White Persian Melon

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Fruit White Blend
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185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 0 sec 8 oz / 236 ml

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74 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I’d been dying to try some additional (other than Coconut Pouchong) Golden Moon teas for a while, and was super excited when Alphakitty not only had them in her cupboard, but was willing to pass...” Read full tasting note
  • “I was visiting my mom today, which meant coffee, coffee, coffee!! Now that I’m home, I wanted to relax with a cup of tea, but I’m already climbing-up-the-walls-caffeinated. I thought this sweet and...” Read full tasting note
  • “Full Review tomorrow on http://sororiteasisters.com/ but here are the snippits and a special thank you to Alpahkitty for this sample! White Persian Melon from Golden Moon Tea is one of my top five...” Read full tasting note
  • “Golden Moon Tea Sampler #11, selected at random I do like melon and was looking forward to this tea very much. It is not disappointing. I brewed only about 3.5 ounces of water because I didn’t...” Read full tasting note

From Golden Moon Tea

First in the world to find flavored white tea, Golden Moon Tea presents White Persian Melon tea using white loose leaf tea enlivened with the nectar of succulent melon. This luxurious delicacy is light, refreshing and exotic. Ingredients: White tea scented with sweet melon nectar

About Golden Moon Tea View company

Golden Moon is dedicated to offering outstanding, whole-leaf teas of the greatest quality and finesse. All Golden Moon Teas are hand-plucked and meticulously crafted to enhance leaf character, aroma, color, clarity, body,Read more

74 Tasting Notes

6119 tasting notes

I’d been dying to try some additional (other than Coconut Pouchong) Golden Moon teas for a while, and was super excited when Alphakitty not only had them in her cupboard, but was willing to pass some along! Yay! Problem solved (now let’s hope I don’t like them tooooooo too much, because they don’t ship to Canada IIRC, and that’s annoying!)

Strangely, I’m getting almost a fermenty/rotten melon scent from the tea, which started the instant I put the leaves into the water. Not quite what I was expecting. I thought perhaps there was some cross-contamination between the teas, but then I remembered how to box smelled deliciously like chocolate raspberry, so I highly doubt that was the case. (I just went back to the little baggie of tea and sniffed it, but alas, the baggie smells too much like choco-rasp to pick out the tea)!

The sip tastes much better. I’m getting more of an overripe cantaloupe sort of flavour, mixed with a hint of….. Play-Dough???? That’s an odd association. Only getting perhaps a hint of white tea at the end of the sip.

I’m kind of glad I didn’t order this tea for myself. It’s not bad, but there’s something a little off about it. I’m going to leave the rest of my sample to “air out” (I do it with all my swaps, improves them a lot!) and see if it is an intruding flavour, but I really don’t think so. Either way, I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t prefer this over Butiki’s Cantaloupe and Cream, and there’s only room for one melon white tea in my cupboard!

Thanks for the sample, Alphakitty!

ETA: Second infusion, 160F/3min, is similar to the first. Still that overripe melon sort of flavour, with a really nice white tea flavour at the end. I really think I might have enjoyed it far more prior to Cantaloupe & Cream though. … sipping it more, the “overripeness” doesn’t really bother me all that much now.

170 °F / 76 °C 2 min, 0 sec
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TeaBrat 13 years ago

Oh my, you are a backlogging maniac! :)

Kittenna 13 years ago

Believe it or not, only three were really backlogs! The rest I’ve drank within the last couple hours :D I’m just a tea-drinking fiend!

teawade 13 years ago

this sounds super refreshing! minus the rotten melon scent of course. Thinking about giving this a try.

Kittenna 13 years ago

Honestly, I might have found this one more appealing had I not tried Butiki’s first. And it’s more of an overripe melon scent, to be fair. I’d recommend Butiki’s over this unless you’re already making a GM order.

Bonnie 13 years ago

Play Dough! I cracked up!

Alphakitty 13 years ago

I noticed that it smelled a little… different when I bagged it up. But I haven’t had any in over a month, so I was hoping it was just my nose being weird. It was the very bottom of the tin, so maybe that has something to do with it?

Kittenna 13 years ago

Strange, I have no idea. If you have any left you should give it a shot and let me know if it tastes different than usual to you :) It didn’t taste like it had gone “bad” to me, just like the flavouring wasn’t quite one that appealed to me.

