Chocolate Strawberry Temptation

Tea type
Black Tea
Natural Flavours, Organic Black Tea, Organic Cocao Nibs, Organic Flavours, Organic Strawberry, Strawberry Leaves
Artificial, Chocolate, Strawberry, Dried Fruit, Tart, Berries, Cream
Sold in
Edit tea info Last updated by Shae
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 15 sec 7 oz / 216 ml

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From Talbott Teas

Dessert in a cup, guilt free! What could be better? When I realized that the infusion of cacao nibs with black tea leaves creates a delicious layer of aroma and flavor, I was spellbound! The pairing of black tea leaves with real cacao nibs creates a flavor sensation that is topped off with real strawberries. No sugar and no calories makes this a fat free, guilt free indulgence. — Shane Talbott, Tea Blend Master

A decadent delight of fine black tea with provocative notes of dark chocolate and sweet plump strawberries.

Natural premium ingredients: Full-leaf black tea, strawberry pieces, cacao nibs, strawberry leaf, chocolate and strawberry flavors.

Bring fresh filtered water to just shy of boiling. Pour over sachet and let the aroma entice you while steeping 3-5 minutes. Remove sachet to capture flavor at its peak.

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36 Tasting Notes

6768 tasting notes

Another SIPDOWN! This one I will miss VERY VERY much!!! Totally YUMMO!
See previous notes


you are inspiring me to try this company out sometime when i’m able to get the funds..


They are a great company! I chat with one of the owners often. They’ve been featured on Oprah’s Fave Things and that show Shark Tank! They have some neat flavorings!


Whoa! They were funded through Shark Tank??


They were a successful company on their own prior but they were on the show last season, I think. Their promotional and media kits are pretty awesome, too!


Now I’m intrigued…I’ll have to check them out!


They’ve recently been bought out, though, I think. That’s what I’ve heard anyway.


They are still the co-founders. Shane & Steve. They sold to Jamba Juice, I think. But they still are involved.


What a nice success story! Love it!


Awesome. I’ll need to take some time to plan purchase for when i have funds again.

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4843 tasting notes

Thanks to TeaEqualsBliss for sending me some of this tea to try! It’s one that I’ve been anxious to try for some time now! I mean, how could I resist? With Chocolate and Strawberry? YUM!

While I am very happy that I am having this opportunity to try it, I feel like this is a tea that I need to tinker around with a bit, because I am just not getting the flavor I thought I would. I can taste faint notes of chocolate, faint notes of strawberry, and even the black tea tastes rather indistinct. I will try using a little more leaf next time and see how I fair with it. For now, I’m just not that impressed.


Sorry you were kinda bummed. I did notice the more I tinkered the more I liked! I usually doubled the amount and went for 3 or more minutes to infuse…not sure if that advice would help a little or not…


Yes, it does help. I am going to try having a little more leaf next time. I am also noticing that the flavor develops slightly as it cools a little bit. It’s not a bad tea, it’s just not as impressive as I expected it to be.


It does morph as it cools! So sorry I pumped it up too much for ya! LOL :P Sorry you were a little bummed


It’s not your fault! :)

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4337 tasting notes

Additional notes: This IS better steeping RIGHT after the water has been boiled for ten or more minutes, and not bothering with a second steep. There was more flavor… but I still don’t like the fruit leaves in here.

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87 tasting notes

this tea was from a tea swap from DinoSara that i just received today and it was the first one i wanted to try!!! Im tasting more strawberry then chocolate Its a Light taste though and its good Its like a Soft Desert! I love this tea!! Sadly i only got 2 sips before we ran out of the house to get the new World of Warcraft Mist of Pandaria lol Home and going to make some more now

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985 tasting notes

Tea of the morning…..

Now I am on to the last tea of my Talbott’s gift box. This one is still good, but again, not as good as the Chocolate Almond Allure. Definitely notes of strawberry and dark chocolate on Talbott’s rich tea base. I may even try milk with these at some point. I think the base can handle it well.

