Youthberry / Wild Orange Blossom Blend

Tea type
Fruit Herbal White Blend
Apple Pieces, Beet Root Pieces, Candied Pinapple, Citrus, Citrus Peel, Hibiscus Flowers, Mango, Natural And Artificial Flavouring, Orange, Red Currant, Rose Hips, Rose Petals, White Tea
Allspice, Cardamom, Cinnamon, Cloves, Mandarin, Mango, Orange, Passion Fruit, Apple, Berry, Citrus, Coconut, Floral, Flowers, Fruit Punch, Fruity, Hibiscus, Orange Blossom, Orange Zest, Pineapple, Pleasantly Sour, Tangy, Candy, Citrusy, Sweet, Tart, Smooth, Sour, Berries, Astringent, Bitter, Dust, Cranberry
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Shae
Average preparation
180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 15 sec 28 g 28 oz / 829 ml

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From Teavana

Reinvigorate your life with this delicious blend of white and herbal teas. This blend combines Youthberry white tea with Wild Orange Blossom herbal tea for an explosion of pineapple citrus flavor. With the added punch of acai, red currants, and mango, this blend is sure to please the palate.

Use 1.5-2 tsp. of tea per 8oz of water. Heat water to 175 degrees (98 degrees Celsius) and steep for 2 minutes. For stronger flavor use more tea leaves. 2oz of tea equals 25-30 teaspoons.

Ingredients: Apple pieces, white tea, hibiscus flowers, rose hip peels, apple slices, candied pineapple pieces (pineapple, sugar, citric acid), candied mango pieces (mango, sugar, citric acid), natural and artificial flavoring, beetroot pieces, citrus slices, citrus peels, red currants, orange juice pieces, orange petals, rose petals, açai fruit powder (açai, maltodextrin)

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135 Tasting Notes

254 tasting notes

I stayed an hour and a half after school today to help a senior complete everything he needed in order to graduate. I managed to drive home, but my get-up-and-go appears broken for the rest of the evening. Now that school’s out for the summer (yay!) I thought an iced tea sounded just delightful – and easy. A pre-mixed sample of this, which includes the rock sugar, came with my Teavana order today, and I thought it would fit the bill nicely.

When I opened the package, my eyes actually rolled up at the scent. I remember being unimpressed with the hot version when I tried it in the store, so being presented with the overwhelming scent of freshly cut orange and fruit was a little strange. It’s funny – there are a lot of Teavana mixes that smell just heavenly, but can’t brew worth a damn.

For the most part, I followed the directions that came with the sample. We don’t keep a lot of ice around, so I just made it like a normal pot and then stuck it in the fridge to cool. I did have to sample it hot first, and the impression I formed at the store is holding true – this is lackadaisical hot, and all the ingredients are just too lazy to stand out when they feel too warm.

I’m hoping the cool version will be better, and I will update when it’s ready. In the meantime, did you know it is delightful to pick out the apple pieces? After steeping, they are just so tart and tasty!

Update: The cold tea just came out of the refrigerator, and I can quite honestly say that the temperature did nothing for it. It’s more tart than fruity, the sugar doesn’t even register, and I feel like each sip coats my tongue with floral perfume. Sadly enough, it was actually better hot.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

I got this as a sample with an order as well. I haven’t touched it yet because the amount of sugar the sample came with frankly scares me. I think I’ll have to find some time to pick it all out before I consider trying it. Looking forward to seeing how you like it cold.


Honestly? You may actually want to throw it out. This is awful either way, and the only tasty part was the piece of apple I picked out after it steeped!


Thanks for the warning! Maybe I should just drink it now then, I’m sick and can’t taste anything not even ginger.


Sounds like a plan – and you won’t even have to hold your nose! Seriously, though, I hope you feel better soon!




It seems to me that Teavana likes adding apple pieces to their teas. I always found that it made the tea kinda tart so maybe that’s the issue….Though a floral coated tongue sounds exceedingly unpleasant also. Lol.

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871 tasting notes

I received this tea as a free sample from Teavana with my last internet order. I was super disappointed to see it was pre-mixed with rock sugar. The instructions recommend steeping the entire 1oz sample for 16oz water. I thought this was way too much so I used 1.5tsp.

The dry tea smells like orange juice. There are large pieces of dried fruit, a very small amount of white tea and unfortunately, tonnes of rock sugar.