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1112 tasting notes

I was visiting my mom today, which meant coffee, coffee, coffee!! Now that I’m home, I wanted to relax with a cup of tea, but I’m already climbing-up-the-walls-caffeinated. I thought this sweet and mellow tea would fit the bill. Ahhhhhh. Exotic elixir! Where are the peeled grapes ;) I just love the melon flavor mixed with the almost buttery white tea. A real afternoon treat.

I have to hustle on to some chores after this hot cup, so I put the used leaves in my pitcher with a pinch of fresh leaves and some water for a cold brewed iced tea. I know this one is good for multiple infusions and I just hate to waste em! I think I’ll give it a wee bit of honey when it’s ready to drink.

170 °F / 76 °C 3 min, 0 sec
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Cofftea 15 years ago

I need this. Gonna mix it w/ Adagio’s cucumber for a white version of 52teas’ white cucumber. =D

Doulton 15 years ago

I liked this one a lot and am planning to purchase a full-sized canister once I am off my tea lock-down. It resonates in my memory. Que de delicacée!

JacquelineM 15 years ago

Cofftea – Hmm – maybe I’ll add a few cucumber slices next time if I wind up liking it iced. I keep hearing how refreshing cucumber water is, and this would be even better!

Doulton – This is one I had to buy a full tin of too :) Very unique! I’m not a huge fan of white teas, but this one, and 52 teas black currant are my favorites.

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807 tasting notes

Full Review tomorrow on http://sororiteasisters.com/ but here are the snippits and a special thank you to Alpahkitty for this sample!

White Persian Melon from Golden Moon Tea is one of my top five favorites from this company.

There is just such a light and lively flavor to this delicate Bai Mudan. The aroma is sweet and juicy fresh and reminds me of why I am longing for summer.

White Persian Melon also has a tad bit of a wine like flavor to me, almost bordering on a brandy like essence which I really enjoy.

ms.aineecbeland 12 years ago

Something of Numi Organic Tea reminds me of Persian melon and Peony teas.

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259 tasting notes

Golden Moon Tea Sampler #11, selected at random

I do like melon and was looking forward to this tea very much. It is not disappointing. I brewed only about 3.5 ounces of water because I didn’t want to flavour to get watered down too much. Am I the only person who uses a couple of tablespoons of loose-leaf tea for a decent sized mug?

In any event, I think I got the tea/water ratio spot-on; the water was boiled and then cooled somewhat (although I don’t know to what precise degree) and I set the timer for 4 minutes (Golden Moon advises 2-4 minutes).

So….I’m most certainly going to put this on my list for a “treat tea”. It’s a bit delicate for a morning tea and probably a bit costly for an everyday tea, but this is the first of my Golden Moon samples where I know that I will have to purchase the tea. I’ll wait to see what else becomes a “must”. This melon’s divine!

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec
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Rabs 15 years ago

I’ve always avoided mentioning the size of my favorite mug – it’s somewhere between 16 and 18 oz. I’ve tried smaller mugs in the same curved shape, but none of them compare to my favorite. There’s something about how it helps the aroma linger. And I like to just plop down and not worry about steeping again for awhile. With that said – I am getting a gaiwan this week to try with my oolongs (and maybe other teas). I really look forward to seeing if this can sway me to the “less is more” when it comes to volume.

Ricky 15 years ago

My standard cup is a glass bodum 10oz cup, but if I fill it close to the rim it’s 12oz. I use about two heaping teaspoons whenever I make tea. If I’m making a tea I won’t like so much, I use my 8oz cup and use one heaping teaspoon. I think this tea needs more leaves as it’s so subtle. I have a large tin ;) yay!

AmazonV 15 years ago

my dragon mugs are um….maybe 3 measuring cups worth, i only use them when i know i like the tea :)

Tammy 15 years ago

Thank you for sharing the amount of water you used!! I just got my GM sampler and they’re sooo small I’ve been debating how much water to use for this white. I use 4 heaping tsp. of most teas for my 12 oz. mug…Anyways I’ve been combing through comments on GM teas hoping someone would mention water to tea ratio, so again thank you :)

Doulton 15 years ago

I think you will enjoy the tea better if you use a really small amount of water. I used between 2 to 4 ounces only of water for the GM samples after I realized that these samples are lost in an 8 ounce mug—and even more lost in a larger one. Good luck with your GM samples, Tammy!

Tammy 15 years ago

Thanks! That’s good to know. I did it for the melon and it was great, but I was still unsure about the other samples, so thanks for the input!

