Jade Cloud

Tea type
Green Tea
Green Tea Leaves
Garden Peas, Sweet, Warm Grass, Almond, Astringent, Grass, Raspberry, Green, Honey, Honeysuckle, Malt, Milk, Sweet, Tannin, Tea, Green Beans, Bitter, Dry Grass, Bamboo, Floral, Freshly Cut Grass, Honeydew, Nectar, Soybean, Squash Blossom, Vegetal, Chestnut, Mint, Blueberry
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Fair Trade, Organic
Average preparation
180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 45 sec 5 g 11 oz / 326 ml

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65 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Haha, I thought I had previously reviewed this one, but apparently not! Excellent! I’m super distracted right now because oh my gosh, I am dating the sweetest boy ever and am currently over the...” Read full tasting note
  • “Must. Order. More. Tea. I have such a small hand full of oolongs and greens now which is sad because that’s pretty much what I’m going to have in the evening. In fact, I have enough leaf to do...” Read full tasting note
  • “Finally trying the last of the Rishi teas I ordered during the Mother’s Day sale! After my wonderful experience with their Ancient Emerald Lily I was hoping this tea would be similar but alas, this...” Read full tasting note
  • “I am having a hard time writing this review. This tea makes me think of nothing more than sitting outside on a sunny day in the short grass. Sun is shining on your face, and the sweet scent of the...” Read full tasting note

From Rishi Tea

This bright, fresh green tea is grown in a pristine high-mountain climate in Hubei. Here we work with tea artisans at the Xuan En Yisheng Tea Co-op to cultivate organic teas. Spring harvests are crafted by pan-firing, oven-baking, and hot-air roasting into a lively, savory tea inspired by the classical Chinese green tea known as Wulu, or “Jade Cloud.”

About Rishi Tea View company

Rishi Tea specializes in sourcing the most rarefied teas and botanical ingredients from exotic origins around the globe. This forms a palette from which we craft original blends inspired by equal parts ancient herbal wisdomRead more

65 Tasting Notes

6119 tasting notes

Haha, I thought I had previously reviewed this one, but apparently not! Excellent! I’m super distracted right now because oh my gosh, I am dating the sweetest boy ever and am currently over the moon. Or on Cloud 9. Sooo Jade Cloud kinda seemed appropriate, haha.

Anyhow, this is another one I drank through rather quickly, but it had a tasty vegetal beany flavour (kind of like Verdant’s Laoshan green?) and I’m looking forward to the second infusion, which I need to make ASAP as all five cups of tea sitting next to me are currently empty.

Thanks for passing this along, Alphakitty! This is definitely my sort of green tea, so I’m going to thoroughly enjoy finishing up my sample :D

ETA: Second infusion, 4 min at 180F and in about half the water, definitely not nearly as tasty, but still drinkable. Wouldn’t try for a third. This seems quite common in western-brewed greens like this though – I should try more leaf/shorter infusions (not quite gong fu, but more like 30s instead of 3min.) Also, note to self, I used 1.5 tsp/8 oz. for this one.

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec
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Alphakitty 13 years ago

So glad you like it! And, of course, congrats on your successful date~ I hope he likes tea as much as you do!

Kittenna 13 years ago

I actually have no idea if he will even drink tea. It’s not something I’ve really brought up yet. I’m hoping so, but it won’t be a deal-breaker if he won’t :) It would be nice to have someone to share my stash with though!

Kiaharii 13 years ago

Or on the flip side, you can keep your stash all to yourself. ;)

TeaBrat 13 years ago

Aww. good luck! I hope I meet someone soon I feel that way about. :)

Kittenna 13 years ago

Kiaharii – Haha, I have too much stash so I would love to share it. I’m already dumping off teas to two of my roommates, but they just don’t drink enough!

Amy – thanks :) And I hope you do too! I don’t know yet if this is going to go anywhere serious, but I really hope it does :)

Sil 13 years ago

Woot! Yay for new boys! Here’s hoping it’ll be a good time at the very least :)

Lucy 13 years ago

Yay for fun dates =)

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911 tasting notes

Must. Order. More. Tea.

I have such a small hand full of oolongs and greens now which is sad because that’s pretty much what I’m going to have in the evening. In fact, I have enough leaf to do one, maybe two more cups of this tea.

So the big question: do I order more Rishi so I can get more of this only Chinese green I love? Or do I go somewhere else to get new teas and just suck it up for a while and be Jade Cloud-less?

