Rainbow Lemonade

Tea type
Fruit Herbal Blend
Apple, Blackberry Leaves, Cornflower Petals, Hibiscus, Lemon Peel, Natural Flavours, Orange Peel, Orange Pieces, Pineapple, Raspberries
Apple, Hibiscus, Lemon, Citrus, Fruit Punch, Fruity, Lemongrass, Orange, Orange Zest, Raspberry, Tangy, Tart, Floral, Sugar, Sweet
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf
Caffeine Free
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Roswell Strange
Average preparation
160 °F / 71 °C 7 min, 0 sec 32 oz / 946 ml

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Get your ice cubes ready – this next-level lemonade iced tea is about to add a mouthpuckering twist of flavour to your summer sipping. Think ripe and juicy citrus, a tropical splash of pineapple, and a sweet hint of raspberry. Tart and refreshing, this caffeine-free tea tastes amazing straight up iced or with a little extra somethin’ somethin’. Get ready to see some rainbows with this one.

Tea that gives
Until June 30th, a portion of the proceeds from our juicy Rainbow Lemonade tea will go towards the It Gets Better Project –a non-profit organization that aims to uplift, empower and connect LGBTQ+ youth around the world.

How it tastes
Tart, fruity and refreshing, with bright notes of juicy citrus – like a twisted lemonade

What makes it great

With its fruity twist, this lemon iced tea is a fresh and delicious substitute for the classic store-bought lemonade.

For those days when you’ve got company, cool off your guests by brewing up a big pitcher with ice and lemon slices.

It’s caffeine-free so the kids can get in on the action too!

50 g of this tea makes around 10-12 16 oz cups of hot tea and 5-7 16 oz cups of iced tea.

Apple, pineapple (pineapple, sugar), orange peel and pieces, hibiscus, lemon peel, sweet blackberry leaves, cornflower petals, raspberries, natural flavouring.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

17 Tasting Notes

1308 tasting notes

I got this in the mystery tea set that DT was selling a while ago. I don’t know that I would have picked it up on my own, but I actually quite like it! This is definitely a blend meant to be enjoyed cold, but I enjoy it so much that way that I just picked up another ounce at DT’s Black Friday sale. It’s like a delightful fruity (mostly apple and hibiscus) lemonade. Not earth-shatteringly great, but definitely a solid blend and a good alternative to sugary lemonade.

Flavors: Apple, Hibiscus, Lemon

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47 tasting notes

This has a fruity citrus flavor. It’s decent, not bad, but not something I would really reach for often or feel the need to have on hand.

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1268 tasting notes

Coldbrewed this for the May prompt “a lemon tea.”

It reminds me of other “Pink Lemonade” fruit teas I’ve had in the past; it has a strong lemon citrus flavor, that is pleasantly tangy with an herbaceous lemongrass edge, followed by a sharp and pithy orange note and a sweeter, fruit punch/raspberry finish.

This is a refreshing tea and I’m always happy to have this flavor profile as a coldbrew, but this particular blend doesn’t really stand out to me over any of the other “pink lemonade” style fruit blends I’ve had.

Now if only the weather here would turn sunny and warm, to fully enjoy a refreshing lemonade coldbrew… (It snowed yesterday! AUGH!)

Flavors: Citrus, Fruit Punch, Fruity, Lemon, Lemongrass, Orange, Orange Zest, Raspberry, Tangy, Tart

Iced 8 min or more 4 tsp 32 OZ / 946 ML

It’s in the 90s here this week! I don’t like the heat, but I couldn’t imagine snow this late in the year either. Stay warm!

Mastress Alita

Last year we had a warm May like that! I’m not a fan of the heat either, but it appears this year we are just going from Winter to Second Winter to Summer without ever getting a proper Spring!


Snow? Wow! We did have a couple of days of cool down but it is warm and sunny again. I can not imagine snow in May.


It’s not unheard of in SW MO, either; flurries, anyway. Last time it happened, a few years ago, the flakes were as big as quarters and melted almost before they hit the ground.

Mastress Alita

Here, most of our May snow has not stuck, but my sister is only two hours away and they got enough of a build-up this last Monday that their tree, already full of spring leaves, capsized under the snow weight. Craziness!

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1780 tasting notes

I’m not sure how this ended up in my cupboard. Maybe it was on sale and I thought the tiny roommates would like it? Probably. Not sure what to make of it. It does have a rainbow of fruit taste to it. I can pick out the lemon, but it also tastes like something red. Raspberry? Cherry? The hib isn’t too horrible, but there is something alkaline in the sip that is distracting and pops up at various points. It’s almost fruit punchy. I can imagine this being really good cold steeped and over ice. It’s more distracting while hot and I’m hoping that fades as it cools, but I have work to get back to at the moment.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

They did a promotion in 2021 at one point where they threw in a free bag of this tea with orders, so that may have been it!


Ah… maybe!

