Peach Melba

Tea type
Rooibos Tea
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Peach, Wood
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Edit tea info Last updated by fcmonroe
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 45 sec

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28 Tasting Notes View all

  • “This is a percent decent tea, though it’s slippery and hard to describe. The aroma of peach is delightful but doesn’t linger. It’s a rooibos which, ill be honest,is unusual in my tea preferences....” Read full tasting note
  • “Okay soooooo I really DO NOT like rooibos. I have said that many times but I have to say … as for a rooibos blend – this one is out of the park! I actually am throughly enjoying this cup! I had to...” Read full tasting note
  • “Side Note – I’m approaching my 700th tasting note. :) This is 695. This looks thickly Rooibos and smells like it too. Not offering me much temptation but I will prepare it anyway, hopefully it will...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sil Sample Sipdown!! I’m sitting here waiting for the Game of Thrones to start. I’ve been enjoying sipping teas. I have to say, rooibos freaks me out, LOL. I don’t know what it is, but it’s really...” Read full tasting note

From Lupicia

The delicious aroma of peaches and cream brings out the sweetness of the rooibos tea.

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28 Tasting Notes

15555 tasting notes

This is a percent decent tea, though it’s slippery and hard to describe. The aroma of peach is delightful but doesn’t linger. It’s a rooibos which, ill be honest,is unusual in my tea preferences. My peach teas tend to be fruit based tisanes or green teas. This…this is a light peachy tea. The rooibos blends nicely, though it occasionally changes and I think for just a moment that its going to turn into a blechy rooibos tasting tea, but then it turns and its peach again. It’s be interesting to see if this turned out ok as a cold brew.

Boiling 8 min or more

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807 tasting notes

Okay soooooo I really DO NOT like rooibos. I have said that many times but I have to say … as for a rooibos blend – this one is out of the park! I actually am throughly enjoying this cup!
I had to have one cup of this before it going out in a possible trade – I had to at least try it.
I will say this … its something that is hard to let go – that coming from someone who does NOT like NOT like at all Rooibos!
However the other person has something I crave, desire, NEED – so I am willing to let this one go – I honestly do not mind – I really prefer caffeine. :)
I just need to make sure that you all understand – THIS IS a rooibos to covet!
Lupicia never disappoints me. Well okay one time – but that was ANOTHER rooibos blend as well. LOL
:) This rooibos gets a 100 from me for being the only rooibos I can safely say I just MAY one day order maybe should I ever need to cut back on caffeine! It could happen. I will remember this blend.
Just Editing to Add – another tea from my Lupicia Happy Bag.


I hate rooibos, too! But every now and then, an exception blows my mind. Totally with you here.


:) I am so happy about this blend – its good to know a few GREAT rooibos do exist! Glad you feel the same :)


Ahh, now I am way too excited to try this one! Wasn’t too thrilled since I got 3 other peach teas as well and I don’t really like rooibos, but I definitely have to give it a shot. I think I got the same contents in my happy bag as you haha


Haha yeah I got three peach teas as well I think. This really is totally worth a try!


Good to know! I’m always looking for some caffeine free options for the evenings :) I’ll have to try this one next time I’m in the store.

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1379 tasting notes

Side Note – I’m approaching my 700th tasting note. :) This is 695.

This looks thickly Rooibos and smells like it too. Not offering me much temptation but I will prepare it anyway, hopefully it will surprise me.

Colour once steeped is Rooibos red (as expected) with a sweet fruit scent. Perhaps too sweet for peach but not far off.

Flavour is very thickly Rooibos and on the icky side. There are some peachy notes in the after taste but they are very subtle. It’s very simple in flavour…quite literally it’s sweet Rooibos and gentle peach.

It is drinkable but not particularly to my taste. Not something I would buy.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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3294 tasting notes

Sil Sample Sipdown!!
I’m sitting here waiting for the Game of Thrones to start. I’ve been enjoying sipping teas.
I have to say, rooibos freaks me out, LOL. I don’t know what it is, but it’s really creepy looking stuff. It looks like insect legs, or something. It looks like it’s made out of the same stuff beetles are made out of, shellac or whatever.
Regardless, I’ve enjoyed this peach & rooibos tea. Thanks Sil!


LOL you’re silly


Oh gosh, I’m going to think that every time I brew rooibos now aren’t I?

Terri HarpLady

Probably Tamm. Look at it, look up close. I mean, really, what is that stuff??? It isn’t leaves, so what the hell is it?


dies well…roasted grasshoppers comes to mind!


