I split this one with Nicole during Min River’s closing sale. Which is too bad too, because this is one of the better Jin Jun Mei’s I have tried. And that is saying something. I have had a great deal of this type of tea, and it is still my favorite Chinese black. Nothing can beat it’s teeny curly leaves. The golden fuzzies and the deep chocolately brown dry leaf gives me a hint to what is is store for me: I am smelling sweet potato fries and lightly toasted multigrain bread.
The subsequent steepings are so nice and silky. The thick soup is a glowing golden brown. There are a lot of floating fuzzies chillen in my cha hai. I kinda like that. It appeases my hangover quite nicely. I used a strainer on top and had a nice glob of them clinging to the bottom.
As to the taste, well, you know how it goes. Malty and rich with bread crusts and milk chocolate richness and crunchy shoestring sweet potatoes. Typical of this type of tea and atypically delicious.
Flavors: Bread, Chocolate, Malt, Sweet Potatoes
Thanks for giving it another try. :) We don’t all get the same things from tea so it was very dedicated of you to try again. :)