Jin Jun Mei (Golden Eyebrow)

Tea type
Black Tea
Black Tea
Bread, Chocolate, Malt, Sweet Potatoes
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf
Not available
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Edit tea info Last updated by Jason
Average preparation
190 °F / 87 °C 4 min, 15 sec 16 oz / 473 ml

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10 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Additional notes: I had to try the remainder of my sample again, since Nicole is such a fan (and she is the one who sent it over – I don’t like steeping teas less than perfectly if someone who...” Read full tasting note
  • “I split this one with Nicole during Min River’s closing sale. Which is too bad too, because this is one of the better Jin Jun Mei’s I have tried. And that is saying something. I have had a great...” Read full tasting note
  • “Got a sample of this in Nicole’s Christmas card! Personally, this is wayyy too strong for me. Steeped it for a little less than what it says to steep on Here. But yeah, it’s still way too strong....” Read full tasting note
  • “Nicole sent some of this my way and it’s very different than the jin jun mei i had earlier today from life in teacup. haha this one is a little too intense for me. Still though, as always, i’m...” Read full tasting note

From Min River Tea

A naturally sweet and fruity red tea, Jin Jun Mei (sometimes called Golden Eyebrow) is the perfect tea for the sweet-tooths out there. Grown in the Wuyi Mountains of Fujian, it has a plummy and well rounded taste and naturally sweet edge. It’s quickly become one of China’s most popular teas in recent years, and with good reason.


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10 Tasting Notes

4324 tasting notes

Additional notes: I had to try the remainder of my sample again, since Nicole is such a fan (and she is the one who sent it over – I don’t like steeping teas less than perfectly if someone who sent them is such a fan!) I only went with one teaspoon last time and I definitely thought it was too light. This time I had a teaspoon and a half left… it really should have been two! It is much better this time. Last time it somehow reminded me of a Darjeeling. Now at the top of the medium amber cup, there is an interesting tanginess I don’t usually find in black teas except maybe the ancient/wild leaf. Then hints of chocolate, baked bread and sweet potato maybe a little smokiness and wine but while maintaining a malty sweetness. Everything I love to find in a great black tea. I can only imagine how lovely it would be with two teaspoons! Well, now I don’t have to feel guilty that one of Nicole’s beloved teas remains in the cupboard. Thanks again, Nicole! Raising the rating from a 75.
Steep #1 // 1 1/2 tsp // 8 minutes after boiling // 3 minute steep
Steep #2 // just boiled // 4 minute steep


Thanks for giving it another try. :) We don’t all get the same things from tea so it was very dedicated of you to try again. :)

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296 tasting notes

I split this one with Nicole during Min River’s closing sale. Which is too bad too, because this is one of the better Jin Jun Mei’s I have tried. And that is saying something. I have had a great deal of this type of tea, and it is still my favorite Chinese black. Nothing can beat it’s teeny curly leaves. The golden fuzzies and the deep chocolately brown dry leaf gives me a hint to what is is store for me: I am smelling sweet potato fries and lightly toasted multigrain bread.

The subsequent steepings are so nice and silky. The thick soup is a glowing golden brown. There are a lot of floating fuzzies chillen in my cha hai. I kinda like that. It appeases my hangover quite nicely. I used a strainer on top and had a nice glob of them clinging to the bottom.

As to the taste, well, you know how it goes. Malty and rich with bread crusts and milk chocolate richness and crunchy shoestring sweet potatoes. Typical of this type of tea and atypically delicious.

Flavors: Bread, Chocolate, Malt, Sweet Potatoes


I have found this to be my favorite black as well, which is surprising, since with the exception of this, all of my other favs are yunnan.


I am a sucker for Fujian Blacks.


maybe i should look into those as well then :)


I so wish they hadn’t closed… :(

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737 tasting notes

Got a sample of this in Nicole’s Christmas card!
Personally, this is wayyy too strong for me. Steeped it for a little less than what it says to steep on Here.
But yeah, it’s still way too strong. XD I can’t even pick out any flavors, it’s just really strong. Did not expect that. xD So yeah, not a fan.
But thanks for letting me try, Nicole! :D

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15534 tasting notes

Nicole sent some of this my way and it’s very different than the jin jun mei i had earlier today from life in teacup. haha this one is a little too intense for me. Still though, as always, i’m happy to try new teas and appreciate the share!

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790 tasting notes

Om nom nom. Time to stop hoarding the beloveds. I can’t in good cupboard conscience start the search for a replacement for this out of business gem while I still have quite a bit of it left.

Gawd, this is uh-maze-ing tea.


of COURSE you can start looking…so that you’ve found it before you’re out :)


See, that’s what I love about Steepster. Everyone is so helpful :-D


You have yet to find a new distributor? I am following your search closely.


You, Sil, are a horrible, horrible influence. :) I’ve sent an email to the ex-owner of Min River. We’ll see if he responds and if he does, if the information is anything we can use to find this tea again!



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