Queued post, written May 3rd 2014
You may have noticed that I’ve lowered my posting frequency from daily to three times a week. I’ve got the queue whittled down to 14 pages and I haven’t been adding to it very much lately, so I’m trying to delay the point where I run out of pre-written posts and the system collapses.
This was from the first round of the EU TTB.
I’m not sure why I took it. I’m not sure what to say about it now that I’ve had it either.
I did try to pay attention to it, but even then I found I couldn’t put words to what I was tasting.
It was sweet, somewhat flowery, a great deal wood-y and sort of green tea-ish here and there. Really, that’s all I’ve got.
It was relatively pleasant, though I’m sure the magnolia scenting has been done better by other companies in the past.