Mokalbari Golden Assam

Tea type
Black Tea
Assam Leaves
Floral, Malt
Sold in
Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by ashmanra
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 45 sec 13 oz / 387 ml

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From Harney & Sons

A rare treat from Assam, comprised of nearly 100% golden tips. The Jalan family are the producers of this Mokalbari East, and they made the best Assams in 2018.

About Harney & Sons View company

Since 1983 Harney & Sons has been the source for fine teas. We travel the globe to find the best teas and accept only the exceptional. We put our years of experience to work to bring you the best Single-Estate teas, and blends beyond compare.

6 Tasting Notes

275 tasting notes

Was able to sip down as cold brew. Not anything I would want again however.

Martin Bednář

Sad. I apparently liked it and I remember Mokalbari from What-cha which is my all-time favorite.


I think its more a not to my tastes kind of thing over it just being bad tea. I was able to drink it fine as a cold brew I think because its more what I’m looking for when I have cold tea. But for hot, its not what I am looking for.

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2065 tasting notes

I have received two small pouches of this tea from White Antlers, so again thank you!

It looks very differently to its What-cha counterpart. It is like only the golden tips used. And those are much smaller leaves too.

It’s very much different, smell is more malty and more floral. Same with taste — it’s more floral and less complex. It’s not a bad tea though! Just not that perfect. Four minutes steep, as recommended was maybe too much and produced very malty tea. While I do like malty teas, I couldn’t notice much else. Of course, florals were in taste too, but probably way too hidden under the malts.

It isn’t bad, that’s right. But not that great as What-cha one. Less complex and maltier flavour profile.

Flavors: Floral, Malt

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 10 OZ / 300 ML

I got some from White Antlers, too, so after seeing your tasting note I decided to have it with my breakfast! Malty and good!

Mind Duck Japan Podcast

Hi, we featured your tea review on our podcast. The last episode is all about tea, check it out: – Mind Duck Japan podcast

Martin Bednář

I am pleased to hear that, Mind Duck Japan Podcast. But, it would nice to hear it beforehand that my tasting notes will be used.

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3500 tasting notes

I made a pot of this to go with a cinnamon breakfast bagel this morning. My husband has been asking for black and puerh tea “just in case” it helps against Covid19, and I was getting tired of the same very mild ones all the time. I made this hoping it would pass muster enough, but instead of just passing (he usually wants oolong, white, or green) he said he thought it was really good. He was drinking it sans additions, too. So hooray!

Naturally I showed him some other black teas and rattled the tins, and then let me hear the lack of rattle of this tin. The leaves are too fluffy and light to make a sound! We made two steeps and mixed them together for one big pot. It was gone before we knew it. Good stuff.

This doesn’t have the roughness of some Assams that my poor tummy can’t handle.


I just finished my first pouch of Mokalbari Assam. It was really good!


Neat! I am so pleased that my husband liked it and is getting used to black tea without milk and sugar. I wouldn’t have guessed he would like this one so much.


“too fluffy and light to make a sound” Nice. Also, that description made me tired. Where is my pillow made of these tea leaves.


I was saving leaves for a tea pillow once upon a time! I need to really do it and make that pillow!


By the way, I am suuuuuuuper jealous of your tea pillow now! Ha ha!


NO I didn’t mean I actually had a tea pillow! This tea just made it sound like a great idea. Oh gosh. haha


tea-sipper: They are a real thing, you know! Years ago I suggestion to save your leaves and dry them thoroughly and keep them until you have enough for a pillow! I did it for a while, mostly with large Ceylon leaves, but stopped saving them because the weather wasn’t good for drying leaves outside and I didn’t want them all soread out in the house,


Hmm.. I did NOT know tea pillows were real. :D


Here is one site recommending oolong, but I think most teas you enjoy can be used…although I don’t know if I would enjoy a shu puerh pillow!


Oh interesting, and the site says the tea pillow will crumble in a month or two, so that means continually collecting more tea to make the next tea pillow. Oh boy. :D

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140 tasting notes

pretty good but definitely not the mokalbari I have been searching for ever since I had some in China 7 years ago that was the best tea I ever had.
Good, “generic” tea.

1 min, 15 sec 1 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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