Queen of the Hill

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Black Tea
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205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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From Sloane Tea Company

An extremely tippy Assam tea from India’s steamy Brahmaputra Valley, this Sloane Tea Company Exclusive has a robust character that is complex yet simple to enjoy, making it an ideal companion at any time of day.

TEA PROFILE: Rich golden amber liquor, medium-bodied, brisk and full with a delicately sweet earthy linger.

STEEPING INSTRUCTIONS Steep 1 teaspoon per 6 oz of freshly boiled water for 3-4 minutes, depending on taste. Savour this tea straight or with a touch of milk.

ICED TEA BREWING INSTRUCTIONS (to make 1 litre/quart)
Boil 2 cups of water and pour over 7tsp. (approximately 14g) of tea, in a heat-safe pitcher. Steep for 12 min and then fill with 2 cups of cold water. Remove tea leaves (Sloane Sachet) from pitcher. Garnish with fresh mint, blueberries, or citrus slices.

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12 Tasting Notes

15588 tasting notes

Funnily enough, I also picked this one out of my cupboard today. Maybe Terri and i were operating on the same wavelength today or something. :) In the grand scheme of things, this is an average tea. It’s certainly not worth the price in my opinion (9.50 per ounce). Not that it’s an outrageous price but LB is cheaper than that, as is #49 (which is super cheap at 2.50 an ounce or something?) or teavivre’s black dragon pearls etc… long story short, there are better for that price. :) However, i certainly didn’t pay that price as i got a super awesome deal on this one, which makes it much easier to swallow. HA! get it.. yeah… in any case, there’s an astringency here that i’m not a fan of but it’s not so much that i can’t enjoy this tea today. :)


ha! saw what you did there!


yeah i’m a dork. :)

Terri HarpLady

I enjoyed it with breakfast. There is a very bright upper edge that would have made my tummy hurt if I drank it without having food, but yeah, not worth a high price tag.

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3294 tasting notes

Can you spell ASSAM?
I think I am in super taster mode for ‘bitter’ today. Most of you probably know this, but there are basically 5 tastes: Sweet, Sour, Salty, Bitter, & Umami (the savory taste). In Ayurveda & some other Asian cultures there are 6 tastes: Sweet, Sour, Salty, Pungent, Bitter, & Astringent. Anyway, this is a bold & somewhat bitter cup, & the last tea I drank was also a bitter cup. Either I’m really picking up the bitter taste today, or I’m over-leafing, or I’m just drinking bitter teas, LOL.

Sometimes when I am tasting the bitter taste, I take a moment to ask myself, “Am I feeling bitter/resentful towards anyone or anything?” (including myself) If I am, I take a few moments to wish that person happiness, prosperity, good health, etc. If there is something I need to do or say, the best thing is to just do it or say it, & then let go & move on. In this way, tea contributes to my mental state, but giving me a moment to reflect, by reminding me that I have choices today.


That is such a nice idea when drinking bitter teas!

Terri HarpLady

It goes with another practice of mine, when I’m craving sweets, I ask myself if I am lacking sweetness in my life. Regardless of the answer, then I take a few moments to reflect on the sweet elements of my day…the beauty of my home & garden, the beauty of music, the sweetness of my children/grandchildren/students/& others faces. The smell of flowers, colors of nature. There is a lot more sweetness in the world than just the taste: sweet sounds, visuals, words (like poetry), touch, etc. Usually when I’m craving the sweet taste, I’m feeling unsatisfied in some way, which means I need to slow down & appreciate the sweetness of my life. Then if I still want it, I can have pancakes or something, lol.


Hehe – I just took a brownie out of the freezer to thaw as I wanted something sweet! And I was drinking a sweet tea just before that! I think I better start using your practices. :-)


Terri, I read through all the reviews today and checked them off but had to come back and read this one again. I love your questions to yourself. What a wonderful practice. It is interesting how a quite moment with a cup of tea can connect us to the deeper things of life. I will try to remember this post and do likewise.

Terri HarpLady

Savor the moment!


I liked the idea of considering the need for other kinds of sweetness in my life. I ought to try that too.

I ♥ NewYorkCiTEA

Good reflective posts and comments. ♥ Thx !

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2201 tasting notes

Sipdown, 139. Thanks to Sil for this sample. Another assam, haha. I tried this straight first, did a quick nope, and added milk and sugar. I have come to the realization that I was correct in my assessment that assams are, in general, not for me. Too “brisk”, too “robust”. Taiwanese assams often are the exception to that rule, but I am generally not much for teas from the Indian subcontinent in general. Ah well.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

at least you know now…well have a better idea :)


Yes, I’m very glad to have gotten all these samples from you… Always gotta try it out!

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790 tasting notes

Finally got around to tasting this sample kindly sent to me by Sil some time ago.

It is indeed as she noted. An okay tea but nothing special.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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6119 tasting notes

Sipdown! Likely a sample from Sil – thanks! I drank this tea without looking up what it was, and was concerned that it had lost its flavouring – turns out it was unflavoured, so it actually was just fine, albeit unremarkable. A little astringent, but quite bearable, but kind of a regular old assam IMO. Not a tea I’d bother picking up, especially as it’s likely pricy, being from Sloane.

