Lavender Earl Grey Organic (TE12)

Tea type
Black Herbal Blend
Black Tea, Lavender Flowers, Natural Flavours
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf
Edit tea info Last updated by Oolonga
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 45 sec 224 oz / 6618 ml

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From Upton Tea Imports

Starting with a premium Earl Grey, we’ve added the essence of lavender, which blends harmoniously with the traditional Bergamot scenting. Lavender blossoms lend a visual appeal to this pleasing selection. Depending on availability, the base of this tea is either an OP or FBOP Ceylon.

Origin: Germany

Steeping Suggestions:
Leaf Quantity: 2¼ g/cup
Water Temp: 212° (boiling)
Steep Time: 4 min.

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19 Tasting Notes

6768 tasting notes

Just finished a cup of this as well as a SIPDOWN. Good while it lasted…see other notes…

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2037 tasting notes

Updated to add the number of this tea in Upton’s catalog as I was confused initially. In the Upton Earl Grey sampler it is named “Organic Earl Grey Lavender” but it has the same catalog number as Lavender Earl Grey (which also has a mark showing it is organic). So mystery solved, at least to my satisfaction.

This blend smells great dry. I love the smell of lavender, and that is the main thing I smell. It’s a deep, full lavender smell, which may be somewhat intensified by citrus. But I don’t smell bergamot here, or tea, really, for that matter. The addition of water tones down the lavender in the aroma, and seems to bring out a mild citrus note and a sweet black tea one.

The flavor is very nice, not too strong on the bergamot (which is how I like it) and the lavender is nicely balanced. The tea base is mild and unobtrusive.

It’s something I’d definitely drink again, though given the choice of a single Lavender Earl Grey, I’d pick the Samovar. The main reason is the tea base. The Samovar’s is delicious with a lot of character and depth. It’s far more present, but not in a distracting way; the lavender and bergamot are still clearly there. The Samovar is built more like a three-legged stool, where each of the three main components is equally important to the flavor. In the Upton the tea plays more of a foundation role, and the stars are two non-tea flavorings.

I just noticed that this was labeled no. 2 in the Upton Earl Grey sampler. Eeek, I’d better backtrack and taste no. 1!

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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911 tasting notes

Apparently, I am not done with caffeine today! (Thankfully the fine tremors from earlier teas have stopped.) At the husband’s request, I’ve made one of the new EGs for us to try out. He’s had a tough day, he deserves some happy tea.

The dry leaf smells very whoosh menthol of lavender. My sinuses are a little stuffy but this stuff has got to help that.

I’m going to attempt to go additive-less on this one (because the last thing I need is caffeine and sugar). The liquid smells both bergamot-y and lightly menthol-lavender… which oddly combines in my nose to make me think of the smell of fake crab, but maybe sweeter?

The taste, thankfully, doesn’t remind me of fake crab. It seems to be evenly bergamot and lavender – if one pushes forward more I can’t tell which one it is – but the aftertaste is more lavender. There’s not a whole lot of tea base taste here – it’s fairly mild – but it’s also smooth and the overall feeling and taste is very easy so I’m okay with that. There’s no real astringency or bitterness, even after a 4minute steep, so I don’t feel like it needs additives at all.

Probably not the smartest move, having a caffeinated tea at 10pm, but hopefully it will work out just fine as this tea is fairly smooth and relaxing, not bold and energetic. I find it nicely enjoyable.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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4843 tasting notes

I got this as a sample some time ago, but haven’t tried it until today.

The aroma is very lavender, but, I like how the bergamot comes through. It has a really pleasing fragrance – more enjoyable to me than lavender or bergamot would be on their own.

The flavor is very nice. The bergamot and lavender are paired nicely here. Sweet, floral, sharp, citrusy… very nice!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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169 tasting notes

The last week has not been stress free by any means.
So, when I got up this morning, I remembered this tea from my Upton order.
I have tried a lavender earl in the past (by Revolution Tea) and liked it.
But, when I opened the little sample tin of this, I grew frightened.
I like lavender, don’t get me wrong, but that was all I could smell.
I cried out “Earl, honey? You even in there”
No response, so I poured over the hot water and waited…the lavender is not nearly as strong(thank goodness) as the dry leaf.
It mellowed out some and I can smell the bergamot.
Lavender does hit your tongue first.
The bergamot takes the back seat in this brew, but is still there.
You have to like lavender to like this tea.
Right now, it is hitting the spot for me though.
I can feel the tension leaving my temples.
This tea would be lovely for a afternoon tea break at work.
Come at me, world. I am ready.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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60 tasting notes

When I opened this bag, the aroma that hit me was intense lavender. It was very perfume-like which might concern some, but I wasn’t all that bothered by it. Perfume-y is better than medicinal haha.

The tea once it steeped was a deep amber color & the overly perfume-y aroma had lightened to a nice black tea aroma with whisps of lavender and bergamot. For the intense lavender smell in the bag, this tea was really not heavy on the lavender at all. It came across as a lightly bergamot scented black tea with a delicate lavender flavor, rather than the uber lavender tea you’d expect after sniffing the bag. Not bad at all. I am getting some (slightly unpleasant) bitterness towards the end of each sip, I think next time I make this tea I will brew it for a shorter time than recommended on the bag.

Though I tend to prefer my Lavender EG teas to be a little heavier on the lavender, I enjoy this one quite a bit :)

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec
Sandy Stith

Really glad you enjoyed this! I hate to recommend tea then have someone say they hated it. =)

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56 tasting notes

Why I would drink a cup of heavily caffeinated, super perfume-y Earl Grey at 10pm is a mystery. Perhaps it was because I spent the afternoon with a friend in her garden that has some new lavender growing. Perhaps it was because I’m obviously nuts to drink something like this late at night. I really don’t know.

That said, this is delicious. Some reviewers have mentioned it reminds them of drinking perfume. Ok. I get that. The lavender and bergamot both come on like gang-busters.

I cook with lavender (Herbes de Provence) on a regular basis. I like lavender in my food. If you don’t, seriously, don’t drink this.

This tea is meant to be drunk in the garden. It would likely be lovely with a splash of cream, if you’re into that kind of thing.

If you want a full throttle Earl Grey that isn’t shy on the lavender, this is it. This is another one I could bathe in. For now, I’ll stick to drinking it. Yum.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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196 tasting notes

This is such a pleasant tea. Not perfumey, more of an herbal, almost minty. A good tea base with just enough of it’s flavors and oils. A good balance.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec

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100 tasting notes

With milk and sugar. I can taste the lavender mainly in the aftertaste. It’s got some bitter endnotes which I assume is the lavender. A bit sharp. The bitter taste makes it not as pleasing. Dry aftertaste, lack of aftertaste… disappointing because the lavender with it smells good. After tasting some of the wife’s, I think it is better without additives.

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382 tasting notes

Ok, so I thought I’d try this again since I couldn’t taste anything the first time I tried it, and also tried a longer steeping time, just in case that would help.
HO-LEE SHAZBOT. I don’t know if all the lavender fell to the bottom of the pouch, if I really WAS that congested, if I let it steep to long or what, but WOAH – the lavender is overpowering this time. It gives the tea at once a perfumed and peppery taste. Looking at the leaves, there DOES seem to be quite a bit in there, so perhaps it got clumped up. Looks like this is gonna need a third tasting.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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