Vanilla Rooibos Parfait

Tea type
Herbal Rooibos Blend
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Caramel, Irish Cream, Rooibos, Sweet, Toasted, Vanilla, Wood, Apple, Cinnamon
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Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 15 sec 10 oz / 309 ml

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122 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I picked up a tin of this at Starbucks as I was getting some coffee beans. I am looking for some low/no caffeine teas for evenings (my poor husband was up ALL night the evening we had the Tiger –...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sipdown no. 12 for the year 2014, and my 550th tasting note. :-) This is a fitting blend for it, as it was really the first “tea” that I felt I’d been successful in steeping (i.e., it had flavor!)...” Read full tasting note
  • “Came home from the anime convention, brewed up this, and put my feet up. It was a ton of fun. We went to some good panels, and I bought some beautiful art. My favorite part was all the talented...” Read full tasting note
  • “My illness has left me home for the whole day. I’m a busy body and very restless today. But, I get up to do something and then I get exhausted. So, I spent 30 minutes hunting through boxes for a...” Read full tasting note

From Tazo

Creamy African rooibos felt a bit overdressed for the reunion but quickly blended in with the sweet notes of peaches and the mild tartness of apples. Cinnamon, Tahitian vanilla and blackberry leaves reminisced, exchanged email addresses and promised to always stay sweet.


Use one heaping teaspoon of loose leaves per 8 fl oz of 215°Read more

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122 Tasting Notes

1112 tasting notes

I picked up a tin of this at Starbucks as I was getting some coffee beans. I am looking for some low/no caffeine teas for evenings (my poor husband was up ALL night the evening we had the Tiger – literally not a wink of sleep!! Me – I’m pretty sure there is actually coffee and tea in my veins, and not blood, and it doesn’t bother me. ANYWAY!).

This was in the new pouches with the full leaf tea – well, as full as rooibos gets – they were like twigs (which is actually fuller than the plain rooibos I have which looks almost like a powder). There were all kinds of bits and pieces of Stuff in there too (the tin tells me licorice root, blackberry leaves, cinnamon, apple pieces, peach pieces, vanilla extract, chamomile flowers). I put a touch of tupelo honey in our cups – maybe half a teaspoon each.

This was really good! The tisane tasted a little like an herbal apple pie to me, crust and all :) I did a resteep at 6 minutes and it was a little watery- I would try it at perhaps 8 minutes. It was a real treat.

It’s a little expensive (a little over .46 an 8 oz serving if you don’t resteep) but really nice. Good job Tazo and Starbucks! I would definitely repurchase and now I’m curious about the other full leaf offerings! If you’ve had one you enjoyed, do tell!

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec
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__Morgana__ 15 years ago

In general, all the full leaf Tazo versions I’ve tried are better than the non-full leaf. I think it is not just because of the leaves, but also because of the bags — they seem to be roomier than the usual Lipton-shaped flow-thru variety and although I can’t confirm this with hard facts, I suspect they influence the flavor less just because they look as though they wouldn’t have any papery taste.

Meghann M 15 years ago

I’ve tried the Tazo full leaf refresh tea, great if you like spearmint minty tea. Definitely refreshing. Also have the Vanilla Rooibos, glad to hear such good things about it. I tried it in store with two tea bags which I removed after a few minutes. I’m curious about the Orange full leaf they offer, and if the Chai full leaf is better than the bags.

AmazonV 15 years ago

I’ve reviewed all the Tazo Full leaf teas they offer in store and can send you the review links if you like – i do love the vanilla rooibos latte best of all

JacquelineM 15 years ago

AmazonV – that would be great! Thanks!!

JacquelineM 15 years ago

Thanks!!! I think I might like Passion too – I remember liking it in the old teabags of yore, so it can only be better now :)

Meghann M 15 years ago

Thanks for posting up the links Amazonv. I was curious about the green tazo’s.

AmazonV 15 years ago

your welcome. My favorite of the greens was the Zen, and I think I would have liked the green tips more if they hadn’t been scorched. The full leaf filter bags are a step up from the older bags, in fact I am tempted to buy some when i make cupboard space.

