Youthberry / Wild Orange Blossom Blend

Tea type
Fruit Herbal White Blend
Apple Pieces, Beet Root Pieces, Candied Pinapple, Citrus, Citrus Peel, Hibiscus Flowers, Mango, Natural And Artificial Flavouring, Orange, Red Currant, Rose Hips, Rose Petals, White Tea
Allspice, Cardamom, Cinnamon, Cloves, Mandarin, Mango, Orange, Passion Fruit, Apple, Berry, Citrus, Coconut, Floral, Flowers, Fruit Punch, Fruity, Hibiscus, Orange Blossom, Orange Zest, Pineapple, Pleasantly Sour, Tangy, Candy, Citrusy, Sweet, Tart, Smooth, Sour, Berries, Astringent, Bitter, Dust, Cranberry
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Shae
Average preparation
180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 15 sec 28 g 28 oz / 829 ml

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From Teavana

Reinvigorate your life with this delicious blend of white and herbal teas. This blend combines Youthberry white tea with Wild Orange Blossom herbal tea for an explosion of pineapple citrus flavor. With the added punch of acai, red currants, and mango, this blend is sure to please the palate.

Use 1.5-2 tsp. of tea per 8oz of water. Heat water to 175 degrees (98 degrees Celsius) and steep for 2 minutes. For stronger flavor use more tea leaves. 2oz of tea equals 25-30 teaspoons.

Ingredients: Apple pieces, white tea, hibiscus flowers, rose hip peels, apple slices, candied pineapple pieces (pineapple, sugar, citric acid), candied mango pieces (mango, sugar, citric acid), natural and artificial flavoring, beetroot pieces, citrus slices, citrus peels, red currants, orange juice pieces, orange petals, rose petals, açai fruit powder (açai, maltodextrin)

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135 Tasting Notes

296 tasting notes

This used to be my go to iced tea blend. I swear it was a fruit/herbal tisane until I read the description for this tea, long after I have finished the blend. I would use this tea, cold brewed as a liquid base to all my green smoothies. ahh, that was the stuff.
I don’t know if I would purchase this again, I have been finding even better iced blends to fiddle with.

Flavors: Fruit Punch


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2 tasting notes

Amazing white tea with delicious contrasting flavors. A tad expensive per ounce for the quality however.

Flavors: Floral, Orange

1 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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11 tasting notes

Unpleasantly sour.

Flavors: Citrus

Boiling 2 min, 0 sec

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74 tasting notes


I finally finished off the last of the tea I won at my friend’s bridal shower. Despite the mixed reviews, I still love it, even after finishing all 100g. I really want to go buy more, but am trying to resist because a) we’re moving and b) Teavana is crazy expensive. I do intend on revisiting this one at some point in the future, though. Maybe after I’ve had some of that Scarlet Jasmine I tried last week.

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2172 tasting notes

Enjoying this with fruit salad and a cinnamon vanilla scone [breakfast!]. The aroma is almost entirely citrus but I can also smell the tart hibiscus. I’ve had this blend for a while so it’s tasting a little dusty to me. This is a sample we received with our last Teavana order so it has some of their rock sugar mixed in. It just barely sweetens it and doesn’t do much for the flavor or to help the tartness. I used a little over 3 teaspoons to finish the sample. I’m guessing with the rock sugar mixed in it probably worked out to be right around Teavana’s recommended serving of 3 Perfectea scoops. I’m adding some honey to this. The honey helps but it’s still tart and now bordering on bitter. It’s not so bad really; not nearly what I am always expecting. My husband loves Youthberry and enjoys Wild Orange Blossom. I’m sure he would enjoy the two mixed together. It would no doubt be cheaper to buy them separately and do the mixing ourselves. As I get nearer to the bottom of the cup, there is some kind of muck floating in the bottom inch or so of liquid. It looks unappetizing but the flavor doesn’t seem to be affected.

Flavors: Bitter, Citrus, Dust, Hibiscus, Tart

200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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4330 tasting notes

I got this as a free sample when I ordered some teaware from Teavana a few weeks ago. Mine says it has rock sugar included. I’m not sure whether this blend always does, but there was no entry for the rock sugar version so I’m putting it here. This is one of those blends that’s a mixture of giant chunky things. I think I see about five pieces of white tea in the entire thing, so I hesitate to call it “tea”. Dry scent is very strong and fruity, and would make a nice air freshener!

This actually isn’t terrible. It came out quite tart even with the rock sugar, mostly likely because one of the blends is tart orange and the other has hibiscus in it. I actually ended up adding a bit of raw sugar to my cup in addition to the included rock sugar, just because it was still unpleasantly tart. Once amply sweetened, it’s kind of like a tart fruit juice. I can see this one being nice iced.

Flavors: Cranberry, Hibiscus, Orange, Tart

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

I sample this every time I go into Teavana and it always tastes complex and amazing in store. But I’m hesitant to buy any, because they sell minimum 50g and I’ve had such bad luck with Teavana “white tea” blends (which make me cranky, because they’re priced like white tea but barely contain any actual tea.) The two I have, I’ve tried steeping so many different ways and all they taste like is sour water.

Cameron B.

Well I did use a lot of leaf and herbal parameters… Plus I had to add extra sugar for it to be palatable. :P


I bet even a turd is good with enough sugar.
Did I just say that out loud?


Yeah, a friend at work shared this one day. Just not my thing. Iced it is probably better since it is essentially like fruit juice, but I can get juice I like better a whole lot cheaper. :P


I rated this a “16” -lol


Marzipan – tell it like it is! :P Thanks for the laugh :)

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987 tasting notes

Sample sipdown.

To celebrate getting my new iced-tea pitcher, I decided to open up this tea, of which I got a 1-ounce sample when I made a Teavana order a year ago. Test drive cool new gadget + get rid of old stuff from a vendor I no longer like = win-win, right?

Eh, not so much. I added too much water, and it tastes rather weak – even with the sample already containing pieces of sugar.

It’s a lovely rosy pink colour, but I guess I overestimated how much was actually in the packet, as I used 5 cups instead of what should probably have been 3-4.

Ah well. I’ve grown out of Teavana, so I’m not too upset. Now I just have to have me and the hubby drink the remainder over the next day or so.

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2 tasting notes

This tea smells and looks amazing. The only drawback is that it can get very bitter very quickly if steeped the tiniest bit too long. Works well as an iced tea.

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1 tasting notes

I’m not going to pretend that I know a lot about tea, because I don’t. I went to Teavana wanting to try this blend, and ended up adoring it! I really enjoy fruity teas, but I have trouble finding teas that I really enjoy. I was very plesantly surprised at how much I enjoyed this. I drank part of the cup warm and put the rest over ice. I typically prefer my teas iced, however the ice diluting it made it a bit too watery; I think I’d rather have this one warm, or make the tea stronger if I was to do it iced again.

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 15 sec 2 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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15 tasting notes

I’m not a big fan of this blend only because I don’t like oranges. But the Youthberry tea by itself is absolutely wonderful! It tastes so delicious iced! In fact, I have to get some next time I stop in at Teavana!

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