Un Après-Midi à Paris (An Afternoon in Paris)

Tea type
Black Tea
Black Tea, Orange Flavoring, Orange Peel, Pink Lotus Flavor, Rose Petals, Vanilla Flavour, White Rose Petals
Bread, Citrus, Cream, Floral, Orange, Orange Blossom, Orange Zest, Rose, Smooth, Spices, Sweet, Bergamot, Lychee, Perfume, Vanilla
Sold in
Loose Leaf, Sachet
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Mastress Alita
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec 2 g 12 oz / 343 ml

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From Fauchon

An Afternoon in Paris tea – tin.
FAUCHON proudly offers you a mild, fragrant and flavorful tea reminiscent of Paris, with a smooth and elegant balance between its vanilla and orange flavors. Absolutely enchanting.

Steeping time: 4 to 5 minutes.
To enjoy in the afternoon.
Ideal with desserts.

Ingredients : Black tea (China), rose petals (3%), flavours, orange peels (2%).

About Fauchon View company

Company description not available.

32 Tasting Notes

2201 tasting notes

Thanks again to ToiToi for this sample. Am I torturing myself with more French teas (with names like An Afternoon in Paris) that fuel my desire to go back to Paris? Perhaps. But I want to try them anyway.

I’m not sure where I got the strong idea that Fauchon’s teas were not reviewed well; I looked again and some of them aren’t but most of them have few if any reviews. Well now I just feel stupid for missing out on the Fauchon sale recently. Anyway! When steeped up this tea powerfully reminds me of another tea but I cannot place it. Maybe it’s just the vanilla, which is super strong in the aroma.

Wow I just had an intensely sweet sip and I’m not sure where that came from but it was delicious. When I first started sipping this it was like, ok, powerful vanilla flavor, pretty decent. Now it’s like… guh. Vanilla! Rose! A hint of bright citrus! The flavors are so thick and lush it is like you are being immersed in them. This tea is not playing around. I’ve not always had success with vanilla and rose in the past for some reason, but here it plays out so well. The vanilla is rich and sweet, the rose is heavy and luxurious. The orange doesn’t have a starring part but it plays backup well, preventing this tea from getting too heavy. The tea base is hearty enough to stand up to it all and not have it feel weak or without depth.

Man, now I really feel stupid for missing out on the Fauchon sale a few weeks ago. Well, more reason to go to Paris.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec
Terri HarpLady

sounds yummy!


I took a peek at the site. I love the packaging! The teas sound so lovely.


Even getting teas from it, I still want to go back to Paris. Having them either way makes it worse! And that raspberry macaron tea…that wasn’t part of the sale and I neeeeeed it.

BrewTEAlly Sweet

Oh my! Do you have any of this left that you would be willing to swap?

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206 tasting notes

Oh my gosh!!!!! Is anyone still going to order from Fauchon on the Vente-Privee sale? If so can you please add the tin of this for me please?!!! I’ll pay you the $12! I already placed my order yesterday and totally forgot I had a sample of this and I fell in love with it today when I had it after work! Pretty pretty please?!?! Of rather not have to pay for shipping twice and play 2 different orders.

Anyways this tea is delicious! This was another glorious tea from my great box box of Dexter tea! This reminds me of the very first loose leaf I ever tried that I keep near and dear to my heart and always restock it no matter what! My glorious Victorian vanilla from a farmers market business back home.

This is a great balance of rose and vanilla and u get that citrus after note!
I really hope I can get my hands on this before it is too late!

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 10 OZ / 295 ML

Sorry I placed the order on a 1st day. If I’m not going to be madly in love with this tea I can sell you or swap some. Also I got chocolate eclaire ;)

BrewTEAlly Sweet

If you don’t like it I would totally buy it from you!!! And oh my gosh! I’m so jealous you got the chocolate eclair!!!


And I can share it as well

BrewTEAlly Sweet

Awesome!!! Can’t wait to see the review!


I bought a tin of this… and sadly I hate it. I could barely get to the bottom of my first and only cup. Still looking to buy some?

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15575 tasting notes

i think… that perhaps fauchon and i don’t get along. Dinosara sent this one my way, and i really thought i would like it but the floral taste is too much for me. I don’t get much in the way of vanilla, though it is there for me a bit. Instead it feels very much like i’m back in my grandmother’s bathroom smelling her floral hand creams. Only that’s what it tastes like to me. bah. Oh well, can’t win them all, and if you like rose, you’d probably really like this tea.