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176 tasting notes

I love melons, and Rishi’s Honeydew Melon is one of my favorite teas. I’ve heard that this is quite similar, so I’m expecting to like this one very much. I took this unsweetened.

The scent of this one is like baking bread. It’s yeasty and almost smells a little like beer. The melon in this is pretty subtle, not surprisingly. It blends perfectly with the white tea in the background. This is a very light tea that would probably be sublime when iced. It leaves practically no aftertaste. I feel that the addition of sweetener would make this too sweet.

I can’t decide if I’m tasting muskmelon or honeydew or both, but whatever it is, it is good! Another winner from Golden Moon!

EDIT: In case you were wondering, I think I like this better than Rishi’s version. Rishi’s is still excellent, but the melon is a hair artificial. This wins by a mere 3 points.

3 min, 0 sec
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Cofftea 15 years ago

Baking bread from a melon tea…weird! The discription of this says it’s “somewhere between honeydew and cantaloupe”. P.S. So gald I’m not the only one that calls cantaloupe “musk melon” some people get really upset at me for it or try to prove me wrong. Little concerned about this one since I LOVE muskmelon (I want to blend this w/ Adagio’s white cucumber for a spin on 52teas’ green cucumber melon version)… but I do not like honeydew… although maybe in a tea it would be kinda cucumber-esque?

Erin 15 years ago

I heard someplace on the Food Network that what we call cantaloupe here in the states is actually muskmelon. The real cantaloupe is really hard to get in the states. Ever since then I’ve been determined to call this so-called “cantaloupe” by its real name – muskmelon.

AmazonV 15 years ago

you make me drool – hoe does it compare to honeydew by teas etc (if you’ve had it)

Cofftea 15 years ago

Erin- exactly. My grandmother worked in the produce dept of a grocery store for 20 years and told me the same thing.

Cofftea 15 years ago

Erin, serving suggestion- Make some and then use that to make some matcha. You might need it pretty strong (like the amount of leaf you’d use for 16-8oz cup of tea w/ the amount of water you’d use for matcha which for me would be 1.5-3oz). I haven’t tried it yet,. but I have sprinkled matcha over musk melon before and it turned out REALLY good.

Erin 15 years ago

AmazonV – Sadly, I haven’t had the Teas Etc. version.

Cofftea – Also sadly, I still have yet to try matcha! Can you believe it?!

Cofftea 15 years ago

GASP! Hehe;)

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6768 tasting notes

This is very yummy! True melon! Straight, fresh cut, from a salad bar! Almost WIne-Like and sugary – naturally! YAY!

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LENA 15 years ago

wow…this sounds like a winner!

TeaEqualsBliss 15 years ago

I think I oversteeped but it was really, really good!

Micah 15 years ago

Based on the reviews it’s definitely a winner. Shopping cart-ed!

TeaEqualsBliss 15 years ago

I think we should start a STEEPSTER Dictionary! LOL – Us Nerds are creating a whole lingo of our own :)

LENA 15 years ago

“needs more cowbell” MUST be included.

TeaEqualsBliss 15 years ago


Ricky 15 years ago

Ahhh, this tea is missing two points! Haha, descriptions are right on point.

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412 tasting notes

I picked up a tin of this on sale at Cardullo’s a few weeks back and have been going through it at a good clip. I’m not a big fan of melons in fruit form, but as a gentle flavoring on white tea it works quite well. This is no candied watermelon either, more like a squeeze of fresh honeydew into the mug.

I haven’t been drinking a lot of white tea lately, so I don’t have anything nuanced to say there. This is, in fact, why I keep this one at the office – the fact that it’s flavored means I don’t feel as guilty when I can’t brew it just so and give it my full attention (which for white tea I normally would). Every tea has its place!

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 15 sec

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260 tasting notes

This is going to be a very trying day for me as I am having a lot of trouble getting my fingers to communicate correctly with my brain. Case in point [though you can’t see what just happened and will simply have to take my word for it]: I just had to delete and re-type the word “communicate” seven times. And three more just now.

If this is indicative of how the rest of the typing I’m going to be doing to get schoolwork done today, maybe I should just cut to the chase and start crying now.

Luckily, during some of life’s gloomier and more frustrating sequences, we have tea. And I picked a good one this morning.

I can see this becoming a staple.

Carolyn mentioned in her review that she caught a flash of midori when she drank this and that is exactly what I parse out. For me it’s more present in the smell than in the taste, but that’s perfectly fine by me. Anyone who’s ever had midori knows how sweet it is, [and for those of you who don’t know…er, it’s pretty sweet] and so to have it take over the taste in this tea would be cloying.

