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Herbal Tea
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165 °F / 73 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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8 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Still pretty good! Still rather shocked because of the ingredients as I don’t generally go for half of the items in there! Slightly juicing, chamomile, herbal, floral, citrus. Interesting.” Read full tasting note
  • “thanks TeaEqualsBliss for including this one in the trade! What the… I’m looking at this list of ingredients and the only one I’m tasting is chamomile. My nose is a bit stuffy right now, I...” Read full tasting note
  • “This is surprisingly tasty. I didn’t think I’d like it as I’m not a big fan of chamomile, I don’t generally favor ginseng, and herbal teas just aren’t really my favorite. But this is quite tasty....” Read full tasting note
  • “Loose Appearance: balanced yellow red blend of florals Aroma when Dry: bright ginseng, camomile floral After water is first poured: sweet spicy tart, ginseng, hints of rosehip and ginger At end of...” Read full tasting note

From The Persimmon Tree Tea Company

A beautiful blend of ginger, ginseng, chamomile, rose hips, orange peel and mint that soothes with every sip.

About The Persimmon Tree Tea Company View company

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8 Tasting Notes

6768 tasting notes

Still pretty good! Still rather shocked because of the ingredients as I don’t generally go for half of the items in there! Slightly juicing, chamomile, herbal, floral, citrus. Interesting.

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4336 tasting notes

thanks TeaEqualsBliss for including this one in the trade! What the… I’m looking at this list of ingredients and the only one I’m tasting is chamomile. My nose is a bit stuffy right now, I guess. This tea does leave my tongue tangy and sore, don’t know why. And there is a very silky quality to the tea. I’m surprised I can’t find the ginger or the peppermint. Isn’t ginseng supposed to energize? But then the chamomile is making me fall asleep. Really weird.

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4843 tasting notes

This is surprisingly tasty. I didn’t think I’d like it as I’m not a big fan of chamomile, I don’t generally favor ginseng, and herbal teas just aren’t really my favorite. But this is quite tasty. Everything is nicely balanced… not too peppery or spicy from the ginger, barely any ginseng flavor to speak of, the chamomile and peppermint are but a touch, and there is a lovely citrus-y tone in the background. I could easily drink this on a daily basis. Definitely one of the better herbals I’ve tasted.

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189 tasting notes

Appearance: balanced yellow red blend of florals
Aroma when Dry: bright ginseng, camomile floral
After water is first poured: sweet spicy tart, ginseng, hints of rosehip and ginger
At end of first steep: ginseng, hints of ginger
Tea liquor:
At end of steep: clear
Staple? Possible, medicinally
Preferred time of day: as needed medicinally
At first?: smooth tart ginseng notes, velvety mineral notes. Hints of rosehip on close
As it cools?: ginseng notes expand, deepen tea gets bodied
Additives used (milk, honey, sugar etc)? No
Lingers? Slightly, ginseng and light rosehip notes

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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1271 tasting notes

Sample, thanks to Kasumi no Chajin! TY!

Soo thirsty, but I got really distracted watching korean dramas and browsing red bean pancake recipes. Decided to give this sample a go – Iced because I wanted something.. iced. So, I steeped this over ice and orange slices. No sugar.

Pretty good flavor. It’s tangy and tart with some mellow chamomile. I don’t pick up the mint, but bit of a herb taste. Probably my orange slice is messing with flavor a bit, but is a good, unsweetened iced tea. I don’t think i’d order this, but hey – was good to try!


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128 tasting notes

Water: 8oz

Leaves: ginger, ginseng, chamomile mixture of other ingredients

Steep: 5m

Aroma: Chamomile & Citrus

Color: Dark Yellow

Taste: This tea at first I found it bland, but with a few more sips the flavor began to come through. I noticed more of the Chamomile & hint of Citrus favor more so than the ginger & ginseng despite that being the name of the tea.

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23 tasting notes

This is a great herbal tea. I’ve had it two nights in a row, and now my sample is depleted. Time to order more! Enough about that, though.

I’m always on the hunt for a soothing nighttime tea with an interesting twist. This one fits the bill. It calms me after a hectic day and soothes my stomach. It’s a mild tea with subtle notes of ginger and chamomile…and something else. I imagine I’m tasting the ginseng, but I’m not sure what ginseng is supposed to taste like. Oh well. It’s a pleasant taste, and that’s all that matters.

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