Magnolia Puerh

Tea type
Pu'erh Tea
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195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 30 sec

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  • “So I ended up checking out Earth Fare and buying too much and putting it on the card my mom pays…hey if you’re gonna steal my spring break, I’m getting this Numi sampler and asparagus and bacon and...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sipdown no. 41 of 2016 (no. 252 total). Downed the last two bags at work today. Pleasant, greenish floral aroma and flavor. I steeped on the short side, so not a lot of heft from the puerh, but I...” Read full tasting note
  • “I only had two samples of this and I took them with me to dog sit tonight whilst my parents are out. They have gone to see a band called The Cult, my mum used to be engaged to Ian Astbury the...” Read full tasting note
  • “Perhaps my sense of smell and taste aren’t keen enough, but I’m not picking up the magnolia or anything else flowery really. It’s basically like a plain pu-erh although it is on the lighter side...” Read full tasting note

From Numi Organic Tea

Numi’s Magnolia Puerh enraptures the senses with sweet layers of floral scents. Rich and aromatic, this blend of black Puerh, picked from 500 year old wild-harvested tea trees, and magnolia-scented green tea is complexity at its most superb. Magnolia Puerh changes with every sip, taking you on a journey of flavours from flowery vanillas and earthy notes to hints of fruit – all wrapped into a joyful, wholesome cup of tea. You will fall in love with Magnolia Puerh and never let it go.

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24 Tasting Notes

20 tasting notes

Sometimes Green Puerh can be a bit acidic for me, but this blend is awesome! It’s smooth, floral, and surprisingly easy on the stomach. If you’re in Oakland, try some @ NUMI – 2230 Livingston St.

3 min, 0 sec

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80 tasting notes

Not liking this one today. :P

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71 tasting notes

I didn’t associate this with Magnolia. I grew up with several magnolia trees here in the south, and this was definitely not it. Disappointed.

195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 30 sec

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5 tasting notes

Hm, I’m just not that into this one. When I think about it, this tea has a light earthiness that’s not too strong and easier to take for someone newer to puerh (me) while having some floral overtones, so I shouldn’t be surprised by the taste. The “magnolia” sets up an unreasonable expectation for me that this tea will be more floral, which I know is silly. I guess this is a good tea to drink if you want the health benefits of puerh but don’t really like the usual strong earthy flavor, but I wouldn’t expect floral. I imagine this disappoints people who like puerh because it’s not as flavorful as a strong puerh and disappoints people who like floral teas because the earthiness overwhelms the magnolia. It’s a hard one to win, I think. With my expectations in check, I’ll probably enjoy the next cup more, as I’ll know what I’m picking.

205 °F / 96 °C 1 min, 0 sec

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20 tasting notes

Smooth and pleasant. I drank it with honey. I left the bag in my large mug as I drank, and it tasted good when steeped 5 minutes and tasted good when steeped 20. It’s not something I will step over babies to get again, but I wouldn’t refuse it if it were given to me (as this bag was).

200 °F / 93 °C 6 min, 0 sec

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8 tasting notes

I’ve never had any other magnolia-scented teas, so I’m not sure how to rate this one. I like it, but am not enamored with it. Not like jasmine, anyway. I probably won’t buy it often, but it does in a pinch. I’m having some now with a few drops of lemon in it. The lemon doesn’t detract, but actually compliments.

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 30 sec

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1353 tasting notes

Queued post, written May 3rd 2014
You may have noticed that I’ve lowered my posting frequency from daily to three times a week. I’ve got the queue whittled down to 14 pages and I haven’t been adding to it very much lately, so I’m trying to delay the point where I run out of pre-written posts and the system collapses.

This was from the first round of the EU TTB.

I’m not sure why I took it. I’m not sure what to say about it now that I’ve had it either.

I did try to pay attention to it, but even then I found I couldn’t put words to what I was tasting.

It was sweet, somewhat flowery, a great deal wood-y and sort of green tea-ish here and there. Really, that’s all I’ve got.

It was relatively pleasant, though I’m sure the magnolia scenting has been done better by other companies in the past.


How is the house and the garden and all that stuff coming along?


It’s coming. The garden far more sloooooooooowly than I would like, though not for lack of work. Why won’t these things just grow faster?! I do not have the patience for this gardening stuff. We’ve got one little proto-apple on the tiny apple tree, a bean (yes, singular), 5 courgette plants and 6 sweet peas. As for the beans and the sweet peas there were supposed to be lots more but they didn’t come up. A few herbs as well. And LOTS of dandelions though.


Hahaha, a proto-apple and a bean. Love it.


Husband had more bean seeds, so we’re trying again. He just planted them this morning. He had a dig around for the others and could only find one which was rotten, so that explains what happened to them. He had read that they should be soaked before planting and then later read elsewhere that the soaking step was just an old wives’ tale. Seems like in our case it might actually have ruined the seeds. Live and learn. Back to waiting, then. He put in all the seeds that were left, so at least some of them ought to come up now.
One of the courgettes seen to have died, though. It was fine in the morning and a few hours later it was all floppy and sick. The others, mysteriously, are fine.


If they’re old and dry it might help them a little, but overall I’ve found they tend to be very sensitive to moisture if the soil isn’t warm enough.

Also someone might have chewed on your courgette. Tell them to bite back.


We’re definitely keeping an eye on the others. One theory is that something has nibbled the roots, but then you’d think it’d nibble on the others as well.


Oh, and I also saw a butterfly I had never seen before. Ran excitedly to tell Husband only to discover that he had seen one the other day and that it was actually a fairly common species. Hm.


Check for ants, sometimes they can be real assholes.


There are some, but not what I would call a lot. A tiny black species. Any advice? (We don’t want to use chemicals and poison)


Ugh no, no chemicals – especially not around edibles. Well, what you can do is dig around in the soil a little and see if there seems to be an ant nest under the plants in questions and, if so, just disturb them (dig around, water) as much as possible. But it could really just be a random plantbiter who’s already left – keep an eye on the closest plants.


We’ll try that. Thanks Anna. I didn’t know you were a fountain of garden pest knowledge!


‘Garden Pest’ is my middle name.

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59 tasting notes

This didn’t seem like anything special. I could smell the floral scents a little, but it was pretty bland. If I were given it, I’d drink it again, but I wouldn’t seek it out.

190 °F / 87 °C 8 min or more

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4 tasting notes

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4 tasting notes

Decided to try this one when a Numi sales rep was visiting my local Whole Foods – I got $3 off! I’ve been drinking it at work, and I just love the scent. The puerh itself is nice. Nothing special, but great for daily drinking, esp at work when I’m not paying attention. I went back to snatch up another box a $3 off. The only thing – can’t really brew this more than 3 times unlike loose leaf, though I suppose green peurh is less robust with more brews.

195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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