Autumn Jade Tieguanyin

Tea type
Oolong Tea
Oolong Tea Leaves
Floral, Sweet, Thick, Creamy, Flowers, Honeysuckle, Butter, Grass, Honey Dew, Pear, Spinach, Cantaloupe, Citrus, Cream, Cucumber, Cut Grass, Fruit Tree Flowers, Gardenias, Nectar, Melon, Milk, Green, Perfume, Smooth, Orchid
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Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by Whispering Pines Tea Company
Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 1 min, 0 sec 3 g 3 oz / 86 ml

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14 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I’ve been drinking a lot of tea and working on my sipdowns – but not recording anything. My final notes on this tea are: floral, sweet? thicker as it cools, floral aftertaste. This tea was...” Read full tasting note
  • “First steep at 190 F with 1 tsp of leaves for ~2 min. The dry leaves smell strongly of lilac, as if you’d buried your head in a lilac bush in the middle of a springtime garden. After steeping, they...” Read full tasting note
  • “My tea experience began in with a Jasmine Iron Goddess from a wonderful San Francisco tea shop last December. I am so thankful I wondered into the shop on an afternoon away from my meeting. The...” Read full tasting note
  • “Immorally floral! Honeysuckle, gardenia and orchid with a buttery, creamy mouth feel balanced by fresh green watercress and butter lettuce.” Read full tasting note

From Whispering Pines Tea Company

Tieguanyin (TGY) is one of the most famous teas in the world. Coming from Anxi, China, TGY is known for its beautiful floral notes and intoxicating aroma. I searched high and low for a TGY that would be the purest representation of the expert hand-processing that has become far too rare in modern tea production, and I am proud to say that I found it! The cost is extremely high, but I’m offering this tea with barely any markup so that you can experience the purest and most decadent example of Anxi Tieguanyin that I’ve had the pleasure to drink!

Autumn Jade Tieguanyin is absolutely stunning to look at. The greenest of greens, an almost emerald-like shine to the dry leaf, this oolong is beautiful! I’ve learned though that you can’t always judge a tea by its visual appearance, but in this case, the beauty of the leaf translates straight into the flavor! Opening up with thick, luscious lilac notes, floating through a buttery body, Autumn Jade TGY is pure nectar! Mid-sip presents a light pine note, a hint of pear, and a creamy mouthfeel. The finish hints at nutmeg and honeysuckle nectar, leaving you with a cooling sensation from your throat to your lips. That sweet finish lingers for literally hours after the last sip.

I am very proud to have sourced this stunning tea and hope that you get the chance to enjoy it as well!

About Whispering Pines Tea Company View company

Whispering Pines Tea Company is dedicated to bringing you the most original, pure, beautiful tea blends. We use only the highest quality ingredients available to create additive-free teas teas inspired by the pristine wilderness of Northern Michigan. Our main focus is on customer satisfaction and quality.

14 Tasting Notes

538 tasting notes

I’ve been drinking a lot of tea and working on my sipdowns – but not recording anything.

My final notes on this tea are: floral, sweet? thicker as it cools, floral aftertaste. This tea was thick.

Other teas I’ve sipped down recently are: 2016 Yushan High Mountain – Beautiful Taiwan Tea, auburn black second flush – white2tea, DaYuLong 2016 spring – floating leaves, Yunnan jingmai unroasted oolong – what-cha, yunnan golden buds black tea – what-cha.

Flavors: Floral, Sweet, Thick

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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19 tasting notes

First steep at 190 F with 1 tsp of leaves for ~2 min. The dry leaves smell strongly of lilac, as if you’d buried your head in a lilac bush in the middle of a springtime garden. After steeping, they remain half-opened, again the strong scent of lilac. The brew is the palest shade of jade and the scent is lightly floral. The floral taste comes mostly in the aftertaste to me. There is no hint of bitterness at all, although the taste is so light I think perhaps I didn’t steep it long enough or use enough leaves.

Second steep of ~3 min. Leaves have opened more fully, showing off their beautiful vibrant green color. They look mostly complete, with very little broken leaves and some missing just a bit around the edges. The color of the brew is a darker shade of jade now, although the taste remains light. Still not as much floral or creaminess as I was hoping.

Third steep of ~4 min. Leaves look as if they are fully opened, although I no longer smell the lilacs from them. The shade of the brew is perhaps a touch lighter than the second brew, and less aromatic too. It does taste creamier though than the previous two brews, although less floral as well.