Don’t get me wrong, midori is actually my absolutely favorite liqueur. Midori sours are my go-to drink when I’m out because I’m a girly drinker and I don’t like to taste the alcohol in what I’m sipping on. But, that’s a different class of drinking. When I’m drinking tea I don’t want to think that I’m drinking alcoholic kool-aid.

Sometimes when I sniff this as the scent rises out of the cup, I think I’m smelling apple cider, which is also something I enjoy quite a bit. The scent of the leaves themselves has little hints of both the melon and the cider, but also something else I can’t place. As a single entity, it smells a little bit like candy.

The tea is light, but has the softness in its flavor that honeydew melon, or perhaps cantaloupe contribute. I find it subtle and calming. There are likely to be aspects of it that I’m not picking up presently, but I’m too busy typing and retyping characters to be too bothered at the present. I expect I’ll be spending some quality time with it in the future.

This tasting note has been brought to you by Carolyn, the letter K, and Mavis Beacon.

170 °F / 76 °C 3 min, 0 sec
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Auggy 15 years ago

Melon and cider? Hmm. I am curious how these combine… seems like it would either be not so good or else add a great depth of flavor. Based on your rating, I’m guessing option 2?

takgoti 15 years ago

The cider bit was only in the scent, I didn’t really get it in the taste. I think it’s because the smell coming off the cup is more fume-y [not a word] and it almost took on that wavery, almost gritty note that alcohol [and consequently, midori] has. Apple cider has that same kind of smell texture to me, which is probably the main reason why I smelled it.

I’m talking that sweet apple cider, too. Not the really dark, mulled, spiced kind. Like the kind Starbucks uses in their caramel apple cider, or what you might pick up in a grocery store. It seems funny, but the more that I think about it in my head it doesn’t seem too crazy far off of what midori’s like.

Auggy 15 years ago

Ooooh, I get that. Okay, this sounds good!

Carolyn 15 years ago

I agree with that sense. That was why it reminded me of Midori. The slight alcoholic scent (that you’ve identified as apple cider) gives it that feel.

teaplz 15 years ago

Oh my gawd Mavis Beacon. I remember her in computer classes in grammar school! BLAH.

P.S. This is one of the samples that’s coming in the mail for me. :D I’ll get one cup of it, but I can’t wait to try it. Midori is delicious!

takgoti 15 years ago

Hahaha, yeah, good ol’ Mavis. My parents wouldn’t let us having gaming systems when I was younger, so the closest thing I could get to Super Mario Brothers was this laughable spinoff called Mario Teaches Typing.

Yes, I played it a lot. “Played” it a lot.

Micah 15 years ago

Count me among the Mavis Beacon “scholars.” At my high school our computer classes consisted almost entirely of fiddling around on Mavis Beacon. I guess that’s what you get with non-essential credits.

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564 tasting notes

Okay, I’m bad at this no-caffeine thing. In my defense, this is probably the lowest-caffeine option I could have chosen. I was craving one of Golden Moon’s white teas, and I’m honestly thinking about ordering one or two more. They’re just so delicate and wonderful! I’m also thinking about getting 8 oz. of Sinharaja, which may be too much but mom and I both love it. Plus with the promotion they have going on it’d be about $2 more than the 3.5 oz…

This smells so mouthwatering. It’s probably the only way I’m getting fresh melon anything in the middle of winter, so I’ll enjoy it. Not sure what I did differently this time around, but this cup has a bit of a spicy vegetal note to it. Still absolutely delicious either way.

Kat_Maria 11 years ago

Golden Moon? Promotion?! What about my tea buying hiatus??? Must. resist.

bluebelle 11 years ago

Sinharaja was recently rated in the top ten teas in the world and so they have a 25% off offer on it with a code… I really want some of it so I don’t know that I can resist.

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1220 tasting notes

I cold steeped this before, which is a total waste. Seriously. In the future if I want it iced, I’ll do it a normal way because it does not do it justice.

Now I can really taste all the cantaloupe flavor, with just a touch of honeydew. I love it. I don’t even care for cantaloupe or honeydew, and this makes me want to go out and get one of each and eat them.

There’s still a bit of flavor from the white tea, it gives it a bit of a floral edge and adds to the natural sweetness. This was good before when I couldn’t even taste all it had to offer, so now it’s even better in my eyes.

Bonnie 13 years ago

Sounds so good!

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