Game of Throooooones. :O We’re crazy I guess and are waiting for the season to end so we can watch it all at once, but part of me is antsy and wants it now.

Also, I’m glad I don’t see rooibos the same way as you!

Terri HarpLady

Sometimes I’ll save a whole series of a show & then watch all the episodes back to back over a weekend. I read all the game of thrones books last spring, back to back. So it’s interesting seeing how they are interpreted, & I can’t wait like that for this show. :)

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6119 tasting notes

I’m still not quite fully moved in to my new place, so I’m drinking whichever teas I can find… ok, that’s most of them. Haha. At least now I have a shelf to house my teas! Tea stash photo coming soon :P Anyways, I happened across the Lupicia box, which is the reason for these two teas. This one’s in a plastic baggie, so best to drink up if possible.

Anyhow, the aroma is actually rather peachy – I was surprised! I wasn’t expecting too much, to be honest. It also smells a bit floral, which is not surprising given the rose petals. Flavourwise it’s unmistakably a rooibos, though not too bad as they come. If I use a bit of imagination, I can imagine this to be a cup of hot peaches.

However, I think this will be destined for the swap pile. Someone who likes rooibos blends and/or floral blends would probably appreciate it more than me!

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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4843 tasting notes

Ive never tasted Peach Melba before… but this is really yummy!

It is a delicious peach and cream flavor, the rooibos flavor does not interfere with the smooth, sweet flavor.

This is REALLY good.

Boiling 8 min or more

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1220 tasting notes

This weather. I know some of you have lots of snow but uh, at 9am I had to scrape ice off my car’s windows. At 3pm, I had to turn the a/c on in the car. The temperature doubled since this morning.

This is alright, isn’t peach melba supposed to be peach and raspberry with vanilla ice cream? Description just says peaches and cream, which is nice, but that’s peaches and cream, not peach melba.

So incorrect dessert name aside, this is peach and vanilla, no raspberry. It’s pretty delicately flavored, I let it steep for 7 minutes and I’d like a bit more power to it. The vanilla seems stronger than the peach, which is really faint and seems more like it’s just sweetening the tea up so it doesn’t taste too much like rooibos.

I may use the rest of this to try it iced. Thanks ToiToi!

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618 tasting notes

I received this a while ago, but haven’t written a tasting note until now. Lupicia does peach flavor so well and I love rooibos so I thought that this would be a nice blend. It smells strongly of an almost-medicinal rooibos and an almost-artificial peach flavor. The peach, while on the verge of being fake, has some depth to it — it smells tart, sweet and juicy all at once. A delight!

Sipping… Hmm.. this is not so nice. It has a very artificial quality to it — both in the rooibos base and in the peach flavor. I’m not getting much beyond the rooibos and the peach, which is unfortunate because this tea is peach melba (!) not just peach rooibos. It’s a smooth cup and leaves a little bit of a creamy aftertaste, but it’s otherwise not all that pleasant. Thanks to Azzrian for sharing this tea with me!

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121 tasting notes

Picked this up during my most recent visit to Lupicia. I should have tasted this tea before purchasing it. I love peach teas so I bought this on a whim thinking it would be lovely. Instead it smells and tastes like this awful cough syrup the doctor use to prescribe for me when I was little and sick. This is just gross, I don’t think I could pass this tea to another person because I don’t want to torture another human being. And I think I’m spoiled by MF’s rooibos, they’re full bodied and this one is like dirty cough syrup water sludge stuff.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

I’ve never tried their rooibos, not as a warm beverage – it’s just something I’ve assumed they wouldn’t do well, I guess. I do have a sample of Piccolo that I’m going to try.

This, however, is very good as a cold brew:


Piccolo isn’t so bad, but I really didn’t know what a good rooibos tea was until I tried MF’s. Before I thought Lupicia’s rooibos teas weren’t so bad.


Wow, no, I completely agree. I’d had some very HQ flavoured rooibos at some good tea houses in the past, but before I tried MF’s rooibos, I thought they just weren’t possible to find.

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338 tasting notes

OMG, my cup is seriously oversteeped!! The recommended brewing time should be 3-5 minutes…

Luckily this is a rooibos, so oversteeping is relatively a lesser problem… I don’t know what peach melba dessert tastes like, but this tea has the bright flavours of its ingredients – (canned) peaches and vanilla ice cream! It tastes really creamy and has the right amount of sweetness. It’s a yummy tea that will delight everyone with a sweet tooth.

Boiling 8 min or more

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