Vanilla Shortbread Loose Tea

Tea type
Black Tea
Almonds, Black Tea, Blue Mallow Blossom, Vanilla Flavour, Vanilla Pieces
Cookie, Vanilla, Butter, Floral, Malt
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
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Edit tea info Last updated by Chelsea1886
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec 5 g 13 oz / 383 ml

Currently unavailable

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13 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Pretty good, cookie-ish flavor. Mainly vanilla comes through. Honestly, I think the Upton Earl Grey Creme is much better at being a vanilla cookie, and I appreciate the base much more than here. ...” Read full tasting note
  • “I had this yesterday in a travel mug. It was pretty good! Lots of vanilla, some baked goods flavours. I definitely enjoyed my cup, although I’m not sure I’d hunt down more. Weirdly vanilla isn’t a...” Read full tasting note
  • “I visited a girlfriend in Oxford last month, and, as we all know, you are not legally permitted to visit England without purchasing and returning home with great quantities of tea. Of course. We...” Read full tasting note
  • “Received this from the awesome Miss B via the equally awesome Sil! Really excited to try it. First had a few sips straight up, it was decent, but not spectacular. A bit of milk brought out the...” Read full tasting note

From Whittard of Chelsea

Vanilla Shortbread Tea captures the very essence of British tea drinking, bringing together the taste of a great black leaf tea and the sweet vanilla flavour of English shortbread.

The base tea is deliciously robust and the addition of real almonds and vanilla pieces give it an authentic shortbread taste. It is great as an afternoon treat, drunk on its own or even better with a plate of its namesake biscuits!

About Whittard of Chelsea View company

Company description not available.

13 Tasting Notes

122 tasting notes

Pretty good, cookie-ish flavor. Mainly vanilla comes through. Honestly, I think the Upton Earl Grey Creme is much better at being a vanilla cookie, and I appreciate the base much more than here.
Thanks MissB! I have so many flavored black teas to try now!

Flavors: Cookie, Vanilla

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 6 OZ / 177 ML

Woohoo! This wasn’t a huge fun choice for me either – loved the name, didn’t sell on the flavor. Still fun to try.

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2291 tasting notes

I had this yesterday in a travel mug.

It was pretty good! Lots of vanilla, some baked goods flavours. I definitely enjoyed my cup, although I’m not sure I’d hunt down more. Weirdly vanilla isn’t a tea flavour I have a lot of unless it’s mixed in with other things.

Thanks so much, MissB! And Sil. :)

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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60 tasting notes

I visited a girlfriend in Oxford last month, and, as we all know, you are not legally permitted to visit England without purchasing and returning home with great quantities of tea. Of course.

We were a little late in the shopping day, and another tea shop Allison had wanted to show me was closed, so we wandered into Whittard and browsed about for a bit. We sampled the Piccadilly Blend that was out (fantastic, by the way!), and hesitantly opened a few containers on the shelf to smell inside. The Vanilla Shortbread was an instant draw to both of us, and we both loved the smell. The shopkeeper came over to help and heartily shook the canisters first before encouraging us to smell again, and this tea just smelled like heaven!! We both instantly said we would take 100g. There was no resisting!

We tried it the next morning, and it’s lovely! It has a delicious buttery cookie flavour with just a touch of vanilla and a hint of floral note from the cornflowers. I had mine with Alpro almond milk, and it was like having dessert for breakfast. I’m now jealously hoarding my stash back here in Canada, and dreading when I run out!

Flavors: Butter, Cookie, Floral, Malt, Vanilla

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 5 g 17 OZ / 500 ML

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652 tasting notes

Received this from the awesome Miss B via the equally awesome Sil!

Really excited to try it.

First had a few sips straight up, it was decent, but not spectacular. A bit of milk brought out the shortbread aspect far more.

It’s not as vanilla as I would hope, I far prefer something like WP Golden Orchid or Tippy’s Tea Not So Vanilla as far as a vanilla tea goes. Real vanilla beans and whatnot.

Super happy to get to try this though, something that would otherwise likely never cross my path! Thanks you two!

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6444 tasting notes

As soon as I saw this tea in the giant bag of tea compiled by many steepsterites, I snatched it up and quickly got the kettle boiling. (1) Vanilla shortbread sounds ah-mazing and (2) I was excited to try a tea from an English company as I will be in London in just a few months!! However, perhaps my expectations were too high for this, or maybe I brewed it incorrectly because I am finding myself disappointed. I am not really getting any vanilla or cookie. I am getting a nuttiness that could be perceived as the shortbread if I try hard to picture it that way but its not a flavor that would come to mind had I not known the name of the tea. Also, the flavor tends to end pretty abruptly which sounds like a weird description but that’s how its coming off to me. Usually a flavor continues right through a sip and lingers a little after you’re done but the nutty flavor just sort of dies off quickly leaving behind a slight butteriness. Nonetheless, I am so grateful to MissB for sending this back to Canada for myself and others to try and thank you to Sil and Cavocorax for getting it to me. Tea friends really are the best friends!


