. I got a deeper and brighter cup by stretching my normal 5sec brewing, to 12sec in my gaiwan. Very nice tea and the cost for a whole cake is very wallet friendly. It could easily sell for 50% or more for the quality you receive.

Boiling 0 min, 30 sec

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318 tasting notes

Can’t believe I never reviewed this one, maybe Steepster ate my note? Anyways I’ve had this one since 2012, and while I have to say I think it was better fresh, it’s still a very enjoyable brew. Four years of Florida storage has turned the broth a nice yellow-orange. The most prominent feature of the taste is a strong, vegetal sugarcane sweetness. There’s some apricot, mushroom, and spice notes with just a little bitterness. Very thick mouthfeel and good lasting sweetness in the mouth.

Flavors: Apricot, Mushrooms, Spices, Sugarcane, Vegetal

205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 15 sec 5 g 3 OZ / 90 ML

> Four years of Florida storage

Where in FL?

> I have to say I think it was better fresh

I have heard a theory that young sheng that is tasty goes stale after a few years and gets boring, because the fresh flowery stuff is gone but the mature tastes haven’t started to appear. This seems plausible to me: maybe that’s what’s going on with your tea?


Clearwater, near Tampa

That sounds plausible, it’s lost some of the desirable “fresh” traits but not yet gained much of an aged taste


Do you store your tea under A/C?

I have about convinced myself that my garage should be about perfect.


I store in A/C, but I take my tea boxes outside every once in a while. Are you in Florida too? I’m afraid that my garage would be too hot and humid


I’m over on the right coast, about halfway between Boca and West Palm. I was afraid the garage would bee too hot but have convinced myself otherwise. I’ve got it stacked on a shelf against a wall opposite the big door… it’s cooler there.


Tea hoarders….. ;P


I try Mr. M :P


You have had a good er, maybe not so good teacher….


Such modesty! I think you’re a silent force behind the North American pu revolution! We may be few, but we’re growing. :)


We are growing for sure, as well as our stash/ collections…


I thought the Qiu Yun was 2013, did Scott make this more than one year?


I think it was just 2012 but I’m not sure

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1113 tasting notes

Another puerh from my mystery sample box :D

Oh wow, this sheng is SUPER smooth! I would not have guessed it is so young! I am REALLY digging on this one. It has fruity notes that I always appreciate in a sheng, as well as a brisk energy. I’m really glad I randomly chose this one this morning, it is a winner!


sold out;(((


oh really? boo!


it was cheap, only $17

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290 tasting notes

Yay, I’m back on Steepster. For some reason Chrome seems to hate it these days and it is causing me problems. Hey ho! So, for today’s tea I am drinking this 2012 Qiu Yun. It’s good. The leaf smells of sweet, fresh hay and the leaves are big. I had to jam them into my pot! The taste is fruity, rounded and sweet. The aftertaste is tingly with apricot or peach notes. It leaves me salivating and citrussy for ages afterwards. Yes, this tea literally makes me drool! ;) I certainly recommend it.

Flavors: Apricot, Hay, Sweet

195 °F / 90 °C 0 min, 15 sec 9 g 4 OZ / 130 ML

Nice to see ya Dr. Roughage :-)

Steepster has been down for DAYS!!! So it might not be your browser!!

The tea sounds great!!


Sold out:(. Few days before I tried . Stupid me, I had the sample for some time but didn’t try. Lesson learned


I am still having some issues using Chrome, but I refuse to return to IE and I found Firefox too clunky. Still, it is good to know that it is not solely my browser that is at fault, TF.

Boychik, I seem to recall reading on a blog (possibly Hobbes?) that a sample was a single beeng. Perhaps that is the lesson needing to be learnt. :) I usually get a single beeng of each puerh, and only get smaller samples if the tea is monstrously expensive.


this sample i got from one extremely generous Steepsterite. i need to sample thing as soon as i get them. I do the same as you are, but recently i wasnt happy with my picking ;) so when a person offered me super generous samples i could not refuse. another problem i dont have a space to store any more (Im sure im not alone, haha)All the tops of my bookshelves are occupied with boxes.


Thanks looseTman. Interesting links. I’d love to know why IE will load Steepster just fine but Chrome won’t. Meh, maybe I just need to use IE solely for Steepster. That way Google will know less about my tea drinking habits, but Bill Gates might get a tip-off on a good beeng to buy. :)


You’re welcome!
IE 11 and DuckDuckGo! – “The search engine that doesn’t track you.”


sounds like a lovely tea :)

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493 tasting notes

This tea is amazing.
6g 100ml gaiwan 212F
rinse/5/5/10/10/15sec etc
Its a sample . i have it for some time. But i was stupid enough to try only today. YS sold out those cakes. i can only pick up sample size 25g on US site. thats what i will probably do.
Its very smooth. sweet, bitter(nothing major)
Sweetness is lingering in a mouth for a long time
I enjoyed it a lot

Boiling 0 min, 15 sec 6 g 3 OZ / 100 ML

Too bad it sold out preventing you from buying a cake. This one is worth owning IMHO.


I have this and paid a lot more for it than what Scott was charging. A tea shop in my state gave me a sample with their store label on the tea. Ordered a cake and was shocked it turned out to be YS label. Told the tea shop it was shady selling, won’t go back there.

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289 tasting notes

A lovely easy to drink young sheng. Very little bitterness. Flowery and sweet. I’m not sure if it will age well, but it is a great drink now for sure.

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301 tasting notes

This is a very nice sheng. At $17/ for a 250g cake, it is fairly priced for wild arbor YiWu leaf. Quite young for a sheng but amazingly smooth and sweet.

The cake has light compression making it very easy to pick off the dark dry leaf. A fairly high number of stem pieces found. The tea soup is a very light gold color and appears very clear in the cup. Sweet fruit aroma from the wet leaf. The taste is smooth with only the slightest bite of astringency. There is definitely the sweetness of raisins and stone fruit. Smooth mouth feel and a nice Qi. In later steeps there are the beginning notes of tobacco.

Frankly, if I had tasted this one blind, I would assume that it was at least five years old (not two). I’ll drink this cake now and I picked up another one for aging because I am really curious to try it in 5-7 years. I’m a big fan!!

Boiling 0 min, 15 sec 6 g 4 OZ / 125 ML

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