Caribbean Splash

Tea type
Fruit Herbal Blend
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Bitter, Hibiscus, Orange Zest, Tart
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Bulk, Loose Leaf
Caffeine Free
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
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  • “Mastress Alita’s sipdown challenge – June Tea #1: – An orange tea This tea, bleh, glad it’s gone now. 2022 sipdowns: 70 I’m back from visiting family. It was… rough. The most bizarre thing...” Read full tasting note
  • “C is for… Caribbean Splash. This steeped up a deep, dark red wine color and I knew my husband would love it and I would not. It was very tart, even with the added honey, and had the flavor of...” Read full tasting note
  • “I wish the hibiscus weren’t included in this. I like hibiscus, but it really takes over in this blend and doesn’t allow the other flavors any room to shine. I’m drinking this cold with lots of...” Read full tasting note

From Simpson & Vail

Enjoy the sunny flavors of the Caribbean with this blend. Caribbean Splash is a strong blend of citrus fruits that will make your taste buds jump and leave a tingly feeling in your mouth. Try iced for a refreshing summer treat!

Ingredients: papaya (papayas and sugar), mango (mangoes and sugar), hibiscus, orange peel, lemon peel, orange blossoms, natural lemon flavor, orange flavor, and mango flavor.

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4 Tasting Notes

4342 tasting notes

Mastress Alita’s sipdown challenge – June Tea #1: – An orange tea

This tea, bleh, glad it’s gone now.
2022 sipdowns: 70
I’m back from visiting family. It was… rough. The most bizarre thing happened. My aunt is around my grandmother all the time so she would know… my aunt thinks something happened to my grandmother and it seems she had overnight Alzheimer’s and the sad part is, it seems to be focused on her direct family members. Like she has no map of her family tree at this point. She asked who my aunt was the day before we went for the visit, her main caregiver, then she didn’t recognize three others of her closest family, including me. The last time I saw her I distinctly remember her saying to me “I’ll never forget this lady.” She thinks we are all hired caregivers or long lost children she didn’t know she had. It’s terrible and hard to process. Not sure if it was consistent the entire time we were there for three weeks. She might have been embarrassed to say she didn’t know who we were, so she could have been pretending to know most of the time. I just kept pointing to the quick dial numbers on her phone. It was all of us on the top row. :( She did just recently survive covid so we are all hoping it is a temporary covid fog. I have heard covid ages everyone 20 years, so there you go. But to survive covid and then a month or two later this happens? uh. So sad. Watching someone go through memory loss has always been one of my greatest dreaded fears.

Maddy Barone

My mom had dementia. I would call her and I could tell she didn’t know who I was even though I identified myself at the start of the call. Then, ten minutes later, she suddenly realized who I was. It was so hard for me to lose my mom that way. So I have some idea of how this visit was for you. Hugs.


Hopefully she realizes that she is loved by her caretakers, even if she doesn’t quite know who they are. There are some things we can’t help our loved ones go through, we just have to be there for them, and it seems you have a supportive family to help you all cope!


@Maddy Barone – I’m sorry you had to experience that. I’m working up to my first phone call with her soon. We are all hoping she knows us over the phone as none of us live around her except my aunt…

@Michelle – thanks for your words. She said many times while we were there “I’m not sure who you are, but you are all wonderful people.” ah.

Mastress Alita

My grandma just passed last month after years of bad dementia. It’s one of the hardest things to go through. My condolenses.


I’m so sorry Mastress Alita. If you have mentioned her passing, I missed it, as I have lots of catching up on notes to do.


=( Oh gosh. I’m so sorry. This is no easy thing to go through and I truly hope someday we find something that helps correct it.


Thanks, skysamurai

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2172 tasting notes

C is for… Caribbean Splash.

This steeped up a deep, dark red wine color and I knew my husband would love it and I would not. It was very tart, even with the added honey, and had the flavor of bitter orange peel. With the name, I might have expected pineapple or something similarly juicy. It would have worked a little better for me if the flavor had been more orange juice and less orange zest/pith.

Flavors: Bitter, Hibiscus, Orange Zest, Tart

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2597 tasting notes

I wish the hibiscus weren’t included in this. I like hibiscus, but it really takes over in this blend and doesn’t allow the other flavors any room to shine. I’m drinking this cold with lots of sugar, and it tastes okay, but I’d just say it’s a hibiscus fruit blend. Not a hint of anything Caribbean, sadly. And it’s not even a great hibiscus blend.

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