Waterlilies Fruit Tea

Tea type
Fruit Tea
Apple, Hibiscus Petals, Orange Peel, Pineapple Pieces, Rose Hips
Citrus, Fruit Punch, Hibiscus, Pineapple, Sweet, Tangy, Tart
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Caffeine Free
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by TeaVivre
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 7 min, 0 sec 10 g 20 oz / 598 ml

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  • “Another sample from Momo, thanks! I was a bit wary of this one because of the roselle/hibiscus, but was curious anyhow. I kept the infusion time a bit shorter than recommended though, as I’d like...” Read full tasting note
  • “So as I suspected, this is a brilliant cold brewed tea! Where it’s a nice tangy hot tea, it’s a fantastic cold tea! Tethered a nice berry taste, there’s a bit of tang and the colour is wonderful :)...” Read full tasting note
  • “this blend smells just like Pineapple Kona Pop from Teavana, which I enjoy… even though it’s not anything like tea. It’s pretty much juice, delicious tart juice. Except less calories! However, PKP...” Read full tasting note
  • “Tea sample provided by Teavivre for review This is a follow up to the last tasting note I made for Waterlilies Fruit “Tea”. The first time I made this I found it way too sour for my tastes but...” Read full tasting note

From Teavivre

Origin: Xuzhou, Jiangsu, China

Ingredients: Roselle, Rose hip, Apple, Orange Peel, Pineapple Pieces

Taste: A great, refreshing pineapple flavor

Brew: 3-4 teaspoons for 8oz of water. Brew at 212 ºF (100 ºC) for 8 to 9 minutes

TeaVivre’s Fruit Tea’s make great, low calorie, caffeine-free, refreshing drinks for anytime of the day. Made only from carefully matched flower petals, dried fruit and berries, they all have high levels of vitamins and minerals and – most importantly – taste and smell great! They are all fantastic to drink either hot or iced.

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40 Tasting Notes

6119 tasting notes

Another sample from Momo, thanks!

I was a bit wary of this one because of the roselle/hibiscus, but was curious anyhow. I kept the infusion time a bit shorter than recommended though, as I’d like to be able to drink this, not have to pour it down the sink!

The aroma is fairly generic fruity… oh damn, hazards of tea near computer… just spilled on my keyboard. No major crisis though…

Anyhow, flavourwise, this one is definitely quite tart! However, it’s a pleasant sort of tart even though I know it’s from hibiscus, and I’m actually enjoying it! I wonder if the pineapple is taming the hibiscus somehow (although I have also read that roselle is not quite as…. potent? as “regular” hibiscus.

Either way, I agree with Missy that this is rather like a fruit punch, although tart, so I imagine it would be delicious iced! Always love when the tartness of hibiscus is actually used effectively!

ETA: Second infusion is… pineapply-tart? Odd. Probably would be good sweetened. I don’t think this has another infusion in it, but it is a herbal after all.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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15588 tasting notes

So as I suspected, this is a brilliant cold brewed tea! Where it’s a nice tangy hot tea, it’s a fantastic cold tea! Tethered a nice berry taste, there’s a bit of tang and the colour is wonderful :) I don’t drink a lot of cold tea in winter but this is likely something to go on my shopping list for summer! Thanks azzrian

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470 tasting notes

this blend smells just like Pineapple Kona Pop from Teavana, which I enjoy… even though it’s not anything like tea. It’s pretty much juice, delicious tart juice. Except less calories!

However, PKP is a little sour for me most days, so I was a bit worried about getting this. But with samples so cheap, how could I resist? After all, I love pineapple.

This blend is surprisingly light looking, not that ominous red you can get from hibiscus. But roselle is a bit different, right? Less tart, I think. And indeed, this doesn’t brew up very sour—it’s light and fruity, almost airy. It’s not packed full of flavor, but it’s a nice tropical drink.


Oh my gosh, yes, you’ve captured that exactly: so often I drink herbal infusions/tistanes/‘teas’ and I’m like, warm juice, yay, but it is a whole ’nother thing from tea…!


Yeah they often remind me of fruit punch or koolaid!

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326 tasting notes

Tea sample provided by Teavivre for review

This is a follow up to the last tasting note I made for Waterlilies Fruit “Tea”. The first time I made this I found it way too sour for my tastes but vowed to sweeten it someday. Well that someday is now!

