Silver Jasmine Green Tea (Mo Li Yin Hao)

Tea type
Green Tea
Green Tea, Jasmine Flowers
Jasmine, Spring Water, Sweet, Warm Grass, Grass, Smooth
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by TeaVivre
Average preparation
185 °F / 85 °C 1 min, 45 sec 4 g 8 oz / 248 ml

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  • “It is raining, but the rain is freezing is freezing instantly on the car, the steps, the bridges…. Nevertheless, we ventured out for our Friday evening Asian Buffet take out. For several weeks I...” Read full tasting note
  • “Honestly I don’t have a lot to say about this one right now because I had it with lunch so some of the nuances were lost and I wasn’t really paying attention to it. It was delicious, however, and a...” Read full tasting note
  • “Happy Mother’s day to all of you Steepster moms :-) This morning, I’m thinking of my mother who is such a big influence in my life. This past year, she carried me through difficult times, don’t...” Read full tasting note
  • “This is an amazing jasmine, there is such a remarkable balance between the flavors of green tea and jasmine. It doesn’t taste overly flowery or perfume-y at all. The flavor is light and sweet and...” Read full tasting note

From Teavivre

Origin: Fuding, Fujian, China

Ingredients: Premium green tea processed with jasmine flowers

Taste: Subtle taste with scent and flavor of jasmine flowers

Brew: 1-2 teaspoons for 8oz of water. Brew at 194 ºF (90 ºC) for 1 to 2 minutes (exact time depends on your taste – a longer time will give the tea a stronger taste and color)

Health Benefits: As Jasmine green tea is simply premium green tea that is scented with jasmine during processing; it provides all the same great health benefits of Green teas. However, it is also widely believed that the jasmine flowers themselves add some additional benefits, helping reduce depression and also helping with natural detoxification of the body.

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70 Tasting Notes

3513 tasting notes

It is raining, but the rain is freezing is freezing instantly on the car, the steps, the bridges….

Nevertheless, we ventured out for our Friday evening Asian Buffet take out. For several weeks I noticed that hubby now likes green tea so much that I have to go resteep halfway through the meal. Last week I decided to start making the resteep right away and pouring all the tea into my large tetsubin on a warmer. It works out great! We both drink as much tea as we want.

Teavivre’s jasmine offerings are the best jasmine teas I have ever had. This is what I consider to be my budget jasmine, as it costs a good bit less than the pearls. With food, you can tell little difference and I save my Premium and Superfine Downy Pearls for solo sipping.

Even with a first and second steep combined, the tea is a rich, golden color. The instructions say to use one to two teaspoons per eight ounces water and one to two minutes. I used four teaspoons for a 22 ounce pot and resteeped immediately for just over one minute. What a fantastic company!


It started the freezing rain here as I left this morning. Just minutes after I got to work it got very nasty.

I wondered if maybe your husband was just trying to get you out of the room so he could eat off your plate but I see you headed that off at the pass :)

I turned down the first offer of Jasmine from TeaVivre. What a maroon. Glad I accepted the second. It won me over.


I have all their jasmines except Jasmine Silver Needle White, and that will be on my next order!


Just placed an order at Teavivre for a bunch of jasmine teas but I missed out on this one! Next time :)

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2201 tasting notes

Honestly I don’t have a lot to say about this one right now because I had it with lunch so some of the nuances were lost and I wasn’t really paying attention to it. It was delicious, however, and a 1 minute steep definitely suited it with no loss of flavor. A nice, simpler jasmine to have than pearls.

195 °F / 90 °C 1 min, 0 sec

Do you like this better than pearls Dsara? I find the Yin Hao to be less fragrant & it doesn’t multi steep as well. but it is still areally good Jasmine tea.


No, I definitely prefer pearls when I want a really jasminey tea, which is usually what I want when I want jasmine tea. :) I do enjoy having a less pungent jasmine green with a meal, though, and I wouldn’t have pearls for that. I did bring back a non-pearl jasmine green from China that I love as much as pearls, but it’s an exception to most things I’ve tried.


Is it as sweet as their jasmine pearls?


No, not as sweet as pearls… this one nice but not on the level of pearls when it comes to sweetness. Teavivre’s pearls are really good, though.

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359 tasting notes

Happy Mother’s day to all of you Steepster moms :-)

This morning, I’m thinking of my mother who is such a big influence in my life. This past year, she carried me through difficult times, don’t know where I’d be without her love and support.

So I chose a tea that reminds me of her beauty and loving kindness.

Jasmine is delicate, a beautiful flower that seems so fragile, and yet it will embrace you and comfort you every time you brew a cup.

My mom is not a tea drinker, but when she comes over, she always asks that I prepare a pot of “my special Chinese Jasmine tea” as she calls it.

My grandmother used to prepare Jasmine tea for us all the time, that’s how I started drinking tea at the age of seven! God bless her, my grandma is 88 and still very healthy and alert. That’s why Jasmine has such a special place in my heart to this day. She was using that loose leaf Jasmine black tea in the squared yellow tin with oriental designs on it. As a child, it looked like a magic box to me, it made me think of Aladdin!

I won’t be able to be with my mom and my grandma physically today, but drinking this beautiful tea this morning is like having both of them here with me.

See how tea brings people together?

This is my favourite Jasmine tea, it has everything I can wish for, and that’s why it’s the perfect tea to drink to honor the most important women in my life!

