Sipdown! Thanks to JennyFur for this tea.
I’m sorry, I just need my earl grey fix for the day. This one called my name because of the creme. and I only make one cup instead of the usual two incase things don’t go as planned. If this is good I may have to go get some from Teavana because this tea is pretty inexpensive (which is a surprise with Teavana).
I steeped this for the recommended 195 (I found this odd because most black teas are at boiling, but I’ll go with it) for 3 minutes. Also, I put about a tablespoon of honey in (I haven’t used honey in a tea in forever, but desperate times call for desperate measures).
First sip:
Honey. Honey. Oh my, Honey. um…. Honey. And cold. Very cold. hmm…
Finishing off the cup:
Well, all the honey helped my throat. I could get hints of earl grey in there. I don’t know why it was so cold. I won’t rate this as that would be unfair to the tea :(. But it tasted good when I could taste it! Tasted light. I enjoyed that part. Too much honey to finish the cup though… opps.
Overall, I messed up on this one x) The honey helped my throat though! I may get this anyway because its only 5 bucks for two ounces. Or maybe I’ll save a starbucks sample to get one ounce of this. Who knows :p I usually go into Teavana looking to get a cheap tea and seeing something that is over 20 dollars and using my sample on that instead.
I just about dumped my laptop on the floor laughing at your last comment about the three types of tea the boy knows.
If you snorted tea out of your nose, do I get a point? :P