Baklava Black Tea

Tea type
Black Herbal Blend
Not available
Clove, Alcohol, Artificial, Musty, Wet Wood, Cloves
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec 16 oz / 473 ml

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6 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I wish I’d read the Steepster reviews on this one before adding it to my cart! It’s such a promising concept, but all I get is clove, clove, and more clove, all on a very weak base. Disappointing. :(” Read full tasting note
  • “Hmm… I don’t really know how much I really like this one considering I am a bit congested. However, I agree… the only note I am getting is clove. I don’t hate it but it was a little disappointing...” Read full tasting note
  • “A very strange tea. I’m definitely not getting baklava, I’m actually not getting any distinct flavors. Definitely doesn’t taste bad, more just blah. Glad I got to try it thanks to AJRimmer!” Read full tasting note
  • “Thanks to tea-sipper for this one! Despite ambivalent reviews, I was still curious to finally try it. I wasn’t a big fan at first. It’s rather astringent and plain. It has kind of a strange flavor...” Read full tasting note

From Simpson & Vail

One smell of our Baklava dessert tea and you’ll be anxious for the kettle to boil. The aroma is a heady combination of sweet and spicy while the amber colored brewed cup has the buttery, sweet taste of Baklava and cloves. The combination is spectacular and will have you longing for your next sip.

Ingredients: Black teas, Organic Cloves, natural baklava flavoring, Sweet Blackberry leaf, Rose petals and Marigold petals

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6 Tasting Notes

397 tasting notes

I wish I’d read the Steepster reviews on this one before adding it to my cart! It’s such a promising concept, but all I get is clove, clove, and more clove, all on a very weak base. Disappointing. :(

Flavors: Clove

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259 tasting notes

Hmm… I don’t really know how much I really like this one considering I am a bit congested. However, I agree… the only note I am getting is clove. I don’t hate it but it was a little disappointing as I love baklava.

Flavors: Alcohol, Artificial, Clove, Musty, Wet Wood

Cameron B.

I remember this one being weird lol.


I just got clove, nothing else heh

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1962 tasting notes

A very strange tea. I’m definitely not getting baklava, I’m actually not getting any distinct flavors. Definitely doesn’t taste bad, more just blah. Glad I got to try it thanks to AJRimmer!


I grew up with baklava as a pacifier since μωρό. There is no way a black tea base could be used to replicate that flavor. White tea is the obvious pick. Come on, people! :P


You’re right! I’d love to see someone try to create a true baklava flavor with a white tea base.

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2571 tasting notes

Thanks to tea-sipper for this one! Despite ambivalent reviews, I was still curious to finally try it. I wasn’t a big fan at first. It’s rather astringent and plain. It has kind of a strange flavor seeping through that I can’t identify. The spices are mild. Maybe a bit of clove. Certainly nothing I would identify as baklava. With milk and sugar, it tastes decent. Like many other lightly flavored black teas. The more I drink of it, the more it’s growing on me. The spices somehow seem to show up more now. It’s not a great tea, but it’s enjoyable enough to finish the quantity I have. I really wish it tasted more like its name – that would be unique and tasty.

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4330 tasting notes

I had to try this one, as I adore most of the S&V blends I’ve tried. But I just can’t seem to find anything special with this one. The black tea base results in the lightest of brews – it’s the lightest of honey colors and has barely any flavor itself. I definitely need more from a black tea than this. The blackberry leaves don’t ruin the flavor but they really shouldn’t be here either. Otherwise, I’m only tasting a hint of spices. The roses are a nice touch but I don’t think they add much to the taste. I’ve only had actual baklava once in my life (and it probably wasn’t an accurate TRUE baklava) but if baklava is supposed to be dough and honey and nuts, this tea is definitely not that. This blend just doesn’t work for what it’s supposed to represent, and I would just find this blend boring no matter what the name was. Sorry, S&V!
Steep #1 // 1 1/2 teaspoons for a full mug// 16 minutes after boiling // 2 1/2 minute steep
Steep #2 // just boiled // 4 minute steep

edited to add: 7/27/19 — I tried this with 2 1/2 teaspoons and I like the flavor better this way… it’s more baklava but the black tea isn’t overwhelming or bitter at all, even when the second steep was using boiling water. So it’s probably not too much caffeine? I’m raising the rating from 68.

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4330 tasting notes

Simpson & Vail Advent Calendar – Day 2

(originally written November 2nd)

The way they put together the Simpson & Vail advent box is really interesting. The tea pouches are just layered in the box with some craft paper crimped filling stuff. But the way they’ve layered them makes it so that you can only see the topmost pouch well enough to read it, so you don’t spoil the surprise for future days when you open the box. I do make sure not to look as I pull the sample out, otherwise I would know what tomorrow’s blend is. It’s quite a nice idea and I really like their cute little pouches with bows printed on them. Plus they are conveniently the perfect size for my 16-ounce teapot.

Hmm… I was hoping for more from this tea. Baklava is generally very honey and nut-heavy, with some spices as well. This… I’m not even sure how to describe what it tastes like. I guess there is some light spicing, mostly clove. But otherwise it just tastes “flavored”. No like any specific flavor, but like there has been flavoring added… I don’t know how else to describe it. Artificial?

Definitely doesn’t taste at all like baklava to me. Just a mildly clove-y tea with a weak and slightly musty base and some form of flavoring added. Ah, well, you can’t win them all…

Flavors: Artificial, Cloves, Musty

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

Gee thanks. Now I want baklava…


This tea deserved to be tried for its name alone.

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