Red Velvet Puerh

Tea type
Black Tea
Beet Root Pieces, Blackberry Leaves, Cocoa Nibs, Cocoa Peels, Pu Erh Tea
Chocolate, Earthy, Salty, Sweet
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by BeccaD
Average preparation
Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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From Plum Deluxe

Ingredients not in database: chocolate essence

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6 Tasting Notes

491 tasting notes

Advent tea! Sweet tea with a slight chocolate aftertaste. The puerh base makes it savory and salty. I would probably overleaf a cup, especially in the morning like I am drinking it now. That may bring the chocolate out? It is an easily drinkable cup and I would add it to an order.

Flavors: Chocolate, Earthy, Salty, Sweet

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294 tasting notes

Fascinating as a concept for a tea, and very pretty. Not a favorite flavor for me. It’s hard to pinpoint why, even. The cocoa is pleasant if a little bitter, and the flavor seems balanced well with the tea, but I didn’t particularly enjoy it (then again, I’m also not a fan of red velvet in baking, so maybe that’s all!)

Plum Deluxe advent day 4

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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16975 tasting notes

Adventageddon Day 21 – Tea 4/4

I believe this is actually the first Plum Deluxe blend in the countdown to make an appearance that I actually already own, but even still I was excited to see it since it’s one of the few more “straight/plain chocolate” teas I own that I actually really enjoy. Usually I like chocolate blends paired with another flavour like orange or strawberry. This one is rich and earthy though, with a bittersweet cocoa note that feels decadent without necessarily being sweet.

Plus I’ve always loved the super rich reddish brown colour this brews up. It’s a pretty blend to look at!

Today’s Advent Photos:

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70 tasting notes

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