This is a really nice blend. Robust yet smooth. Mild maltiness. I personally don’t get anything I associate with Darjeeling though there are greener leaves within the blend. Really nice, really moderate. It wouldn’t be a wake you up kind of blend but it’s a good any time of the day tea.
I haven’t been able to enter Queen’s Pantry for some reason in the tea description. It won’t let me add “Queen’s Pantry”. The store is in the database already as “Queen’s Pantry,” and “Queen’s Pantry, Leavenworth, KS” and in order to enter this tea at all I had to choose one of them. Hanging commas drive me nuts, so I picked the one with the location. :)
Enjoy your day! :)
Oh, enjoy! You deserve it! Dark clouds and drizzles for us! I would love a sunny spot outside right now.
Glad to hear you’re looking after yourself!
Ooooh, I adore mental health days. Good for you.