Scottish Afternoon

Tea type
Black Tea
Black Tea
Citrus, Malt, Muscatel
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf, Sachet
Not available
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Average preparation
Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 24 oz / 709 ml

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From Harney & Sons

The Harneys, being of Irish blood, did not offer a Scottish tea until now. Our friends at the American Scottish Federation asked us to do two teas. Our first attempt was a strong tea. They said it was nice, but to please make it a wee bit stronger. This Scottish Afternoon is lighten, slightly, by the addition of Darjeeling. A portion of the sales goes to support the charitable endeavors of the ASF.

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Since 1983 Harney & Sons has been the source for fine teas. We travel the globe to find the best teas and accept only the exceptional. We put our years of experience to work to bring you the best Single-Estate teas, and blends beyond compare.

7 Tasting Notes

421 tasting notes

I had this tea tonight while I was working (thank goodness I also have some melatonin to knock me out!). I had to be on a video conference call…but thankfully did not need to be seen on this call…b/c I was in my pj’s!

I was starting to feel sleepy before the call started at 7pm so I made a cup of this to wake me up a little. Boy did it! Made my note taking go pretty darn quick! :) This is a really robust tea with a lot of flavor to boot. I did add a little half and half as well as sweetener to cut it a little. But that didn’t make any difference. This tea was still very strong and so full of a malty kind of flavor I had a few moments where I found it hard to concentrate on the call!

But I pulled through and now need a cup of sleepy time tea to come down from the caffeine.

TeaBrat 13 years ago

nice – is this new?

IllBeMother221B 13 years ago

I think it’s sort of on the new side. They also have a Scottish ’Morn which is billed as their strongest tea and it is! I had to pas it along to my strong coffee drinking pal. :)

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51 tasting notes

I just brewed this tea for the first time and it smells Uhhmazing.
I think it has to do with a chocolate tea being stored next to it in the same package. Thank you Nicole for this lovely tea!

A new black tea in the morning always makes me happy and my taste buds are ever so excited to try something new. I am down to using just one packet of sugar in the raw, which I am proud to say is much less than I would normally use. Yay to less sugar!

The tea is yummy, malty, with no bitterness, and just an all around great black tea for the morning or afternoon.

CHAroma 12 years ago

Oooh, adding to the shopping list!

CupofTree 12 years ago

:) it didn’t have the same effect on me the next day because I think it settled more on its own once it was away from the chocolate but it was still good.

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612 tasting notes

Also had earlier today. Not bad, but I much prefer the heft and extra flavor of Scottish Morn!

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358 tasting notes

Flea crisis averted! The foster kittens have the instant acting flea medicine on and are happily out of the bathroom roaming around again. Our cats have flea medicine on just in case. And there is table salt sprinkled on the upstairs carpets just in case of any rogue fleas (they eat the salt and die – works like a charm and no chemicals!) Feeling much calmer this afternoon, and even was able to go to the pool with my mom for a quick swim!

This is my last new Harneys tea to try from my recent order. I thought about getting the Scottish Breakfast, because I like breakfast teas. But this one is supposed to be more mellow, and I already have a tin of another company’s Scottish Breakfast. WOW is this strong! The dry leaves smell just lightly malty, and the tea smells super sweet and malty, so I wasn’t quite ready for that first strong sip. I steeped this for 5 minutes according to the instructions, but I think I would bump it back to 4 minutes to hopefully avoid any bitterness. The flavor is smooth with a robust finish. The aftertaste is lightly bitter. Not horribly, though, and milk and sweetener does tone down the bitterness. Overall I like this blend! Even though this is an ‘afternoon’ tea I think it would be perfect in the morning to wake up instantly with the first sip (yes, it’s that strong!).

-Dry blend has small brown granules of tea leaves with tiny pieces of green tea leaves.
-Dry leaves smell faintly malty. Tea liquor aroma is sweet and malty.
-Tea liquor is a clear very dark reddish brown color.
-Smooth flavor with a robust finish. Lightly bitter aftertaste.
-Best with milk and sweetener.
-Very good tea. A robust cup with a slightly sweet and malty flavor.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec
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gmathis 12 years ago

Never heard of the salt trick before—cool!

Veronica 12 years ago

Every time I order from Harney and Sons I put this tea in my cart but end up taking it out in an attempt to keep my tea purchase craziness in check. Next time this’ll be staying in my basket!

I’m glad your foster kittens and the rest of your furry friends are ok. Fleas are the worst.

Josie Jade 12 years ago

You should order it, Veronica! I think I prefer my other Scottish Breakfast blend by Edinburgh Coffee & Tea, but this is a nice change for a morning when I really need something strong! :)

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283 tasting notes

What I love most about this one is it won’t keep me up at night yet still is strong. I find it can be hard to get the perfect cup right- its easy to steep too long or not long enough or use a little too much or too little. Its not the best black tea but its ok.

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688 tasting notes

Music- Eluveitie. This is my tea of the day. There is a malty, and lightly citrus scent. The flavour is more citrus and nicely malt. (Will have to try with milk and scones.)

Flavors: Citrus, Malt

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251 tasting notes

I ordered a sample of this with our most recent Harney order and while it is tasty for a bold straight black, the TLDR version is that I prefer Scottish Morn still.

In the measuring teaspoon, it looks like CTC black pieces with small greenish flecks. It brews a rich dark brown and the aroma is straight up malt. I don’t look for complexity in teas like this, so I am not at all put off by the simplicity in the scent. Unfortunately, while the addition of Darjeeling to this blend adds depth of flavor in my cup, it does it in a way that takes from the briskness and body of the Assam and Ceylon.

This kind of tea (like Scottish Morn) is meant to be enjoyed with milk and I added a good dash to my cup, which helps to give the tea a creamy balanced profile and highlights a hint of muscatel and citrus. While it is still a decent tea blend and I like what they had in mind for it, my personal preference will forever go to my favorite CTC for when I want a bold wake-up and I will reach for Scottish Morn, not Scottish Afternoon every time.

Flavors: Citrus, Malt, Muscatel

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 24 OZ / 709 ML

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