Honeydew Melon

Tea type
Fruit White Blend
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Honeydew, Sweet, Cucumber
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Average preparation
180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec 6 oz / 177 ml

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From The Republic of Tea

Sweet Yet Sophisticated. The refreshing flavor of melon lends itself to the soft, sweet notes of this rare White Tea. Also makes a unique and exhilarating tea.

Not all White Teas are created equal! The Republic of Tea has procured this season’s harvest to offer 100% White Tea in our signature round, unbleached tea bags. No other variety of tea or leaves are included. Once reserved for the cups of emperors and nobility we are honored to offer youRead more

About The Republic of Tea View company

The Republic of Tea is a progressive and socially conscious business recognized for being the leading purveyor of more than 200 premium teas and herbs, ready-to-drink iced teas and more. Founded in 1992, The Republic of TeaRead more

16 Tasting Notes

158 tasting notes

This is nice! Heated water to 175 degrees in my Breville and steeped for 40 seconds in my awesome new glasses – http://tinyurl.com/3w6hggp SO pretty! Bought them on sale at Amazon.
Thank you Erin!!

175 °F / 79 °C 0 min, 30 sec
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ashmanra 14 years ago

Love the glasses!

Ashley Bain 14 years ago

they’re pieces of art! mouth-blown glass. so neat.

Ashley Bain 14 years ago

(Just search “bodum glasses” on Amazon.) I want to buy the whole line.

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135 tasting notes

Busiest work night of my life. At one point, it felt like someone had removed my brain, and replaced it with bees. A lot of bees.

So after all of that silly awful business, I went to Whole Foods to grab a new tea. I love the melon candies I get at the Asian supermarkets, so I figured this would be rad. Was I right? Totally! This is yumziez.

First cup was pure. No sugar/cream. So clean tasting! I then went to brew a whole pot with a tiny bit of sugar. Beautiful flavor. It tastes really fresh. The taste lingers too, which is nice!

190 °F / 87 °C 1 min, 15 sec
Jenn 14 years ago

Your review makes me want to try this tea, but alas I broke up with The Republic of Tea last week. It does sound pretty yumziez though…

Erin Hurley 14 years ago

This is actually my FIRST tea from TRoT… (omg it spells trot!)

I’m waking up and drinkin a cold cup. It tastes exactly like the melon candy at my nail salon. Om nommerz!

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15 tasting notes

4 minutes is a little long for a white tea. This gives it a bit more flavour without compromising the delicate nature of this fragrant white.

180 °F / 82 °C 4 min, 0 sec
Cofftea 15 years ago

lol I agree, but you should check out Adagio’s suggested steeping times. But then again I also think 180 can be a little hot for whites as well. But then again whatever floats the leaf in your tea cup:)

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74 tasting notes

Tastes like a dream of dancing unicorns and gumdrop houses. This stuff is friggin’ gloooorrrriioooouuuusssssss.

I could drink this 100 TIMES PER DAY.
I probably shouldn’t. But I could.

175 °F / 79 °C 1 min, 0 sec
EmyPouliche 13 years ago

Dancing unicorn.. I wish I could try this one ;)!

Mike Jutan 13 years ago

Haha, thanks Emy! Yes this is very good!! I love this brand – especially their flavoured white tea. Please give some love to Canada for me, I’m originally from London Ontario :)

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516 tasting notes

Erin! Wow! Thank you for sending this to me, I can’t believe I haven’t logged it yet. It’s so perfectly melon. SO fresh and full of flavour!
I need to stock up on this.

It calms me down, it settles my tummy, it tastes delicious and it’s an our of this world awesome bagged white tea. THANK YOU!

mmmore tasting notes to come, I’m sure.

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726 tasting notes

I wanna say I got this from TeaNTees?? I usually write who I got the tea from on the bag but it’s upstairs and I’m lazy hahah

But this is a nice cuppa! It smells exactly like it tastes (I think that’s a plus to tea bags). I’m bias with tea and very rarely do I drink bagged tea, but this one is actually pretty good! You do get some on the melon flavour, but it’s definitely not a delicate white tea. There’s a bit of weight to it. I know I know, I’m probably just prejiduce against bagged teas, but I think it’s because it’s just hard for bagged tea to develop a lighter flavour.

But still, a pretty good tea! If I were to go out and buy a bagged tea, I might reach for this one :)

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484 tasting notes


Another tea I picked up in the Overboard TTB. I will miss it. It was delicious, especially after I figured out how to brew it properly. Sweet, light, refreshing melon flavor. I tried it cold brewed with the White Guava I also got, but that turned out kind of bitter. I think it would make a terrific iced tea if I could get it right, though. I’ll definitely be getting more of this eventually.

Flavors: Honeydew, Sweet

8 min or more 1 tsp 6 OZ / 177 ML

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199 tasting notes

I’m so glad I grabbed this from Ost when she was selling it because it has definitely found my favor more than it did hers! Perhaps this is because I have yet to try Lupicia’s famed Golden Honey Dew. For now, I am quite happy with this. I had it hot and probably would continue to have it hot. It reminded me of this wedding I went to in San Francisco. They had their reception at an Asian restaurant that served tempura-fried honeydew pieces. Oh man. That was one of the most amazing things I’ve ever eaten, and yet I’ve never again seen it on any menu anywhere. Someone needs to get on that! Anyway, because this tea reminds me of that, I will greatly enjoy drinking each and every bag I can!

Flavors: Honeydew

Ost 10 years ago

Glad you liked it!!

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737 tasting notes

Honeydew Melon. Sounds amazing, huh?
That’s what I thought too. xD
So, I doubt any of you guys smoke Hookah ever, but there is this flavor by a company called Haze, and it’s called “Cucumberita”. My bro used to be obsessed with it. We used to smoke it all the time back in the day. Cucumberita tastes like cucumber water mainly.
And you know what? This tea totally tastes like Cucumberita. It’s so weird.
It’s like having that hookah flavor in liquid form. Not sure how I feel about this one. :O It isn’t too strong of a tea, which Is also disappointing for me. But…at least I tried. And I can always give it away/sell it if I decide it’s not for me.
I think that Lupicia’s melon/honeydew teas still stand as the best.

Flavors: Cucumber

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The Cookie Lady 10 years ago

This one has been on my RoT wishlist since I first tried their teas!

Anlina 10 years ago

This sounds pretty amazing.

I haven’t smoked hookah in ages, but I really enjoy it. It’s one of the only things I can smoke without it feeling far too harsh on my throat and lungs.

Ost 10 years ago

The Cookie Lady, I can definitely send you some if you want (:
Same with you, Anlina. Just hit me up!

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14 tasting notes

I loved this tea. Sweet smelling and tasting. I’ve only had it hot and should definitely try it iced.

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