Meghann M 15 years ago

I’d purchased a few when they annouced them after trying the Vanilla Roobios. For some reason this one tasted so good when I got it at the store that day, and I haven’t liked it since (even had starbucks make it for me again). I want to purchase one of their greens, probably Zen as I liked that enough in the old style bags.

They had coupons at the Starbucks inside my local store for 1.50 off two, if you do end up finding space.

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2037 tasting notes

Sipdown no. 12 for the year 2014, and my 550th tasting note. :-)

This is a fitting blend for it, as it was really the first “tea” that I felt I’d been successful in steeping (i.e., it had flavor!) and was what led me to try everything else. At the time I had no idea that rooibos was so forgiving-so it was a huge (though misplaced) confidence boost.

I owe it much, so parting is bittersweet.

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Sil 11 years ago

grats on 550!

__Morgana__ 11 years ago


TheTeaFairy 11 years ago

Another milestone tonight, whoa! Congrats miss Morgana :-)

__Morgana__ 11 years ago

Thanks, Fairy!

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2970 tasting notes

Came home from the anime convention, brewed up this, and put my feet up. It was a ton of fun. We went to some good panels, and I bought some beautiful art. My favorite part was all the talented artists who were showing work, and the magnificent costumes. Everyone is so enthusiastic at a convention!
This tea was a Chrismas gift from a coworker, who knows my love of tea and vanilla, so that was unbelievably adorable that she gave it to me. And despite the presence of at least three vanilla teas in my cupboard, and one of them decaf, I always operate under the opinion that you cannot have enough vanilla.
Its not a strong vanilla. The rooibos is a little stronger than the vanilla. Hmm. But its a perfectly pleasant cup of rooibos, and I will happily drink it all.
Whew, what a day.

Anna 11 years ago

You always need more vanilla.

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171 tasting notes

My illness has left me home for the whole day. I’m a busy body and very restless today. But, I get up to do something and then I get exhausted. So, I spent 30 minutes hunting through boxes for a book I read 5 years ago and want to read again. I can’t find it. So, I made tea and put on another girly movie.
I’m hoping this tea will help me relax, tomorrow I should feel a bit better and I can accomplish some stuff tomorrow.
I like this tea, I think it’s inappropriately named however. It’s more apple and cinnamon than vanilla. Which is why I felt compelled to purchase and actual Vanilla Rooibos tea. I’m bored with my collection at the moment. Then again I’m bored with EVERYTHING today!!!!! I just want to get up and go for a hike or even just do some laundry.

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902 tasting notes

Another tea that I’m finishing off! Which is good…because my David’s Tea order has been shipped!

Boiling 8 min or more
Meghann M 14 years ago

Cheers on another tea out of the cupboard!

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132 tasting notes

Update on my wonderful vanilla rooibos…ahhh how I love thee! I must admit I used to get the vanilla rooibos lattes from Starbucks at $3 something a pop and then I had an epiphany, why not try to make my own latte?! 1 cream and 1 sugar later and this is an exact replicate of the Starbucks version and so now I am even more in love with this treasure!

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JacquelineM 15 years ago

I love this one too – I just finished a whole tin!

JonTea 15 years ago

ahah isn’t it the best feeling when you realize you can do it without starbucks. lol

Lori 15 years ago

And much cheaper too!

-Jessica- 15 years ago

Yes, it is an awesome feeling and much cheaper on my pocketbook! LOL

Lisbet 14 years ago

Does it really taste the same? I can’t seem to get the taste to my liking without the use of vanilla syrup. Boo!

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558 tasting notes

Ahhh…this is as good as I remember it. This was the cup of tea that started it all. Had an immensely flavorful cup at Starbucks when they first came out with the tea sachets. Was so impressed with the flavor I started my tea addiction, found teavana, found steepster and now have the cupboard to show for my addiction!

Sweet, smooth with a little bit of a spicy tingle in the aftertaste. This is good!

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1737 tasting notes

Every time I have a cup of this tea, I am pleasantly surprised, and it happened again today. Something about the blend is very appealing, despite my anti-rooibos prejudice. This must be the rooibos for non-rooibos drinkers!

