Many thanks to Teascent for sending me a sample of their tea! I’m always so excited to try new companies and as this tea is an oolong tea, it seems like this could be a real winner!
I have to admit that the idea of a bagged oolong tea sounds a little… well, I just wonder how the cup will turn out. Will the leaves have room to expand? The leaves appear a little crushed, but that could be from the long journey they took! Once water has been poured over the bag, it seems to immediately give up its color & has me wondering if this will be too strong or astringent with a three-minute steep time. Giving the tea a sniff, it smells floral and sweet – really quite nice! I’m also getting a buttery scent in the background. Yum!
Sipping… this is a very floral oolong! It’s not too complex, but really just tastes like flowers to me. There is some astringency, but I think that could be due to the leaves being crushed and steeped at three minutes. Next time, I think I’ll try a shorter steep time.
Overall, I like the floral flavor from a teabag! As I’ve said before, I tend to like my floral oolongs to be paired with other elements as well. This is still very tasty and I’m very happy to have tried it! It might be nice to have some bagged oolong teas for those times when you can’t be bothered to deal with loose leaf.