(See previous notes)


An excellent Steepster tribute to your mom and grandma! Well done!


Such a sweet way to honor your mom and grandma. If have to drink pots of coffee to do the same for mine. ;)


Haha! Veronica, you can find another way to honor them I’m hoping :-)




I’ll have to wait until the 25 for mother day here but this is a very lovely tribute to your mom and grandma.


Thanks Ysaurella! It never occurred to me that mother’s day wasn’t the same everywhere, nice to know :-)


always the last Sunday of May here and Father day is always the third Sunday of June.


And they already had Mother’s Day in Ireland! I think it was a few weeks ago!


What a great way to celebrate your mom and grandma!


Beautiful story!


I posted a comment to this from my phone – does it not work from your phone??? Anyway, what I said was something like: This is beautifully expressed and I bet sending a copy of it or a link to it would be an awesome Mom’s Day present.


Sometimes comments don’t post from my phone either… :(


Thank you guys :-)

MzPriss, that’s an awesome idea, though my grandma speaks only French. But when I tell her what it’s about, she’ll be so excited that I wrote something about her, she’ll probably post it on Facebook (yes, at 88, she can teach ME about facebook, lol!)


I don’t do FB – but I bet they would LOVE to see this. It’s very sweet!

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4843 tasting notes

This is an amazing jasmine, there is such a remarkable balance between the flavors of green tea and jasmine. It doesn’t taste overly flowery or perfume-y at all. The flavor is light and sweet and delightful. I was about to write a full-length review of this for SororiTea Sisters (to be published next week), but, I think I shall hold off on the writing for just a little while, because I wish to just sit and enjoy this tea for a while. I think I will have it again tomorrow so that I can write then.

So lovely!

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294 tasting notes

Jasmine is so relaxing. I love the aroma. When you pair it with a good tea the results can be heaven. This one is a bit strong but far from overwhelming. I probably was a bit heavy with the leaves so I had a steep of 2 minutes. It’s a golden hue with a dry in a pleasant way liquor. Once again I have a thumbs up from my non- tea drinking GF who hails from Anhui. I think she’s a fan of Jasmines. I am a fan of this. The second cup has lost much of the jasmine flavor but it has retained the character that this tea is all about. I am getting a slight numbing of the palate with cup 2. You will see in my profile that I am not a fan of flavored teas but I do enjoy a good jasmine. So very relaxing….

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377 tasting notes

There are those days when simplicity is what is just what the doctor ordered. I have mentioned it before but a good jasmine green is truly a delight. Warms the soul and calms the spirit. Especially since I’ve been battling getting rid of bronchitis. The lungs are purring like a kitty and not in a good way. I love this tea. Reminds me of Summer Breeze by Seals of Crofts. I can’t believe I have not reviewed this yet!


I’m excited to get this sample! Sounds like it will be delicious.

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15618 tasting notes

Apparently i tried this two years ago. I’m happy to say i had the same reaction now as i did then. TOO MUCH JASMINE lol Sorry folks, as a hater of jasmine, this tea is just too much for me. heh


I know the feeling, I recall their jasmine pearl is a bit more subdued


heh yeah… jasmine has to be REALLY subtle for me to get behind it. it’s like drinking potpurri otherwise for me lol


it can be overwhelming, I agree


No, all of the jasmine!! :D


Dinosaura – it’s all you! ;)

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212 tasting notes

We got this one to compare with the jasmine pearls which I love. It makes me giggle now. I used to have a serious hate on floral teas and for the most part still do. They need to be subtle for me to appreciate.

This is again super strong in the jasmine fu. It doesn’t seem soapy or perfume-y, just LOTS of jasmine. It’s heavy and sweet but has a funny sharpness as an after taste. I wouldn’t describe the sharpness as bitterness. I think the jasmine tea for me will remain the jasmine pearls. This one is a bit too strong in the jasmine force, young padawan.

195 °F / 90 °C 1 min, 0 sec

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174 tasting notes

Sample from Teavivre

Cold brewed this time. I just realized that I didn’t write my original tasting note in here…I’ll have to do that later. Anyways, Cold brewed I found this tea to be much more enjoyable. Before when I brewed it hot I found it to be very floral without much of the tea base coming out and it lacked a bit of the sweetness that I have found in other jasmine. It also had a bit astringency no matter how I brewed it.

This time when I threw it in the fridge over night I gave it a sip and threw some in my travel mug for class this morning and boy was it delicious!

The slight astringency was gone, the jasmine had a wonderful sweetness to it and I could taste some of the tea base. The tea base wasn’t very strong, it was there enough to taste it and help balance the jasmine. But the sweetness of the tea was what really impressed me since I wasn’t getting any of it hot.

I didn’t add much sweetener either, 1 Tbsp brown sugar (not packed) for a quart of water with 2 heaping tsp of tea. That’s how much sugar I always add to cold brews, but this had that natural nectar-like sweetness to it…delicious!

I only have a little bit of this left and it’s all going to be cold brewed!

Thank you Teavivre for this sample!


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3294 tasting notes

From the HHTTB

I’m not sure who put this in the box, but the box is WAY TOO BIG & FULL.
So thank you!
This tea is yet another example of the excellent quality of teas the TeaVivre produces, & although I don’t drink as much green teas as I used to, this is very nice. Its a delicate green & the jasmine is there, but very lightly. A very nice & refined cup!

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