Un Après-Midi à Paris (An Afternoon in Paris)

Tea type
Black Tea
Black Tea, Orange Flavoring, Orange Peel, Pink Lotus Flavor, Rose Petals, Vanilla Flavour, White Rose Petals
Bread, Citrus, Cream, Floral, Orange, Orange Blossom, Orange Zest, Rose, Smooth, Spices, Sweet, Bergamot, Lychee, Perfume, Vanilla
Sold in
Loose Leaf, Sachet
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Mastress Alita
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec 2 g 12 oz / 343 ml

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From Fauchon

An Afternoon in Paris tea – tin.
FAUCHON proudly offers you a mild, fragrant and flavorful tea reminiscent of Paris, with a smooth and elegant balance between its vanilla and orange flavors. Absolutely enchanting.

Steeping time: 4 to 5 minutes.
To enjoy in the afternoon.
Ideal with desserts.

Ingredients : Black tea (China), rose petals (3%), flavours, orange peels (2%).

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32 Tasting Notes

1113 tasting notes

I give this tea a zero for a unique reason.

So, I took this and many other black tea blends to work because they are the easiest to brew with what I have available there. After about two ounces in, I began to feel nauseated and then after 15 minutes I got a stomach ache. I decided to call this tea to an end and pour it out.

Upon getting home I drank some more to see what would happen and immediately my turned inside out… I just had to try again for myself to see if it really was the tea. Now that I am home I am sipping away at an oolong.


Hmm, I wonder if you’re allergic to something in it? I’m sorry to hear it doesn’t agree with you.

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424 tasting notes

I have had this for a while but never tried it until today. What a shame. I really liked it! It was even a little floral and I liked it. Who knew.


Sounds fabulous to me! I feel like adding vanilla to teas is a good way to sneak floral flavors into the cups of people who are not floral fans.


I can send a sample if you want to try it – it’s going to take me ages to get through 100g.


Lol, sure! If you have any floral or green/oolong samples that you’re looking to get rid of, just toss ‘em in my package! I’m sure I they can find a home in my or my office mate’s cup!


I mainly drink black teas.

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2291 tasting notes

(Sipdown: 184 I think maybe?) Sample from Dustin. Thank you!

This turned out SO GOOD tonight. Orange creamsicle, with lots of floral and rose. Really delicious, but I still prefer Naissance and the Evening in France teas I have from Fauchon.

(I had other teas today but they were “I have a tsp of this left so let’s mix it with a tsp of some random plain tea” kind of sipdowns. So I’m just going to say here I drank tea. Mmm, tea.)

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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307 tasting notes

From the Here’s Hoping TTB, round 4

From the dry scent alone I got roses and cinnamon. The leaves dry are quite small and brittle. There are rose petals scattered in the sample, small pieces though, less than a cm square.

Brewed the liquor is the color of light maple syrup and it smells of chocolate and ginger.

The base tea is light, but distinct. It’s smooth and full-bodied. Not astringent or bitter.

The taste doesn’t linger, or intrude on the room. I can only really smell it when I’m trying to, but it doesn’t really interfere with food or anything else.

I would drink this again. It’s more of a dessert tea in my book though. Something light but indulgent.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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4310 tasting notes

Aw, this is my last Fauchon sample from Dinosara… Sad day! I put off trying this tea yesterday because dry, it smells insanely floral. The leaf itself is mostly small black tea leaves with quite a few rose petals mixed in. Dry scent is powerful rose with a sweetness that reminds me of powdered sugar or candy. I brewed for 3 minutes at 200 degrees.

I wasn’t very excited to try this one, but the aroma started to get me there. It’s mostly vanilla, surprisingly! There is also some floral there and a bit of citrus. Unfortunately for me, that strong vanilla aroma doesn’t really carry over to the taste side. The beginning of the sip is mostly citrus with a bit of vanilla in there, while the middle and end are dominated by the rose flavor (blegh). Aww, I was so excited too… :(

Flavors: Orange, Rose, Vanilla

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

Boo, I like this one :)

Cameron B.

To each her own! I just tend to not love floral, especially rose. :P


Yup, that’s the beauty of sharing samples! It’s true, if you love rose, you are in a good place to love many of Fauchon’s teas. :D

Cameron B.

Thanks again for sending me samples! Whether I liked all of them or not, it’s a positive experience and it helps me narrow down what I want next time they’re up for sale. :D

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1113 tasting notes

Backlogging again!

I drank this on Saturday. Served some to my husband too, and we both really enjoyed it! I didn’t take detailed notes at the time, so I’ll wait till next time to give it a rating. It definitely had some strong florals, but the citrus and vanilla notes rounded it out nicely. Like other Fauchon I’ve encountered the base is mellow and pleasant. I think this would make a really lovely perfume! I don’t say that often about a tea I actually enjoy drinking ;)

Thank you so much boychik!

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1774 tasting notes

I have a friend who is in Paris RIGHT NOW and isn’t interested in tea shopping. It’s kind of killing me. I’d love to go back to Fauchon. I’d probably skip restocking this tea as I’m finally sipping it down now. There was more than one serving of tea left in the bag, but less than two so I dumped it all in my steeper and that was a mistake. I thought that steeping for only a minute would counter the overleafing, but it really didn’t. This cup is strong and perfumy. It has that tang that some fresh roses get and it’s overwhelming. It’s very heavy on the rose in both the sip and the finish which lingers a looooong time. This isn’t a very good send off for this tea, but at least it’s a sip down!

200 °F / 93 °C 1 min, 0 sec

There are several Fauchon teas I would like to try someday! Maybe your friend will get you some tea as a souvenir!


I wish! It’s hard to get non tea people to go tea shopping for you. I asked my brother once to pick up some Fauchon for me and someone talked him into Mariage Freres instead. I can order and find MF here, but I can’t do either with Fauchon.


Have you seen this old Steepster post about finding Fouchon tea?
It might be out of date, but maybe it could help. :)


I did find some at TJMaxx all those years ago, but I think it was a one time buy out from someone who was trying to sell Fauchon and then put it on clearance. I’ve never seen it there again.


Sorry, I didn’t read that whole post and didn’t realize you’d contributed. Too bad it isn’t available anymore.


It’s too bad they only deliver in Europe. This would have been a good group buy opportunity.

Martin Bednář

Can do a group buy next year (from February, approx.), but certainly not right now.


I was in Ireland for a week last month and looked into buying online from Lupicia and Fauchon, but I wasn’t sure if they would arrive before I left and Fauchon doesn’t have much of their tea up on their website.

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1 tasting notes

Wonderful rich marvelous tea.

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