These are the tough choices in my life.

But on the plus side, kitty-girl is happy and drugged up and the lump wasn’t a tumor. Woo!

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takgoti 15 years ago

I won’t lie, I’ve been thoroughly impressed with Rishi so far. This is one of the ones I ordered, but I have yet to drink it. It’s on the queue for tomorrow.

takgoti 15 years ago

Doi. I’ve been doing math all day, it’s the math’s fault. I totally meant to say YAY! about your cat. You must be relieved.

jennlea 15 years ago

I really, really like this tea and would be sad if I ran out so I don’t envy your decision. Good news about the kitty!

Jillian 15 years ago

Really glad to hear about your kitty. And no Rishi tea for me. Boo.

Auggy 15 years ago

Yep, kitty is doing great and we are relieved! YAY!

@takgoti: Math is evil. This tea is good. Though I will say that I have enjoyed it more after it has gotten a little older. When I first got it, I got a saltier taste from it but it seems to have mellowed a bit that makes me like it even more.

@jennlea: I’m hoping to find a tin of this in the store so I don’t have to choose!

@Jillian: Why no Rishi? I’ve only tried a few of theirs and this is my favorite. The other two are decently good.

Jillian 15 years ago

Because shipping costs are evil. It’s $20 minumum to get a package from them shipped north of the border. Hmph.

Auggy 15 years ago

Ah, that would totally do it! The few Rishi things I’ve picked up were actually in a store so I haven’t ordered anything directly from them. And the first ones I got, I got for the tins. :)

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470 tasting notes

Finally trying the last of the Rishi teas I ordered during the Mother’s Day sale! After my wonderful experience with their Ancient Emerald Lily I was hoping this tea would be similar but alas, this green falls a little flat for me. There’s a very strong steamed veggie smell once it’s brewed, and that carries through to the taste. I don’t really like when my tea tastes mildly of steamed spinach. It’s a shame, because the other notes her are really working for me: there’s a nice grassy taste, as well as a tiny hint of citrus and chestnut.

But steamed veggies + a hint of citrus reminds me unfortunately of a weird tea version of V8. Not exactly the most appetizing taste, and it’s kind of ruining the experience for me. I really want to like this because I love how grassy it is, but I can’t help thinking that someone made tea with the leftover water from blanching vegetables.

EDIT: Tried different brewing parameters (stepped for 1 minute 30 second), still too vegetable-tasting. Bumping the rating down a bit as I didn’t finish either cup.

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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411 tasting notes

I am having a hard time writing this review. This tea makes me think of nothing more than sitting outside on a sunny day in the short grass. Sun is shining on your face, and the sweet scent of the lawn washing over you. There even may be a hammock involved. All of that in just a little cup of tea. Bliss. It’s a lovely image, and a really nice cup of tea. Very mellow, smooth, just a hint of astringency at the finish, just making you want to take that next sip all the sooner. It has a hint of sweetness in the aroma – I can see where Rishi finds the “sweetly toasted chestnut” from it’s product description. There are no stand-out notes in this tea for me – just a blended mellowness that I’m really enjoying. I have a feeling that drinking this on a cold, snowy December might instantly transport you to a very spring-like place.

Unfortunately for this review – outside it’s a beautiful sunny day, and there actually is a hammock. Both the cup of tea next to me, and the entire back yard are telling me I need to take this tea outside and sit and enjoy it in the sunshine. I don’t think I can hold out any longer.

(originally posted at http://www.itsallabouttheleaf.com/553/tea-review-rishi-tea-jade-cloud-organic-fair-trade-green-tea/)

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189 tasting notes

Appearance: dark grey brown curled leaf
Aroma when Dry: leafy, nutty, sweet (eastern), chewy
After water is first poured: bright, vegital, chewy
At end of first steep: vegital, buttery
Tea liquor:
At end of steep: clear
Staple? No
Preferred time of day:any
At first?: buttery, sweet, smooth vegital green beans, asparagus
As it cools?: gets sweeter, pea notes surface, gets brothy
Additives used (milk, honey, sugar etc)? No
Lingers? Yes, velvety creamy sweet vegital notes high on the palate

195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 30 sec
Alphakitty 12 years ago

Sorry you didn’t like this one. :( I thought it was quite similar to Ancient Emerald Lily (though not quite as good)

Kasumi no Chajin 12 years ago

It happens. In some ways it seems you and I meet in the middle with Ancient Emerald Lily, considering my preference for the tea from red cup that did not appeal as much for you.

