Original Blend

Tea type
Black Tea
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Smooth, Tea
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Bulk, Tea Bag
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Edit tea info Last updated by fancyteacup
Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 15 sec 3 g 51 oz / 1498 ml

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From Red Rose

First introduced in 1890, the traditional Red Rose blend is a tea for tea lovers. This package of 100 has some of the finest black teas from around the world are selected to make this full bodied and flavorful tea.

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91 Tasting Notes

19 tasting notes

This tea will forever remind me of cold winter nights spent with my boyfriend and his family: his mom would make a pot of tea every time I was over, pour in a good amount of milk and a teaspoon of sugar… so delicious. I’m sure it’s just your standard black tea, but it’s definitely the kind I drink the most, now. I love it.

Plus, it comes with a little handmade figurine!

185 °F / 85 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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36 tasting notes

A yummy black tea – simple, light, and great base tea for teapot combinations!

Initial Review: http://www.witheringleaves.com/red-rose-original-black-tea

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16 tasting notes

While this is not the 100% most fantastic black tea in the world, it carries a lot of memories with it, and that bumps its ranking significantly. This was the tea my husband drank when I first met him and this was the tea that I always remember seeing in his flat when I would visit to keep him company during a health crisis. He would pour boiling water to half-fill a cup and then the rest would be grape juice. This would then have a teabag tucked in it to brew and it was a fabulous drink for both winter and summer. I liked it chilled or kept hot. It became a travelling tea and we would pour it into a jar and take it with us on trips. It appeared at our reception tea. Though I often make the mistake of brewing it too dark, the memories and comforts that this tea brings far make up for any deficiencies it may have in quality or taste. It is a solid tea, good for mornings and for taking on the go, and it is very convenient to find on a store shelf.

Oh, and the figurines are just fabulous. I have so many little pairs of dogs that I’m not sure what to do with them.

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1 tasting notes

This is my every day tea, and has been since I was young. I love it!

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737 tasting notes

Continuing with my simplicity kick…

I think people like this tea for the memories it brings back, more than for its taste. It’s really just a very simple orange pekoe ceylon tea, no surprises. But it carries with it a certain personal history… My grandmother used to drink it. My best friend and my boyfriend each have a big collection of the little figurines, so I know someone in their lives drank it too.

The company wants to have that kind of legacy, I believe. The box invites me to “share my favorite Red Rose memory” on their website.

Funny how a low price (cheaper even than Lipton in some places) and a little clay figure have the power to touch so many lives.

I thoroughly enjoyed two cups of this tea today, not for the taste, but for the places they brought me mentally and emotionally.

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8 tasting notes

Pretty standard black tea. It has no flavor when it is drank hot but it makes a lovely iced tea.

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3 tasting notes

I put five of these teabags in a giant mason jar filled with pure water, and steep it in direct sunlight in the garden for an afternoon to make iced tea—just as my mother did, and my grandmother before her. It’s such a tradition with us that most other iced teas taste odd to me, too fruity or too herby or otherwise just not…quite…right. This isn’t the most amazing tea in the world, but it appears to be THE iced tea for me. My kids play with the little animal figurines just as I did, thirty years ago.

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9 tasting notes

My morning tea, with turbinado sugar and some half and half (milk/cream).

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8 tasting notes

For the last 3 years Red Rose Original has been my good to tea. I have always enjoyed this tea. Frankly until recently I wouldn’t touch any other type of tea. I recently started trying loose teas and while I enjoy those teas I always make sure I have a box of my favorite “store” brand in the cupboard.

It was always one my grandmother drank, so the memories when sipping this tea brings me back to when I was little visiting. I like it steeped strong, usually one bag in the cup and always with a little milk and sugar.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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299 tasting notes

Euhh, feeling shitty. Milk and sugar; comfort tea substitute.

4 min, 45 sec

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