Lemon Pepper Mélange

Tea type
Black Tea
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Average preparation
Boiling 4 min, 45 sec

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15 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Sipdown! I cold steeped this last night in a new cold steeping jug (http://www.teavana.com/tea-products/tea-accessories/tea-tools/p/iced-tea-pitcher-with-orange-lid). It’s pretty delicate, but I...” Read full tasting note
  • “I am rather partial to lemon teas and I really appreciated that they didn’t try to artificially sweeten the lemon in this one. The apple does so naturally and it’s a very pleasant mix of flavors. I...” Read full tasting note
  • “This is up there with my fave of Della Terra Teas! It’s so crisp, lemony, and peppery. It’s a unique flavor for a tea, but familiar for anyone who likes lemon pepper. I bought this more out of...” Read full tasting note
  • “Full review on http://sororiteasisters.com/ later today but here are snippets: I won an ounce of Lemon Pepper Melange from Della Terra Teas on their Facebook page. If you do not follow Della Terra...” Read full tasting note

From Della Terra Teas

Product Description
This black tea has the wonderful, crisp taste of lemon with the spiciness of pepper! Our Lemon Pepper Mélange has a taste that will let you know that spring is on its way!

Ingredients: Black tea, lemon bits and flavor, red peppercorns, ginger pieces, orange peels, bits of apple, lemongrass and cinnamon

For more allergy info visit our FAQ

Suggested brewing tips:

Serving Size: 1 level tsp./6oz serving

Water Temp: 210°F

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About Della Terra Teas View company

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15 Tasting Notes

2291 tasting notes

Sipdown! I cold steeped this last night in a new cold steeping jug (http://www.teavana.com/tea-products/tea-accessories/tea-tools/p/iced-tea-pitcher-with-orange-lid). It’s pretty delicate, but I will NOT be pouring anything hot in here. Just cool water and tea leaves, and into the fridge. The strainer in the lid looks pretty good, although I don’t think it’d catch everything rooibos.

I did 4 tsp in about 1.5 litres for this cold steep. And it turned out so well! The tea is delightfully lemony, almost candy-like. Didn’t really need sugar.

I’m going to have to keep this on my list of “teas to cold steep”. I might end up getting more in the summer. If it’s available…

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Yvonne 11 years ago

Mmmm…sounds like a traditional lemon iced tea. Delish!

__Morgana__ 11 years ago

Sounds yummy. I love a good lemon.

Plunkybug 11 years ago

So this is the jug that worked and the other one was too tall?

OMGsrsly 11 years ago

Yeah, I got the blue plastic one with the long strainer, and it’s way too tall. It does seal, so I’m considering laying it on its side… IDK.

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464 tasting notes

I am rather partial to lemon teas and I really appreciated that they didn’t try to artificially sweeten the lemon in this one. The apple does so naturally and it’s a very pleasant mix of flavors. I also love the spiciness of the peppercorn and ginger. It paired perfectly with the ginger florentine cookie I was eating! :-)

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576 tasting notes

This is up there with my fave of Della Terra Teas! It’s so crisp, lemony, and peppery. It’s a unique flavor for a tea, but familiar for anyone who likes lemon pepper. I bought this more out of curiosity but I’m pleasantly surprised. Very delish!

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807 tasting notes

Full review on http://sororiteasisters.com/ later today but here are snippets:

I won an ounce of Lemon Pepper Melange from Della Terra Teas on their Facebook page. If you do not follow Della Terra on Facebook I suggest that you do. They often run drawings for tea, and always post their most current sale there. Anyway, I was the lucky winner of this tea and I love it, not because it was free, but I really love it. So what is wrong with this picture? Well the fact is, it has lemongrass in it! Some of you may know how much I despise lemongrass. This is not a tea I would have ever paid for in a million years, so it is a good thing I won it because I would have been short changing myself from a stellar tea!

You know, really the lemongrass does not bother me at all in this blend. I really do not notice it is there and trust me I have tried to find it! In a way, and this may sound bizarre, but I believe it is the lemongrass giving tea blend an almost bubble gum like flavor at the very end of the sip. Not that I have ever thought lemongrass, on its own, taste anything like bubble gum. But with all of the fruits, the spices, the black tea, somehow at the end of the sip I get this bubble gum type note that I really feel comes from the lemongrass. Maybe I just convinced myself of that. Anyway, for someone who has literally sworn off ALL lemongrass teas, Della Terra has opened my mind, my eyes, and my taste buds. I tell you what though, if anyone could do this it would be Della Terra as they have some of the most stellar tea blends.

Stephanie 12 years ago

Thanks for the Facebook tip! :D

Azzrian 12 years ago

My pleasure! :)

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15596 tasting notes


not a fan of this one. It’s sort of lemony and has a bit of a pepper bite to it, but it’s nothing amazing or wonderful.

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1040 tasting notes

Thank you scribbles for sending me this sample. I was intrigued by the description of it, but still a bit wary. I don’t always do well with lemon teas, I find a lot of them really astringent. Not sure what’s wrong with me, but I seem to have an issue with them. This was one of those. Almost bitter astringent. There is definitely some spiciness to this, I’m getting more pepper than ginger. I’m not going to rate this, I’m not a fair judge, but this one isn’t for me. Thanks anyway scribble, really appreciate the thought and generosity.

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299 tasting notes

I’m out of practise with timing steeps so I wandered off and did other things until I remembered I had this tea on. K liked it, too. It’s not as peppery as it could be but it is definitely yum.


Boiling 8 min or more
TeaLady441 11 years ago

Whee! You’re back!
Nothing wrong with being a seasonal tea drinker so long as you pop by. :)

Ozli 11 years ago

:P :P :P

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688 tasting notes

This smells really good… mostly like lemon, but I get hints of other fruit. The flavour is lemony with a bit of spice. I kinda want to try this cold with lemonade now.

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec

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4343 tasting notes

This poor poor tea! I never wrote a review for this ancient blend and it’s actually quite good. The citrus and peppercorns are the perfect flavor combination. So the name is very accurate. It’s lemon. It’s “pepper” as in peppercorn. I think it would have been interesting to have other pepper in it. There is something effervescent about it — it could be a lemon soda tea. It must be the precise spices to make it seem like soda, melding in with the lemon and peppercorn. The black tea seems darker than a typical Della Terra base. I can’t believe it has any flavor at this point.
Steep #1 // 1 1/2 teaspoons // 23 minutes after boiling // 3 minute steep
Steep #2 // just boiled // 4 min

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45 tasting notes

A pleasant, lemony tea. The dry leaves in the packet smelled fabulously of citrus. When it was steeped, I was a little surprised that I couldn’t really detect much of the other ingredients, except for lemon. And I couldn’t find the bite from the pepper. Maybe it was all there, but too subtle for me. It was a nice tea, though, and I was glad to try it. (Thanks, Starfevre.) Maybe I’ll keep sticking my nose in the bag and inhaling.

I tasted it with a bit of sugar, and it seemed a little flat, so then I added some lemon juice and more sugar, and it was better.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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