The brewed tea tastes like hot juice: apple, pineapple, orange, and I am tasting black current but the ingredients only list red current. It is much, much more sweet than I would have liked. There is a weird aftertaste which I associate with the sugar.

Overall, I think the blend would be good but without all of the rock sugar. I am going to try the rest of my sample as a cold brew.

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec

I got a sample of this one, too, and just cold brewed it. It was a little sweet, I would have preferred to have with without the rock sugar, also. But I don’t think I would have liked it hot.


Last time I got this one, I pulled all the rock sugar out before drinking it haha. I think it was like two tablespoons worth! Gross.


I thought about picking the rock sugar out but I was too lazy. There sure is a lot of sugar in there.

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790 tasting notes

A tea club coworker brought this in to share today. Not sure I’d call this tea since I can’t pick out any tea flavor at all, but for a tisane it isn’t too bad. A pretty pink color. Dunno what a youthberry is, but it does have a distinctly orange flavor profile. Sounds strange to say about a liquid maybe, but this is wet. I am pretty sure it wouldn’t be one I cared for after it cooled off and I could see where adding sugar would make it very close to juice. Steeped “leaves” look pretty much like a heap of damp fruit.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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1271 tasting notes

Seems like I’m on an iced tea mood – I made this iced to take with me while shopping, as 1. Buying drinks is expensive 2. No tea shops in the mall 3. it’s hot out 4. shopping is serious business.

Double strength, lemon slices, water and little bit of honey (since the tea had sugar added to it) = very very good! Much better than hot! However, this really tasted like juice than tea – I can pick out good citrus and orange.

However, I liked the Teavana Raspberry Riot one iced better.. oooh I got more in the fridge!

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516 tasting notes

I got my Teavana order in the mail. All of them smell kind of.. not delicious, but whatever, for 1-3 bucks it was worth the try! Maybe they will taste awesome.. but first, the sample!

First of all, it smells delicious! I brewed up 2 teaspoons in a medium sized mug, took the rock sugar out of the strainer and put it in the bottom of my cup – I wanted to get the full sweetness, I was in the mood! Steeped for a short 2 minutes.

It was actually quite tasty! Nothing particularly unique or spectacular, but orangey and sweet. I think this would make an amazing iced tea, but I would never fork out the cash to actually purchase it, so we’ll see how far my sample takes me.

I’m with the masses, not the biggest Teavana fan, but thank you for this sample! It might be the tastiest part of my order!


got the same sample in my teavana order, but haven’t tried it yet… does smell really good, and I think you’re right, it will probably make a great iced tea!


I wish taste it since last summer and teavana is not really close from my home :S
I’m huge fan of Teavana… love their mate….

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69 tasting notes

I must admit that I’ve shared the opinion of a lot of other steepsterites (steepsterians?) and have been at my wit’s end with teavana of late. Between the pushy, incessant, salespeople, and the mass-produced unauthentic feel of it, I’ve been forsaking the convenience of getting my tea fix there for more hospitable pastures.

Be that as it may, I just couldn’t stay away when my inbox was inundated with lures for their “Heavenly Sale”. I mean who’s tea budget could resist up to 75% off? Certainly not I, I’m not that strong, nor are my ideals that resolute.

Along with said order, I received yet another sample of this blend. I’ve been pretty sick all week, so this seemed the most appealing choice to bring with me to work. It was so pleasant, and really did the trick! It was light and fruity, but not too berry-y. I usually don’t care for anything peach flavored, but even though the Youthberry had a similar flavor palette, it was still pleasing, and well-balanced by the orange. The german rock sugar was a nice addition. I hardly ever add sugar to my tea but this provided just enough of a hint of sweetness without ruining the delicate blend. It tasted fresh and vibrant and led me down the road to recovery! It hit the spot so much that I ended up bringing it two days in a row, which hardly ever happens!

How funny that my favorite tea of this rather bulky order might end up being the free sample? I guess the solution to my teavana dilemma is to stick to online purchases. However, if I’m resigned to ordering online I’ll probably end up placing orders with companies I actually like, and feel good about supporting. After all, there’s plenty of them out there :)

185 °F / 85 °C 4 min, 0 sec

What other companies? I recently put in orders with Art of Tea and Davids Tea…hopefully they are much better then Teavana:)


They both are! I also still love Harney, which you can find most places, Andrews and Dunham’s Damn Fine Tea, and 52teas!