Haha yes, this one is a rosey one. There are others (that I don’t have now) that are less floral that you would probably like more.


i like trying ALL THE TEA! so it was still fun, and it means there’s a little left over for the gals out here :)

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18 tasting notes

This tea is amazing! reminds me so much to paris this winter!!!! one of my favorites

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18 tasting notes

My very favorite flavored black tea (although I prefer it loose).

Verna L. Hamilton

I prefer this tea loose also and am saddened that Fauchon is no longer in New York. Quelle domage!

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1268 tasting notes

French Friday! This sample was kindly provided by Dustin, so thank you!

Also using this as my Ode to Tea A entry, because as any respectable librarian knows, words like “a” “an” and “the” are never used in alphabetizing… and yes, that rule carries over to equivalents in foreign language titles!

Dry leaf smells like roses and cream! Rose has been a flavor I’ve been drinking (and enjoying!) a lot lately. Steeped 2.4g in 350ml 205F water for 3 minutes. Still get a strong rose aroma from the steeped tea, but the secondary aroma is citrus rather than cream. Because of the florality, the citrus is coming off less zingy/fruity and more akin to orange blossom.

The flavor is an orange/rose combo. The orange is a pithy/peel-like flavor with a bit of tang, and the rose is just that lovely sweet floral flavor that is probably perfumy to anyone but me. Not getting any of the “cream” which I picked up on the nose, but the cup is overall sweet for a black tea. The base is giving me some subtle warm bread and spice notes. Reminding me a bit of the Minnesota N’Ice tea I had during March Madness, if the jasmine were swapped for rose and the citrus were a little more gentle.

A very pleasant rose tea!

Flavors: Bread, Citrus, Cream, Floral, Orange, Orange Blossom, Orange Zest, Rose, Smooth, Spices, Sweet

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 2 g 12 OZ / 350 ML
Tiffany :)

My favorite part of this was:
“Also using this as my Ode to Tea A entry, because as any respectable librarian knows, words like “a” “an” and “the” are never used in alphabetizing… and yes, that rule carries over to equivalents in foreign language titles!”

(I secretly have always wanted to be a librarian)

Mastress Alita

I’ve been a librarian for 17 years now! Started in Circulation, but I’ve done Technical Services for the majority now (Acquisitions for a few years, and now I’m a Cataloger). I really enjoy it!


We had a lengthy discussion at work this week about the necessity of our maintaining vendor files by vendor number because NOBODY knows how to alphabetize properly any more!

Mastress Alita

I once got my stepmom absolutely livid with me for “fixing” her DVDs by moving all the titles that started with “The” out of the T’s. She said she was going to come into my house and eff up my organization systems, and I was adamant that she should know the right one. It was ugly, haha.


haha – but as a librarian you just HAD to fix that. :D

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1968 tasting notes

Advent from Dustin Day 24
Merry Christmas Eve to all that celebrate! Sad to have advent season coming to an end (but thankful to have another day with a tea surprise thanks to Dustin). Happy to have the holiday season over, though. Always a stressful time when working retail, particularly though this year.

Another Fauchon tea from Dustin?? I feel incredibly lucky. This one has a similar caramel/vanilla note to the Un Soir De Noel that I really loved. The citrus works really well with that delicious gourmand flavor. Such a shame that Fauchon blends aren’t more readily available in the US.


Merry Christmas!

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3 tasting notes

A perfect recipe for a gorgeous afternoon. The base is light and supple. The floral and creamy aroma feels like I want to be absorbed in it.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec 2 g 7 OZ / 200 ML

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1403 tasting notes

Well, it is pouring down here this afternoon. Not Paris, of course. But how glorious it is to sit in a lovely dry cafe while the rain comes down. I suppose I eventually will venture out and get soaked and I am totally fine with that.

Still on wifi blackout here, so I sample new to me teas blind in terms of ingredients. Interesting to do things this way. Even though I don’t tend to check reviews before I write one, I like to know more or less the type of tea it is so that I know what is in store, more or less.

First taste, kinda perfumey. I’ll be the first to admit, that I usually don’t find French teas all that— which is not going to prevent me from making an order of chocolate and vanilla things some day.

Here, lychee, rose, bergamot maybe? Perhaps a bit of cream. ok, but not a favourite.

Thanks for letting me try this, VariaTEA. I still have enough for another cup to win me over :)

Flavors: Bergamot, Lychee, Perfume, Rose

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6444 tasting notes

Rose and orange, definitely not my go-tos but this ended up being a delightfully delicious tea that will be missed. Check out my full review here: http://sororiteasisters.com/2017/06/11/an-afternoon-in-paris-from-fauchon/

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