I decided to take a break from my habit of walking home from Starbucks with a cup of Refresh in tow. I really enjoyed this herbal blend instead. I’ll definitely be drinking it again in the future. The flavor is completely different from any other herbal blend I’ve tried. Despite the vanilla and the large number of chamomile buds in evidence in the spent sachet, this blend does not taste at all like Sleepytime Vanilla (which I imbibed last night).

It tastes rather sweet and most of all like … Vanilla Rooibos Parfait: one of a kind!

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92 tasting notes

Had a Vanilla Rooibos Tea Latte at Starbucks tonight. It was pretty tasty. I told them to leave out the sugar syrup that they usually add. So it was just the tea and steamed milk. Think next time I’ll just go with the tea because the milk muddles the flavor a bit I think- and they charge extra just to put steamed milk in there!

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Cofftea 15 years ago

I never understood why they give you real tea bags in the vanilla rooibos and black tea lattes, but look at you like you have 17 heads when you ask for them in a chai or green tea latte.

rabbysmom 15 years ago

I didn’t know about the green tea lattes- that sounds good!

Cofftea 15 years ago

Make them at home w/ real matcha- they’re so much better. Their green tea “powder” or “mix” or whatever they call it is probably the lowest grade matcha w/ a bunch of fillers and they automatically put classic syrup in it if you don’t specify otherwise. If you make them at home you can control the quality of ingredients and exactly what those ingredients are.

Andrea in New Mexico 15 years ago

I don’t like the matcha lattes at Starbucks, but I will admit that their green tea frappucinos were not only an addiction but my introduction to matcha. I drank them almost every day during my pregnancy, and it got to the point where they’d start making it when they saw me waddling my big baby-belly through the door. Cofftea’s right about the syrup, though, and what I order (still, though not nearly as frequently!) is this: Venti green tea frappucino, no syrup, no whipped cream, and TRIPLE THE MATCHA POWDER. Yep. 12 scoops in a venti.

(We all joked that the baby was going to be born green, I drank so much of this.)

Cofftea 15 years ago

That’s a lot of caffeine…

Andrea in New Mexico 15 years ago

It was, and while it didn’t seem to ultimately have any ill effect on the baby or on me, I’m doing things a little differently this time. My big preggo months with him were all int he summer and fall, which is still really warm here, so it was like an ice cream milkshake every day!

Cofftea 15 years ago

Oh I bet! That’s where decaf white iced tea (or regular just not using the 1st infusion) would come in really handy! I wish I would have known that white tea lowers body temp when I was in Tucson in June of ’08.

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516 tasting notes

I was in an un-name-able store in order to buy little tea cups so I could have a tea party with my guy friends. Because I couldn’t have tea party without the cups. WELL they had freaking nothing, so I bought four “appetizer bowls” and they work perfectly! They even seem fancy. haha!

I digress, the store also had some Tazo teas! I only go to Starbucks for Pumpkin Spice Lattes, but I thought I would pick some up knowing it’s a decent brand at least!

It’s a nice tea, it’s making me sleepy. It is a little bit like apple pie, but the taste is very mild. After eating a very rich supper of homemade jerk chicken and spinach feta pizza with 13% alcohol honey mead and dark chocolate beer… the mild tea is just what I need to sober up and go to sleepytimes.

It is a bit licorice-y but not too much. Mostly apple and cinnamon, with a lot of woody rooibos. I will try as a latte, and I have vanilla syrup to sweeten so it will be perfect!

My favorite way to sweeten lattes is just drizzle a bit of syrup on top, none inside. This has been such a random note…

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Ashley Bain 14 years ago

Clever! They really do look like cute little teacups!
Women are so smart.

Daisy Chubb 14 years ago

Yes they are Ash, yes they are


SimpliciTEA 14 years ago

I was simply perusing the Tasting Notes, and your comments caught me eye. I hope you don’t mind my jumping in here.

Who says they aren’t? I, for one am male, AND I do not doubt that women are as smart as men. I think my wife is probably smarter than I am, but tell any other men I said that. ; ) I teach and even today I witnessed the brilliance of a young second grader (I would bet she is easily the brightest in her class). I just love seeing children shine!

btw, cool story. I love being resourceful!

Daisy Chubb 14 years ago

haha that’s adorable!
Jump in any time my friend :D

And don’t worry, your secret’s safe with me :)

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