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836 tasting notes

Purchased this tea at the airport. I think that it was brewed at too high of a temperature and is astringent. Otherwise, it seems that it would be quite good.

Stephanie 11 years ago

Hate when that happens!

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260 tasting notes

Before I say anything else, I want to say that my first experience with Jade Cloud was a thoroughly enjoyable one.

That being said, here’s the thing. The more tea that I accumulate, the harder it can be to distinguish them from one another – especially if I don’t drink them back to back [and I don’t drink teas of the same type right after one another, really].

The more tea that I try, the more the flavors start to blend together until certain ones become indistinguishable until only a select few stand out – either because someone did something noticeably different or the taste is just THAT much better. As I’m typing this out, I’m realizing that perhaps that’s the point of drinking a lot of tea, but I also feel like it’s probably more my fault than the tea.

I guess that this is why they have tea tastings in shops, right? Usually, I don’t brew pots – I brew cups, and I re-steep if I feel like drinking more of it and/or the tea can take a re-steep. Maybe I need to get some shot glasses or some of those tasting teacups and spend a day or two comparing the similar ones. Part of me feels like if the differences aren’t ones that I notice between cups then what do I care, but part of me wants to see if I can notice a difference. [Curiosity will likely win out, because it almost always does.]

This is also a long-winded way of saying that the flavors I got out of this tea are going to sound mighty similar to other teas that I have previously logged. It is nutty, but with a grassy sweetness to it – warming and comforting, and I really liked it. It was certainly welcomed into my day since we’ve been having some rather dreary weather, but I see this as being something I’d revisit regardless of what the hell’s going on outside.

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Mike 15 years ago

I can definitely understand what you’re saying. I think you’ve come to the right conclusion, although, I’ll add — if you like it, you like it. And, yes, not every tea is going to blow you away, that’s what makes the ones that do special :) Keep us updated on the taste testing activities…

In the meantime, this one sounds interesting, adding it to my list. Thanks!

Auggy 15 years ago

Glad you liked it! It does have the ‘normal’ flavors that the Chinese greens that I’ve had seem to have, but for me I guess I like it so much more than the other ones because of the way the flavors are put together or their proportion. Or something.

I think I have three categories of tea: teas that are awesome, teas that are horrible and teas that remind me of a tea in one of those categories. Hehe.

takgoti 15 years ago

@Mike Haha, that’s pretty much my sentiment wrapped up in a bow. But I’ll definitely let y’all know what my conclusions are when I get around to it. And thank aug3zimm, she’s why I got it in the first place!

@aug3zimm It’s edging out some of the other greens I have for sure. I’m going to have to check the Whole Foods around here to see what the selection looks like. Actually, I’m going to have to check a few of the grocery stores. I stopped buying tea from them when I started drinking loose-leaf but we’re pooping “specialty” markets over here. Rishi took FOREVER to get in and I’d save on shipping. Also, those categories sound pretty official and I’ll probably gank them.

Auggy 15 years ago

I actually just picked up a tin of this last night from Central Market. So I’m happy now – my next order can come from anywhere AND I won’t be out of this tea! Yay!

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355 tasting notes

Grassier than I remembered, but just what I need.

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103 tasting notes

OK, so I realized yesterday that I’ve had the misfortune of having tried this tea twice. I originally tried it when my son and my partner and I were waiting for the pirate exhibit to open in a Milwaukee museum. I could not put enough sugar in this to redeem it. It smelled and tasted like rotten vegetables mixed with grass and frog dung or something. I dumped most of it out.

So yesterday, my partner and I went out for tea and I saw the Jade Cloud and thought, hmmm, that’s a pretty description for a tea, I think I’ll try it. As soon as I got to the table I could smell that SMELL and it brought me right back to the museum. I couldn’t even bring myself to taste it this time. My partner tasted it, thinking if she liked it we could trade. Nope, she was just as disgusted.

So I might tattoo the words “I don’t like Jade Cloud” on my forearm just to remind myself for the next time I come across it. Well. I’m glad I got that off my chest. ;-)

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec
Anna 11 years ago

Frog dung is the worst.

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865 tasting notes

Had this iced at the Milwaukee, WI airport Friday morning. Holy cow it was bitter!


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