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814 tasting notes

tea for a queen!
simple business classy tea.
teacups clink and clack tea.
warm and toasty and light.

is it my birthday? it must be my birthday. cuz there is a MCU Harlequin AU Challenge being filled in AO3 and it’s got my big fluffy name all over it. (i need something to balance out all the darkDARK fics i always end up with, poor Clint.)

carol who

Ok, ok I know I’m old and dumb but what is “MCU Harlequin AU Challenge being filled in AO3” I only know the words “being filled in” and I’m not sure of the meaning in this context. :( I know duh, right.


Oh Carol! ask away! anytime! i mean, how will you know if you don’t ask?
but also, it’s really not important haha.
i’m talking about fanfic. cuz as will happen with the internet, it seems there are a handful of tea drinkers that are also big fanfic readers. and there are lots of fandom tea blends for heavensake, and we all found eachother on here so many notes are often highlighted with fandom cheers.
so. yup. to explain. :)
it’s a M arvel C inematic U niverse Harlequin Romance themed A lternate U niverse writing Challenge and the stories are being posted on archiveofourown.org also know as AO3 in abbreviation.
so, for instance, Tony Stark & Steve Rogers have a marriage of convenience and then fall in love after much turmoil Jane Austen style, or Clint Barton is a stable boy & Phil Coulson wants to court him but tradition and status standing do not allow it without bringing shame to his family name, etc etc. you get the idea. basically the Avengers do Pride and Prejudice.

so, yup, i know you didn’t ask for fic but to highlight my explanation,
and since i do have a tardis on my desk next to my green arrow figurine…
i’ll just put these here (the first taste is free haha)
(but i add a disclaimer and say that DW isn’t know for it’s fanfic and when i did try to read some a while back i didn’t go well :(
i just pulled these from the top ‘liked’
maybe some other steepster ladies have some recommendations?!


OMG. I’m happy you got into all that because I did not equate that with Avengers/P&P crossover and now I am going to have to look at some of those..

Also, WHY YES, I’d love to try some DW fic. I haven’t had much luck with those either, to be fair. But those are some good authors, so off to Calibre I go with them! (I’m copy your system now which makes sense but also means I have about 300 fics to tag but once it’s done it’s done FOREVER so that’s cool. I’m cool with it.)


i recommend you search the tags like: Alternate Universe – Regency, Regency Romance, Regency, Marriage of Convenience, Alternate Universe – Jane Austen Fusion, and Harlequin. to start.
there are a few clint/phil that have a lot of kudos.

here is the MCU Harlequin Challenge: http://archiveofourown.org/collections/mcuharlequin
but the first one i read that got me to this place was this http://archiveofourown.org/works/779087 (which is not in the list)

and to explain, i don’t always go so fluffy with my pics, but after reading a story like this http://archiveofourown.org/works/562971 i can sometimes use a bit of happy ending quick read romance.


and YAY!! cuz i love calibe AND i especially love my title labeling system. it’s simple and keeps things super organized without much effort. which is ideal as a foundation.

but listen, i wanna confess that i’ve also been using evernote. not that you should too! no.
calibre is great and works well and i still use it 100% it’s the only and best way to get stuff onto my kindle. period. but i have been saving every fic i read in evernote too. cuz i can search the full text of every fic. for those times when i’m like, oh the story had this and this and that in it and i wanna share it with someone or read it again. but it was a labor intensive project for a week or so. and not necessary but i had an intense compulsion to do it anyways. that’s me.

for calibre, there are add-ons too. i use one that lets you import and export folder names as tags. and another one that helps you find duplicates. and there is also one for fanfic specifically where you can subscribe to unfinished fics and then it will update your file in calibre when it’s updated online.
but i don’t actually use that add-on, cuz i only read finished works. but i thought it might be something that would suit you.

(now i’m just gonna take all of this and post it over on the fanfic thread cuz THAT is what it was created in the first place! haha)


I love Calibre. :D I’ve been using it to store ALL my fic (and on dropbox so I can access it anywhere if I need to for some reason), but never really did much with it for fic…

But just keep giving me organizing ideas and I will think about them and then eventually copy you. :P I think your Evernote idea is pretty genius because, like you say you can just search for the fics you want without having to tag….

I used Calibre to create a separate library JUST for fic so at least with that I can tag the hell out of EVERYTHING and not worry about it cluttering up my non fic books.

I wish the collections add-on would work, but now that I’ve gone paperwhite, I can’t go back… I just can’t – it’s so great and I get to read in the dark when i try to get my toddler to calm down and just lie down in bed. I get some of my best reading then because it’s quiet and I’m left alone while she snuggles next to me and finally falls asleep. The crack is unfortnuate BUT I’m going to try and wait until September before replacing it bc usually Amazon releases new product then and I’d rather wait for the next gen, just cuz?

I will look into those plugins, and add more now that I see you’ve copied this discussion to the proper place!! ahaha

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