PG Tips

Tea type
Black Tea
Not available
Caramel, Apple, Dark Wood, Heavy, Malt, Tea, Green Beans, Metallic, Sawdust, Cocoa, Smooth, Earth, Grass
Sold in
Tea Bag
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Edit tea info Last updated by Cpt Bob Petersen
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 15 sec 3 g 10 oz / 287 ml

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129 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I finally got a box of this last evening. So though I typically like to brew a pot of loose leaf tea on weekend mornings, and I just got several other fun teas from Tealuxe, I was excited to start...” Read full tasting note
  • “Two cups this morning first thing. Take my daughter to preschool for her first full day then come home to enjoy one of my last lazy mornings before I start work tomorrow. Third cup with a buttery...” Read full tasting note
  • “So, I’ve stopped just logging my teas if I don’t have anything new to add to because then my log would get a bit out of hand. So don’t think I’m not drinking my tea, I’m just being lazy about...” Read full tasting note
  • “A good, go-to basic British style tea. Reliable taste – you know what you’re getting: how much to add to the pot, how much and how hot the water needs to be, how long to brew it, and how to doctor...” Read full tasting note

From PG Tips

PG Tips has been the best known and most popular brand of tea in the UK for over 75 years. Stronger than most Indian and African teas, PG Tips has a similar taste to our English Breakfast Tea.

Always innovating and improving its products, PG Tips features pyramid-shaped tea bags, which allow more room for tea to infuse and produce a better flavor. The Freeflow material used in PG Tips tea bags is made of webbed fibers, which allow water to pass through the filter, reaching the tea quickly and decreasing the brewing time. The Freeflow Pyramid bags result in fast brewing and a superior taste.

Contents: 40 teabags, 4.4 oz

About PG Tips View company

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129 Tasting Notes

6 tasting notes

All I can say about this tea is that it is a strong black tea. Nothing more, nothing less. Now that is plenty fine for me.

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22 tasting notes

Very “Assamic” taste, this amber tea is strong in both color and flavor. However, it is a good tea for breakfast (you can mix it with milk) or after a heavy lunch.

Boiling 2 min, 15 sec

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16 tasting notes

I just tried this plain for the first time and it was pretty good. It’s flavorful but not too strong.

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183 tasting notes
Probably the best bagged tea I’ve had, and the price is right. It is pretty strong. I tend to give it a short steeping time of about 30 seconds, add a little sugar or honey, and it is consistently good that way.
200 °F / 93 °C 0 min, 30 sec

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6 tasting notes

This is my second go-to bleary-eyed morning tea, it definitely provides the spark to bring me back from the land of sleep dead. It’s good with a bit of milk and sugar added, and as the flavor is not quite as good as my number one breakfast tea (Taylors of Harrogate Scottish Breakfast), I often steep it with some fresh minced ginger. (Plus ginger = mega health benefits)

Boiling 6 min, 15 sec

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16 tasting notes

This is what my parents have in their home as their everyday tea. It’s the only one they drink. It is tolerable, I suppose, but since PG Tips is owned by Unilever and Unilever tests on animals, it gets a big, fat ZERO in my book. Besides, there are so many other great breakfast teas that will brew strongly, like Twinings Irish Breakfast or Ty-Phoo tea.

EDIT: Okay, maybe it gets a rating of 1, since that’s as low as Steepster will go.

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10 tasting notes

Love it, my favorite black tea!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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7 tasting notes

WTF? These people test on animals? FAIL.

Also, not a good tea.

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34 tasting notes

My Mom LOVES this tea. She kind of turned me onto it. When I’m feeling lazy and don’t want to brew a loose tea I will sometimes throw this into a mug and brew it up. It tastes best with milk and sugar of course. I’m never unhappy with this tea it totally does NOT suck.

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219 tasting notes

PG Tips is my go-to tea. It’s the Anglophile in me. I like a good strong builder’s tea with milk and sugar and this is the best. Discovered this at the Tea Spot in Defiance, Ohio and was delighted to see it available and a lot less expensive at Walmart. This is now a staple in my home.

4 min, 0 sec

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