I have been pondering if I thought the regular price of the gift set would be worth it to me…… That is a tough one. I think if I had to pay full price for these, I would pick just the favorite of them and get a single tin if shipping were not an issue. However, for such a good deal (as the three tin gift set on clearance!), it is great that I have three teas that are good and enjoyable. Am I likely to repurchase any of the three? Probably not, unless the stars align for me again.

Usual mug method.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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911 tasting notes

More random tea that is newly available in my grocery store. This one came in a Talbott Tea sampler box with six different teas, two teabags of each. The teabags are quite alright – they remind me a lot of Lupicia’s but they don’t seem quite as silky. They do have about as much tea per bag as Lupicia’s though. 3.1g for this one. Good job Talbott.

The smell reminds me of ROT’s Strawberry Chocolate herbal. I don’t think that one is a great tea, but I like it enough to buy it from the grocery store when I need something herbal-y so it’s decent enough. I suppose there are worse things to smell like.

Hmm. I think the ROT tastes better. At least it tastes more chocolate strawberry. This is mostly tea with a faint (super-faint) note of strawberry towards the end. The aftertaste has a sort of musty sock thing going on that, if you tilt your head and squint, might be considered somewhere in the chocolate family. Not a good part of the chocolate family but still, I’m feeling generous so I’ll count it.

The tea itself isn’t offensive or anything. It’s smooth and a little silky and mild with no astringency or bitterness. That’s nice. As it cools, almost to room temperature, more of the strawberry and chocolate flavors come out but it’s still not overly noticeable.

I can’t help but think that this wants to be a plus-chocolate type Marco Polo but it just doesn’t make it up there. Once it cools down quite a bit it’s closer in taste to the flavor of the ROT, but 1) honestly, that’s not something to aspire to and 2) the aftertaste still makes me think of wet socks. Not wet dirty socks, but still, wet socks.

So yeah, nice try but for once I think I prefer an herbal.

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193 tasting notes

I want to like this tea more than I actually do. I read the other tasting notes and tried making it again and doubled the amount of leaf. It was better than the first time I made it, but I was still disappointed in this one. I had just purchased a Chocolate Strawberry at my local tea shop (I am not sure who makes it) that was very good, but I was expecting this one to be even better-it was not. I will not be purchasing this one again :( I really like there Luscious lemon meringue tea though and the caramel sundae one is not bad either. So I guess two out of three isnt bad.

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1780 tasting notes

Based on my first tasting note of this tea, it looks like I’ve had it around for seven years! I’m not sure if this is my last tea bag or if there are one or two more kicking around. I ran away from home for the weekend with one of my small roommates and grabbed my travel bag of tea which consists mostly of tea bag samples and my portable kettle.
The tea smells pretty good, but a few sips in and the flavor seems muddled. I can taste the strawberry and a deeper chocolate, but only if I pause between sips. Strange. I am enjoying this cup even tho what I really want is a cup of matcha, but such are the perils of traveling without my entire tea cupboard.


There are a couple of blends I really like from this company, but I don’t think they are around anymore. At least, I can’t seem to find them anywhere.


Talbott was on Shark Tank – and Kevin made a deal with them. Later, Jamba Juice bought out the company – I’m not sure – but from what little I’ve heard, they’re going to phase out the company.


I think they already phased out the company. I haven’t been able to find their teas for a few years. I liked a few of their blends as well. :/

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1629 tasting notes

I finished up my sample! I finally got this right today, which is great! I steeped this longer than usual and it brewed a nice medium brown. The scent was chocolate! I added sugar and milk to it, which definitely brought out the flavors more. It was creamy and I could actually taste a bit of strawberry even though it was faint. Delicious blend.

Flavors: Berries, Chocolate, Cream

200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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828 tasting notes

Another hotel tea, but perhaps my favorite. The strawberry is more pronounced than any other strawberry flavored tea I’ve had. It doesn’t seem artificial either. The tea (for me, at least) had just a hint of chocolate, which is a balance that seemed to be pretty good. With a bit of sugar, this is really a nice cuppa.

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