Oh this makes me feel better- thank you! It sounded ah-mazing to me also, but I haven’t been able to find it anywhere in the US and shipping was almost $40 just to try it from UK.


It just wasn’t my cup of tea either. It’s a huge benefit to go in the store (in London – you must go!) but really, I wasn’t wowed by anything other than maybe the white chocolate from them, brewed in-store. I couldn’t get it to taste the same though.


If I get to the store I will certainly try their white chocolate, brewed in store. It was fun to try a new company and I am sure I would love visiting their shop (which hopefully I will get the chance since I only have three days there and need to also accommodate a friend). Thanks again MissB!!

And Nightshifter, IMHO you are not missing out at all so don’t feel bad about not getting any of this.

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1764 tasting notes

I think this is my favourite vanilla tea, ever.
Mind you I haven’t had that many and there was a time they didn’t sit well with me. But this one is simply delicious. Thank you Miss B for the sample, and Sil for coordinating things!
I had half a cup sans dairy, and half with. Without, it is quite pleasant, but with is where I find the “shortbread” aspect really comes out. Oh man, I can actually taste buttery cookie! The vanilla is a really nice addition as well, making things extra creamy.


Drool, vanilla shortbread.


there will be come out in the box to jones whenever i can fill it.. bhwahahaha


come = some


Yes, I second the drool! :P

Sil, dunno how you’re gonna part with it heh


This sounds amaaaazing.


it’s already partitioned out… once it’s in the box for the west coast or peeps here in toronto, it can’t come back out… otherwise whatshesaid would have no more caramel teas coming to her


M, it IS!!! I have only half a cups worth left or else I’d send you the rest to try :)

Sil, good point heh. In Sil we trust!


Annnnnnddddd.. now I need this. Yum! :)


Welcome to the club Nightshifter :P


Oh, Fjellrev! You can have some if you send me your address. :D


Where can it be purchased in the US? I’m only finding UK so far. Also how does it compare to GO? Sorry for the early AM questions. :P


whatshesaid loves caramel teas :)



nightshifter…no idea…this was a present from a friend travelling abroad :(


hehe meeeee toooo whatshesaid :P


Yep, I grabbed this in London at the most amazing location… You’re all going to start hating me for sharing tea that you can’t easily get in North America. I’m positive though that Whittard ships ask over the world, they’re just really pricey,even prior to shipping.

So glad you liked this! You got a ton more out of it than I did… Now I’ll have to try it as a latte.


No H8 MissB! Maybe a little jealousy though ;)
Did you have it with milk? I found it loads better that way


sounds tasty! :D


Kirk, it really is!!

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35 tasting notes

Tasty, warm, delicious, sweet, nutty….just like it’s billed. Vanilla, Shortbread, and Black Tea.

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15588 tasting notes

I participated in the Hepatite swap this past month and yesterday i received my tea from my swap buddy. I’m not sure whether i’m more excited about getting my teas, or the thought of my swap buddy getting my teas. Heh…not that i want to spoil anything, but those of you who have um gotten tea from me, know a little of what she’s in store for hahaha.

Sami Kelsh sent this one my way and that’s awesome because it was on my wishlist of things to try someday! Mostly because of her review haha. this is delicious…delicious and creamy and man i would pick this one up again! The vanilla is there but there is also a cookie like quality to this that is so very tasty. Thank you so much Sami!


I feel a little sorry for your swap buddy’s cupboard. Just a little. ;)

Sami Kelsh

Yay, cookie goodness! Oh, I hoped you’d like this one! So glad your teas arrived safely :3

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313 tasting notes

Good morning is good!

Started the day with a healthy breakfast of strawberries and whipped cream – hey, it was the light cream, and mostly it was strawberries! And it’s the weekend, dammit.

And then there’s this tea, another silly impulse purchase to celebrate job interview. I’ve been wanting to try something biscuitty for a while now, and when the shop assistant took the jar of this off the shelf for me to smell, I was sold. Smells just like sticking your nose in a packet of those wonderful crumbly, buttery vanilla biscuits. Yes. GET IN.

So I brewed it up this morning, and as they usually do, the scent diminished a bit while brewing and tea smell insinuated its way in, but it’s a tea, so I’m certainly not complaining. The flavour starts with a heady wave of creamy vanilla, with a sweet, nutty-buttery biscuit finish. Not nutty like you’d find in a nut-flavoured tea, but that sort of subtle toasty nuttiness you get from the slightly browned butter and flour in a biscuit. It’s got a hint of sweetness on its own, so doesn’t need fixins if you prefer your teas unadorned, but holds up beautifully under a spoonful of sugar and a splash of milk, making it just that little bit more indulgent.

And it’s still a damn sight better for me than, say, hoovering a packet of Viennese whirls.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

oh man that sounds good..

Sami Kelsh

It is genuinely GORGEOUS.

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