Silver Tip Jasmine

Tea type
White Tea
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Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
170 °F / 76 °C 3 min, 30 sec

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From Rare Tea Company

A Chinese White loose leaf tea, also known as Jasmine Silver Needle, made entirely from the first tender leaf buds of Spring. Not flavoured but carefully scented over six consecutive nights with fresh jasmine flowers. Once the preserve of the Chinese Imperial family.

Tasting Notes
A deep and heady aroma with a light, gentle flavour and a natural sweetness.

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4 Tasting Notes

227 tasting notes

I got that package that got stuck on the customs office and that i didn’t even recall ordering. I was totally surprised with the content. Awesome modern tins and nicely packed samplers. Plus a nice postcard thingy and an actual short story inside one of the tins.
the short story thing

I picked one of 5 samplers with my eyes closed. Idk if the sampler content is for one or two teacups. I just read. It’s one teapot each sampler. I ordered the Introduction collection with White Silver Tip, Jasmine Silver Tip, Green Leaf Tea, Oolong, Emperor’s Breakfast. Plus i got a tin of whole leaf white and a tin of Lost Malawi.
took me 10 years to realize i got gay smurfs on my sheets ;) i just realized recently they aren’t inlove with smurfette
After opening the pack strooooong jasmine scent. But more flowery and less ewy smelling than some of the jasmine’s that i couldn’t drink. They said themselfes that the 2ns steep is even better than the first. We shall see.

I’ll leave half of it for another time. Looks too much. Specially considering my jasmine weakness.
Lets go…
1st steep 4 minutes
The color is very light. Almost none. Smell is gentle floral similar to the leaves just more delicate. Taste is omg yummy. Seriously. How to describe this. I hate most jasmine teas i’ve tried so far but this goes beyond. It’s the most floral thing i’ve ever tasted. Its so sweet and taste so frakkin good. That floral taste sticks in my mouth like a drug or something. I can’t believe i just fell totally in-love to a jasmine tea. But i did. Omg gotta go let somebody else try it. They managed to make a tea i love from something i pretty much hate. How awesome is that?!

This one is a must have! Too bad i just got a sampler. Gonna order more for sure. Till then i’ll have to steep out every yummy drop of this one ;)

Can’t wait to try their other teas. Rare Tea Company rocks!

165 °F / 73 °C 4 min, 15 sec

Between the Smurf sheets (which I utterly adore and somewhat covet) and the fishie teacup, and the super-cool tea packaging — I dub this a super-mind-blowingly-awesome note :D And hooray for a nummy jasmine!

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4843 tasting notes

Awesome! This is one of the very best Jasmine Silver Needle teas I’ve yet to try. So sweet, silky and smooth. Lovely texture to this one. Delicious.

I love this! I think I am going to need more of this!

165 °F / 73 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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6768 tasting notes

Thanks LiberTEAS for this!

The fragrance intensifies as it infuses. The taste is very light and mellow. It’s ok but not overly flavorful or memorable.

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12 tasting notes

As the rating shows I consider this tea to be perfect. It is a tea for jasmine lovers, with the tea taking a back seat to the wonderful jasmine aromas and flavours.

Looks: Plump, fresh, green buds.
Scent: Fresh, strong, sweet jasmine
Taste: Balanced fresh, cool jasmine

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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