Flavors: Creamy, Floral, Flowers, Honeysuckle, Sweet

190 °F / 87 °C 2 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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10 tasting notes

My tea experience began in with a Jasmine Iron Goddess from a wonderful San Francisco tea shop last December. I am so thankful I wondered into the shop on an afternoon away from my meeting. The tea was really good, but I wanted to taste it without the Jasmine. After sipping several wonderful teas from Whispering Pines I decided to purchase a teiguanyin from him. Boy, am I happy I did! A sip of this liquor is like spring becomes alive in your mouth. What a beautiful tea. I got two vacuum packages and think I too will squirrel the second package away.

Flavors: Butter, Floral, Grass, Honey Dew

195 °F / 90 °C 0 min, 45 sec 1 tsp 3 OZ / 100 ML

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27 tasting notes

Immorally floral! Honeysuckle, gardenia and orchid with a buttery, creamy mouth feel balanced by fresh green watercress and butter lettuce.

195 °F / 90 °C

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338 tasting notes
still had some of this left, & what with Autumn harvest coming up I thought I should finish it & get some fresh, half expecting the flavour to have gone out of the bag.

Well boy, was I wrong about that. it still tastes like its trying to take the crown for the most floral TGY on the planet.

I personally love floral Oolong. I love that they taste of nature, flowers, or of flavours I have never experienced before, & I love how they steep for ages & even when the taste goes, the aroma is still there.

I’m at about steep 6-7 & i will go some more.

Its not the creamiest ive had, nor is it the most natural tasting (but those can often be a little more vegetal, at least for me), but for mega super floral aroma it is way up there.. its so perfumed you’d be forgiven for thinking its a Lilac-flavoured Oolong. Also hints of sweet pear in there but the flower does seriously overpower these, you really have to search for them.

Also the liquor is almost hard like UK water. I’m used to hard water, & while some teas seem to soften that aspect, this one seems to be accentuated by it, which is quite interesting. I’ve got no idea how that translates to other water types.

at about steep 10 the leaf finally begins to smell like steamed spinach & the liquor loses the fragrance, but that is pretty good going imo :)

I liked it, another that can be used in the arsenal of teas to convert non-believers.

So glad to see whispering pines getting back on their feet after that flood!

Flavors: Floral, Flowers, Pear, Spinach, Sweet

195 °F / 90 °C 0 min, 15 sec

My experience was similar to yours. The florals in this tea were too intense for me. I imagine this tea is what an actual orchid flower would taste like.


Yes! I’m going to try brewing with 2/3 Next & see how that goes

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31 tasting notes

This tea is such a flowery tea it’s like a garden in your cup. it’s total Spring or Summer. The leaves are huge unfurled and so vibrant. I’m sad it’s out of stock so I’m hording the last of mine.

Flavors: Cantaloupe, Citrus, Cream, Cucumber, Cut Grass, Floral, Flowers, Fruit Tree Flowers, Gardenias, Honeysuckle, Nectar

190 °F / 87 °C 0 min, 45 sec 2 g 2 OZ / 60 ML

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513 tasting notes

When brendon said this tea was vacuum sealed, he wasn’t kidding. I had to pry the package apart and my efforts only became more savage when the package wouldn’t open. With a combination of teeth and some grunting, I broke into it.

And. Honestly? I don’t even care how this tea tastes. The smell alone is worth buying it again and again. It’s literally like being in a wind-swept garden just overflowing with lilac bushes. I told brendon I wanted as floral a tea as possible, and his words were “my TGY tastes like a thick lilac soup” and I cannot tell you how spot on he was. I fell in love with tea all over again this afternoon, guys. And isn’t falling in love the best part?

It really does taste like a thick, creamy lilac garden, complete with a hint of fresh air if that’s even possible. Brendon, please say there’s more of this. I added a bit of rock sugar to amp up the florals and it was perfect.