How I prepared it: 4tsp of fruit, 500ml of boiling water, and 1 1/2 tsp of sugar syrup (see google for an easy recipe).

Just the addition of sugar syrup helps tremendously. It’s still tart but in a good way, it’s still here and it adds a nice mouth watering sensation.

Up’d rating because the sugar helped even out the overwhelming tart flavour.

Boiling 8 min or more

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863 tasting notes

(This very generous sample was provided courtesy of Angel Chen at Teavivre. Thank you so much, Angel!)

It was actually kind of hard to put this tisane (7 tsp.-ish of it for 2 cups water) into the steeping basket of my Breville because it smelled and looked so tasty (kind of like trail mix) that I wanted to eat it rather than wait for it to be infused.

When this brews up, it is easily the bright red color of fruit punch. The scent of the steeped tea is heavy on the pineapple to me – it manages to smell both sweet and tart together. The first taste of it is very true to smell – I get the sweetness of pineapple at first and that leads into a very tart hibiscus that dominates the rest of the sip. It is so juicy! At first I thought it was too tart – but even thinking that, I managed to go through about half the mug unsweetened.

I did finally add a little bit of sweetener to it (much less than I normally add to that amount of tea) and the result was a perfectly balanced juicy beverage that, while good hot, will be absolutely amazing iced. The second of the two cups I made hot is currently cooling off to be tried iced to affirm this, and when it does I will likely bump this up a few more points.

Boiling 8 min or more

you’re welcome, I am so glad that you like it! thanks for your review on that tea^^

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212 tasting notes

This is a pretty good tisane. The rosehips add tart to balance the sweeter fruit out. I definitely get apple and pineapple but the rest is hard for me to discern. It’s kind of like a fruit punch. This would probably be totally awesome iced.

Boiling 8 min or more

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1184 tasting notes

I was very curious about this tea because pineapple is one of my favourite fruits. So I ordered a sample!
I used the whole package, so I guess 4 tsp.
Once brewed, this is super strong and it is really weird drinking this hot. Resteep at 10 minutes.
I chilled both steeps together overnight.
Chilled, this tea is much improved. It tastes like tart pineapple fruit punch. I added a tiny bit of sugar and it helped a little bit. It is an alright tisane. However, still not my fav, I much prefer their blueberry fruit tea. I am glad I got to try it though.

Boiling 8 min or more

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185 tasting notes

I think Missy got this with her last set of samples from Angel, so thank you to Angel :)

Hoooo boy, this hit my tart button good and hard. Wow. I think this one needs a couple gallons of sugar and some ice before I think I’m going to want to keep it around. I’ll have to grab a bit of this and try it sugared up. Until then… I think I’ll skip a number :)

Boiling 7 min, 0 sec

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735 tasting notes

I ended up steeping this tea for quite some time, long past the eight and a half minutes I set my timer for. I was playing Minecraft and not paying attention, so I didn’t hear the beep.

But this tea does not suffer one bit from oversteeping. True, it’s very dark maroon and a little tart, but it’s still great. I like this one more than the other fruit tea I’ve tried by Teavivre, Apple Awakening. The pineapple is a great touch and goes well with the rose hips. It’s like a hot, mouth-watering fruit punch. I bet it would be perfect iced, which is what’s happening next with this tea.

Boiling 8 min or more

This would be a good tea for me, or at least a good tea for my forgetfulness, I can’t count the number of times I’ve oversteeped a good green or black tea and turned it into soap…


It will be in your package, then. :3 I’m still waiting for that Yunnan to get here, but when it does…

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254 tasting notes

This came my way before we realized that the reason my allergies were going insane was that I am allergic to apple. As such, I do want to still be able to try a sip, but we’re going to be relying a little bit more on my husband’s tastebuds for this one!

The dry blend is very, very chunky and looks like it’s nearly entirely dried fruit. In appearance it is very similar to the other Teavivre fruit tisanes we’ve sampled.

Teaware: 16oz travel mug
Measured dry: Contents of sample, approx. 3-1/2tsp
Temperature: 212º F
Steeping Time: 8min
Additives 4tsp raw sugar

My little sip is yielding a very rich, juicy hot drink. The rosehips and apple are the most prominent, with the pineapple and orange in more of a supporting and layering role.

Jake’s take on this is that it reminds him an awful lot of sugar plums. He says the elements are blending together in such a way that they create a new flavor experience, something very different from what they would taste like on their own.

Boiling 8 min or more

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