Autumn 2013 Sample
I’ve only ever had one raw puerh before, from Teavivre, so getting an opportunity to try this is a treat. Something I noticed, is that while to me ripe puerhs smell like pond water, this wet leaf smells like a fish tank, a little cleaner and greener and fresher than pond water.
6g, ~5oz water, 180F, 10 sec rinse, and then 15,15,18,18,20 sec steeps. I then switch it up, and do 1,2,3 minute steeps.
The first couple if steeps are dark vegetables with lemon zest and the barest font of apricots. I can’t quite put my finger on the exact veggie this tastes like, I know it, it’s on the tip of my tongue, but I can’t remember. Darker than spinach, sort of meatier or fleshier than kale, more complex than green beans.
Third steep is my favorite. The veggies are very muted and the peach and apricot come out to play. By the forth steep, though, the fruit tones down, the veggies crank up and they meet with the veggies just slightly powering over the fruit. And there’s also a tough of a mineral note.
Sixth steep, I decided to start experimenting. One minute seems to pull the fruit back out and mellow the veggies, and the result is soothing and calming. It just continues to get sweeter through the 9th steep. The mineral note sticks around, sort of grounding the tea, and adding a depth and complexity that might not be there otherwise. But mostly it apricot and peaches. Maybe some pear.