I drank this tea while listening to a podcast that I’ve subscribed to for years now (dan savage’s lovecast). A girl had called in, and was crying. A few months ago, she’d told her parents that she was a lesbian, and they’ve since stopped talking to her except to share literature with her about how people have been cured of their homosexuality. Her desperation and heartbreak was so palpable, and I cried with her. Regardless of how well-intended people can be, it’s so devastating to think that some people would actually rather die than be who they are. I don’t think there is ever an excuse to isolate your children, even if you whole-heartedly believe they are sinning. I have been extremely lucky in my life: I’ve made life choices that I imagine my parents would rather I’d not made, but they loved me so much more than they disliked anything I did, and because of that, were always a soft place for me to land. I just wish that were the case for everyone.

Anyway, enough of that. everyone who loves drinking flowers should get this tea. And everyone who doesn’t love drinking flowers should start thinking about loving drinking flowers! I would rate this tea in the high 90s if the rating scale were accessible, but alas it still isn’t. But there you have it!

0 OZ / 0 ML

nonononononono flowers! :) glad you found one you love though!


That sounds delightful! I really enjoy floral teas.


I don’t think I’d like the taste but the scent sounds delightful!


Doh! I couldn’t decide between this tea and Wild Crafted DHP. Since it is fall I went with DHP. Maybe another WP order in my future? I read creamy and lilac and melt a little.


Ahhhh yes floral amazingness! I will probably be getting more, myself!


and TeaTiff, I tend to mostly prefer floral oolongs to roasty ones (so far at least) so the decision was easy for me…but nom omg nom nom.


Yeah, this is what I love about TGY. Sil and Dexter always send me the sample packets they get in orders, and I LOVE them although they’d probably be hard to track down more of.


A good flower tea these days is always hard to find!

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676 tasting notes

So this tea is quite different than what I expected. I’ve been spoiled by Verdant’s excellent tie guan yin this spring and was eagerly awaiting the autumn harvest. It’s remarkable how the flavor profile of some teas can vary from one tea garden to another. I was expecting some sweet nectar and floral goodness, but this tea is predominantly milky both in flavor and smell. It tastes like a very strong flavored jin xuan. There isn’t much complexity to it beyond the milk and cream flavor, which is quite intense and the aftertaste lingers in your mouth for a while. I couldn’t take more than a few sips of this tea because I started feeling queasy. I tried steeping it gongfu and western style, but couldn’t avoid the nauseous feeling from the overpowering creaminess. Unfortunately this was not a tea that suited me which is too bad because I can tell from the freshness and bright green leaves that it’s high quality.

Flavors: Cream, Melon, Milk

190 °F / 87 °C 0 min, 15 sec 4 g 4 OZ / 118 ML

Such a pity that the creamy deliciousness of this oolong makes you nauseous! :(


Wish my stomach could handle some of these heavy cream-like teas. I did like WP’s Golden Lilly oolong though, lightly milky and tropical


Oh my, that sounds lovely too! :)


Interesting, reading your note, I couldn’t help wondering if you might have gotten the autumn JadeTGY and Golden Liky packages mixed up. The reason being that I have had both and find the TGY super floral, and the Golden Lily super creamy as it is supposed to be since it’s milk oolong.


I suspected a mix up too because I expected it to be floral but it looks exactly like the pictures on the WP site. The Golden Lily is indeed creamy, though not overly so like this one

Whispering Pines Tea Company

Hmm…interesting. I’d say give it another shot sometime before sending it off to a new home. I actually have a customer that gets sick with any hint of creamy or buttery in an oolong and they are in love with this tea. Who knows…that’s always an interesting thing to me how tea can be experienced totally differently between multiple people. But getting any hint of cream in this TGY is a totally new one to me. Definitely give it one more try if you don’t mind :)


Brendan, I will try experimenting with shorter steep times and underleafing. I’m hoping it’s just me me not having found the tea’s sweet spot yet :-)

Whispering Pines Tea Company

I hope so too! I’d love for you to experience the floral explosion that others get with this! Good luck! :-)

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155 tasting notes

This is so fresh and floral. It just tastes pure like you are drinking in clean loveliness. It is a cup of flowers with a bright green taste and an underlying bit of lychee in the very back of the sip. The leaves are gorgeous, glowing green. This is the Autumn 2015 harvest and my very favorite so far. Love this.

Flavors: Flowers, Green

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199 tasting notes

Nice bright green leaf color and a wonderful oolong taste. Just a little too floral for me. Floral taste is orchid/hibiscus to me. I may have oversteeped it since I didn’t realize it was going to be floral. I probably would have had better results cutting 30 seconds off of the steep time.


Floral mmmm

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