So this “Swiss Herbal Infusion” is comprised of three main flavour profiles: orange, mint, and ginger. I’m not sure if that’s actually a common Swiss flavour/tea combo, but I’ve definitely never seen it before (well, I mean, I’ve seen those three ingredients paired together but never under this name) so I’m not sure if this is a case of me just not knowing a thing or if it’s one of those weird German tea names that doesn’t quite fit…
Before I get into the tea, though, I have to share a short story that kind of ties in to it:
So, when I moved into my apartment here in Montreal I was told that there was a private gym in the building for tenants to use. At first I kind of scoffed, because I’ve not been to a gym since high school/am pretty unfit in general and don’t have a strong desire to focus super heavily on my physical well being. Like, it’s not that I want to be unhealthy/out of shape – but I don’t feel shitty about my body type/shape/size as it is so “fixing” it isn’t a priority for me. Over time I became more curious though, so I went looking for the gym because I figured there are aspects of going to the gym that do appeal to me…
I like being able to listen to music, and the gym can be a nice way to do that interrupted. I also like walking, but don’t love the outdoors – so I wouldn’t be opposed to having a casual walk/stroll on a treadmill or elliptical. Especially if it’s more private/there are less people around. However, I simply could not find it. Like, I walked up every floor in my building and didn’t see a gym anywhere. So I just gave up, and assumed I had misunderstood the person I’m leasing my apartment from.
Until last Sunday where, after going for a walk in the afternoon, I got in the elevator to head back to my floor. Now, there are four elevators in my building and I guess in the last four months I have, purely coincidentally, only been in three of them. Well, this time I got in the fourth elevator and, low and behold, there was a button on the elevator panel labeled “Gym” that doesn’t exist in any of the other elevators! So I clicked it.
Well, the elevator went all the way to the top floor of the building – which I hadn’t been to. I guess it’s not accessible by stairs – at least, through my apartment building. I explored the floor a little bit, and there is a stairwell that gets to the floor (in addition to this elevator) but if you take the stairwell down you wind up in the apartment building directly beside mine – which is kind of weird. Sure enough though, there’s a private gym that’s only accessible using the door badge/pass of anyone living in my apartment building or the one next to it; it’s fairly decked out with equipment, and pretty nice. There’s also a rooftop patio, and a “common room” with some seating/a pool table/a TV.
So I guess that whole story is my lead in to saying that, for the first time in six years, I went to the gym! I did a 30 minute walk on the elliptical, at a setting that was probably higher than what I should have started with. It was exhausting and hard but despite thinking several times about quitting halfway through I DID finish the walk. I’ve even been back several times since last Sunday and completed the same walk, with it getting easier each time. I like how private the gym is; there’s never been a time I’ve got where there was more than two other people there and since I live ina building a predominantly Chinese people who either don’t Speak English as a first language or well at all, it’s pretty quite – no one trying to chat. I certainly don’t want to jinx myself, but I think I could get really into going in that sort of atmosphere…
As for the tea!
Well, I think this is a flavour combo that I normally wouldn’t like all that much, especially since the ginger was pretty strong. However, after a half hour of hard work at the gym (especially with how long it’s been since I last went) I think that ANYTHING would have tasted good. I made the cup right after getting back to my apartment and I guzzled the whole thing!