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252 tasting notes

So far the only lemonade tea I enjoy. Fresh and fruity tasting. The tartness is the right amount of tart and gives it a kick but no lip pucker which is what i like


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2588 tasting notes

Another free sample from my summer order. I don’t really enjoy it, but I’m not a lemonade fan. The flavor is pretty light and unremarkable. Lemonade is the main flavor.

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6444 tasting notes

Cold Brew Sipdown (304)

Another random selection. Finishing this one off as a cold brew because it’s definitely best cold. Today it’s tangier than usual and something is a touch too sweet (my guess is the blackberry leaves). It’s fine but not anything I need to keep stocked.

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6119 tasting notes

2021 Sipdown 118/365!

More iced tea, not my favourite flavour but it’s what my son wanted apparently (and then proceeded to drink none of). I found the citrus a bit bitter.

Evol Ving Ness

Hmm, maybe it needs a splash of fresh orange juice.

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16956 tasting notes

So, this tea launched on June 1st – at the start of Pride month.

I debated whether I would write a tasting note for this tea since, like some fans have been quick to notice, it’s the exact same blend as Rainbow Sherbet but with added citrus peels. Citrus peels really don’t have a taste at all in tea blends (not a significant enough one to impact the overall flavour, anyway) and are usually used for visuals – which I think is the case here, in order to better tie this tea into the Lemonade Collection for the summer. So, if you want to see my thoughts on the flavour you can just go read my reviews for Rainbow Sherbet – but, spoiler, I’m not a big fan.

What I do want to write about is corporate Pride, since that seems to be a bigger conversation happening this year as more companies try to be a part of Pride: including DAVIDsTEA, which is donating 10% of all sales of this tea to It Gets Better up until June 30th of this year. So, this is just my own thoughts on the matter, as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community, both in general and in relationship to DAVIDsTEA…

It’s a complicated issue – as a minority group it’s important to have allies and support, it’s meaningful and impactful in making real change. However, no one wants to be taken advantage of or profited off. It definitely gets under my skin when I see companies, for the month of June, slap a rainbow on their logo or put out some product (usually rainbow coloured) with a sort of lazy “Love is Love” slogan. That doesn’t, to me, feel like real support – and I especially hate seeing corporate floats in pride parades: that’s not your place/not for you. If you really want to support us, you can walk with us WITHOUT dawning your corporate logos or you can sponsor a local LGBTQIA+ group/organization or charity financially, so that they’re able to have a float/do something elaborate – but without splashing your logo on it/necessarily shouting to the world that you made it happen…

My experience with DAVIDsTEA, though, has been so positive – it’s honestly been the most inclusive and welcoming to the LGBTQIA+ community of anywhere I’ve ever worked. Part of my training when I entered into more of a management role was diversity training and my experience in store was that about 1/3 of my coworkers WERE LGBTQIA+. I had a coworker, who is now an assistant manager at that location, who is FTM trans and the HR department was amazing about making sure that his company email address, name on our shift scheduling system, etc. was all under his chosen name. We even had a manager who made him a name tag with his pronouns on it, under his name, because a lot of customers were inadvertently misgendering him. We also had a long standing partnership with the local gay and drag bar, year round, and contributed prizes for fundraisers and tea for various drag events throughout the city…

Within the head office, I’d say that it’s actually about half my coworkers who are somewhere within the LGBT+ umbrella – when I first started at the office it was very common place for people to ask my pronouns when we were first introduced, we have gender neutral washrooms, and it’s people who are part of the community who led the marketing for not only this campaign, with Rainbow Lemonade, but with our past ones as well – because DT has been involved w/ Pride for YEARS.

So yeah – if this tea does really well then yes DT is going to profit off it and that’s somewhat conflicting for me. However, at the same time I feel like the intentions here are genuinely good; this is a campaign that the staff (both in store and in head office) are excited about! Like, I feel as if it’s KNOWN within the LGBTQIA+ community that DT is a safe and welcoming place both to work and shop year round. Our Pride doesn’t stop on July 1st. I also think disclosing the amount we’re donating (which, again, is 10%) is an important part of “Corporate Pride” because you’re, at least, giving people within the community the knowledge to make an informed choice about how you want to spend your money.

So it’s something I do feel a little conflicted about – and which I personally feel will always be a grey area for me. There’s always going to be things companies can do to be better allies, and I feel like we’re doing some good things as a company year round. We’re capable of pushing ourselves to do more, though.

Friendly reminder that I do not numerically rate DAVIDsTEA blends as I’m currently employed there and it would be an obvious conflict of interest. Any blends you see with numerical ratings were rated prior to my employment there. These reviews are a reflection of my personal thoughts and feelings regarding the teas, and not the company’s.


My new employer is conservative. I’m in the crowd myself but given the nature of the business, I don’t think the conservative ethos of the company will be an issue. All I can ask for is respect and professionalism. Glad to hear DT is supportive of its LGBTQ employees. If DT’s actions follow their line of admirable intent, then to me, regardless of corporate Pride involvement, they’re a good company to work for and buy from.


Thank you for the feedback and I appreciate hearing from someone who actually knows and can provide real information.

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