It is 12:45. I am dreaming such big dreams that I cannot sleep.
In the past three days I have booked an 1890s opera house, rented a marquee, rented almost $1000 in film equipment, solicited my friends help, and bought several hundred dollars of vintage costuming, all for our film’s fundraising video.
Can you see why I can’t sleep???
Okay, so seriously, if there is a time for tea it is now. I figured that since I like DavidsTeas’ Mothers Helper that now would be a good time to try this sample.
Flavorwise, I am tasting something along the lines of Mother’s Helper. I’m getting a berry thing, hibiscus-like notes, and some kind of almost umami finish.
Like other reviewers, I’m having a hard time picking out the flavors of this tea.

I think it’s as if a little woodland critter came up, wide eyed and bushy tailed and shoved a handful of sweet, citrusy, and bitter berries into my hands and had me brew it in a little mug hewn of chestnut wood.

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec
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Daisy Chubb 12 years ago

Dream big or go home! :D
I’m so excited for your project! I wish I was there to lend a hand

BlueKittyMeow 12 years ago

Aww thank you <3 I wasn’t sure how much “personal stuff” was good in the tasting notes!

BlueKittyMeow 12 years ago

Huh – that comment was supposed to read “Aww thank you! I’m never sure how much personal stuff was good to put in the tasting notes!”
Thanks, Steepster.
Apparently, none.

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Daisy Chubb 12 years ago

Dream big or go home! :D
I’m so excited for your project! I wish I was there to lend a hand

BlueKittyMeow 12 years ago

Aww thank you <3 I wasn’t sure how much “personal stuff” was good in the tasting notes!

BlueKittyMeow 12 years ago

Huh – that comment was supposed to read “Aww thank you! I’m never sure how much personal stuff was good to put in the tasting notes!”
Thanks, Steepster.
Apparently, none.

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I’m a writer and as such, am obviously an emotional rollercoaster. I used to drink tea a lot more, but kind of stopped and switched to coffee. Now, after too much stress, I’m completely unable to drink coffee anymore, so I figured tea would fulfill some of my “awake” needs as well as calm my emotions. I’m working my way through a huge selection of samples of pretty much everything, leaving notes so I remember what I like.
I love being adventurous and trying new things, even (especially?) things that sound strange or off-putting. Aside from tea I also enjoy tasting wines. The last really interesting one I tried was a dandelion wine! (And yes, it actually was delicious. Extremely bizarre and herby, but delicious).

I don’t have a set of numerical ratings set down yet, mainly because I’m very intuitive (read: disorganized and opinionated) about how I rate things. Basically, If something is in the 70-85 range, it’s pretty good, totally drinkable. Below that, in the 50-69 range, it was probably incredibly boring. I really hate boring tea. Below 50, I wouldn’t drink it again and might not have finished it (I actually really hate leaving ratings below 50, it makes me feel bad. I’m probably too nice). If it’s above 85 then I really liked it. Super high ratings are reserved for teas that totally blew me away.



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