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863 tasting notes

Free sample included with my last Teavana order.

I remember trying this in store and being less than wowed, even though it’s one of their most touted blends. I think it’s because I had it hot and that just seemed wrong, somehow. So when I made this, I did so with the intent of putting it over ice.

Preparation notes: The whole sample in 500 ml. water at the below parameters. I did a second steep of the leaves (not about to waste 1 freaking oz of that stuff on only 2 cups) at 4 minutes steep time.

Dry leaf: I don’t even know that there was anything in that ‘tea’ besides rock sugar and fruit chunks. I really didn’t see anything that I would describe as a leaf. Strange…

Steeped tea: I’m pretty sure that hibiscus is the culprit for both the color and the flavor of this. It steeped to a bright, vibrant reddish pink and smelled very orangey. And while I did get a fair bit of orange on the sip (while hot), I got this overwhelming tart flavor that completely managed to bury whatever rock sugar got put in there.

After I made the four cups I actually had to add sugar to get some of the fruity flavor back (a tsp. and a half) and then I set it in the refrigerator so the boyfriend and I could have this with dinner.

…and once cold, it just fell flat. Like it couldn’t decide whether to be juice or tea, so it tried to walk the line and failed. I am glad I only had a sample of this. It’s gone and I’m over it.

(P.S. If this sounds overly negative, please take with a large grain of salt. I had a rough day today and this bore the brunt of it, I’m afraid.)


Hope that roughness is over! Tomorrow is always a new start and another opportunity to try a tea you will like more! : )

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576 tasting notes

This came as a free sample with my most recent order…and let me tell you, ordering online at Teavana is so much easier than entering the gauntlet in the mall.

Hadn’t tried this before, but loved it the moment I ripped open the package. It smells “happy,” – like Sunny D (orange, citrus-y bliss). I’m trying to cut down on caffeine during the afternoon, so this low-caffeine treat fit the bill. I notice that they add the rock sugar to the samples. I like that you can put the sugar in with the tea in the tea-sac bag so it blends more properly. There is a minty flavor on the edge of the aftertaste. Very pleasant, mint & citrus.

I’m drinking this hot, but I bet it’s even more amazing iced. Love the slight fruity flavor too… mango and pineapple. A tropical slice of heaven.


I agree that it is WAYYY easier to order online. All the salespeople at the store at my mall (expect for one) are so entirely pushy that it makes me not ever want to step foot in there again.

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377 tasting notes

So this came with an online order. Smells pretty good. I looked at the sample and thought it seems like a lot of leaf for 16oz as it says on the instructions. As I’m finding though you seem to need more stuff when you are steeping the fruit. So again we have hibiscus here, and sigh this is reminding me of Tazo passion. However with the ginormous citrus presence. Yes I know used an overused word like “shared sacrifice”. The sample says it has german rock sugar in it……but there’s no sweetness here. Just citrusy goodness. Grapefruit, Orange, Pineapple, I saw the apple there too. Reminds me of when I used to sell citrus fruit in band as a high school-er. I was never that great of a salesman so we bought most the citrus and you could smell the aroma in the garage. This one time at band camp we were stretching and I split my shorts. I’m glad football excluded me from band camp in the later years. You know one of my favorite songs at the time was a classic from Weezer Touché TeaEqualsBliss


I liked the music to go along with the story! I love this type of review.


My oldest daughter now gets a cup of this each time we go to Teavana. They always seem to have it as a sample. It is yummy.

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336 tasting notes

Felt like something relatively fresh tasting, and I’d been planning on doing some bai mu dan until I came back for the tea kettle, and it was boiling. Since I didn’t feel like waiting that long for it to cool, I decided on this instead, my one herbal tea.

Still like the orange blossom taste, which is still a truth that should not be, considering how I normally don’t like orange-tasting things and fruity teas. This time, however, I think the rock sugar aftertaste is getting to me. This is the one thing about sugar, is that it makes your mouth feel fuzzy and weird after you eat it. It’s also making the tea REALLY REALLY sweet.

And by the way, it is getting really, really hard to curb temptation to go on a sample-buying binge on Teavivre.

EDIT: Toooootally just did. Thank freaking god for their free samples and such.

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