Granola d'Hiver

Tea type
Black Food Fruit Blend
Black Tea, Flavor, Goji Berries, Popped Rice
Berries, Butter, Goji, Grain, Malt, Maple, Nutty, Pecan, Toasted Rice, Popcorn, Smooth, Sweet, Toasted, Wheat, Alcohol, Berry, Bread, Burnt, Dark Bittersweet, Dried Fruit, Espresso, Fruity, Grapes, Hazelnut, Maple Syrup, Mineral, Thick, Toasty, Wood, Raisins, Roasted, Toast
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec 3 g 11 oz / 315 ml

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13 Tasting Notes View all

  • “The city is in near lockdown again with hospitals filling at amazing rates. I live very close to a major street that cuts through the city and there is silence. The three construction sites are...” Read full tasting note
  • “Dammann Frères Advent 2021 – Day 4 I needed a simple black tea like this tonight. It’s mainly buckwheat (nutty, malt), with a whiff of maple; the combo gives the impression of Nutella or similar....” Read full tasting note
  • “Dammann Frères Advent Day 14 (14-February 2021) We did a massive declutter yesterday and I drank this tea, but didn’t catch any in depth notes. The tea was really good, popcorn-like with a hint of...” Read full tasting note
  • “Dammann Frères Advent Calendar – Day 14 (from November backlog) Wow, I like this one. I admit, the name is rather strange – “Winter Granola” lol. There’s also a summer version that sounds...” Read full tasting note

From Dammann Frères

Velvety, intense and deliciously fragrant, a tasty composition combining the fruity notes of grapes and pecans with those of buckwheat, sweetened by a hint of maple syrup.

Dominant note : Gourmet notes
Type(s) of tea : Black Tea
Main flavour : Grapes
Complementary flavour(s) : Pecan nut, Buckwheat, Maple syrup

Black tea, goji berries, puffed rice, flavors (grape, pecan nuts, buckwheat, maple syrup)

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13 Tasting Notes

1403 tasting notes

The city is in near lockdown again with hospitals filling at amazing rates.

I live very close to a major street that cuts through the city and there is silence. The three construction sites are quiet. Even some of the usually troublesome neighbours are silent because they are away.

Grateful for the quiet, but it is so odd. Eerie even.

Approached my advent calendar for something new today. A bit late, but I celebrate by the Julian calendar anyway, so technically, I am still in my Christmas season.

More info here if you are bewildered about that:

About this tea now.

Mild, black, slightly sweet. The maple doesn’t come across as maple to me, just slightly sweetens the cup. Grainy, bready. Malty. Delicious and comforting.

I probably chose this because I had buckwheat stuffed cabbage rolls for lunch and there was an echo of buckwheat in my brain.

I need more of this in my life. Both this tea and the cabbage rolls.

And it’s a sipdown!

Sipdown 3 of 2022.


Agreed, it’s eerie when the traffic slows down. I seem to hear more ambulances than usual, whether or not that’s really the case.

Evol Ving Ness

Also, the schools have been closed, so the activity of the parents, kids,schoolbuses, and bustle of the comings and the goings has been muted.

Evol Ving Ness

I hear sirens of police, ambulances, firefighters piercing the quiet from time to time. Otherwise, it has been still. I have a fan on as white noise for the neighbours, but beyond that it feels like a permanent Sunday. I could get used to this.

Evol Ving Ness

Spoke too soon. The construction, the neighbours, the wakings, all of it is back.


Mmm, cabbage rolls (and borscht).

Happy belated Orthodox Christmas!

Evol Ving Ness

Thanks! (Orthodox in communion with Rome, ie. Catholic Byzantine rite)

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1445 tasting notes

Dammann Frères Advent 2021 – Day 4

I needed a simple black tea like this tonight. It’s mainly buckwheat (nutty, malt), with a whiff of maple; the combo gives the impression of Nutella or similar. There’s pecan, rice, goji, and grape flavour but I find they either contribute to the sweet syrup or nutty malt aspects. It’s a comfy if simple tea. The aroma wouldn’t be out of the ordinary for some nice coffee beans.

Taken with milk

Flavors: Berries, Butter, Goji, Grain, Malt, Maple, Nutty, Pecan, Toasted Rice

195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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1401 tasting notes

Dammann Frères Advent Day 14 (14-February 2021)

We did a massive declutter yesterday and I drank this tea, but didn’t catch any in depth notes. The tea was really good, popcorn-like with a hint of sweetness.

190 °F / 87 °C 4 min, 0 sec 3 g 14 OZ / 414 ML

Decluttering is one of my favorite activities. So is acquiring more tea :P

Cameron B.

I loved this one! Such a nice maple syrup flavor.

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4331 tasting notes

Dammann Frères Advent Calendar – Day 14 (from November backlog)

Wow, I like this one. I admit, the name is rather strange – “Winter Granola” lol. There’s also a summer version that sounds delicious.

Anyway, this is sort of like a genmaicha with a black base. Although it tastes very popcorn-y compared to genmaicha, which is generally more toasty for me. This blend has a lovely rich and buttery flavor to it. I’m definitely not getting grape, which is listed as the main flavor? But pecan, maple, and buckwheat – yes, yes, YES! Sorry, was having an Herbal Essences moment there.

Ahem anyway, this is definitely going on the reorder list! I would love to see the summer equivalent in this calendar, but obviously that would be a bit out of season… :P

Flavors: Butter, Grain, Maple, Pecan, Popcorn, Smooth, Sweet, Toasted, Wheat

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec 8 OZ / 236 ML

This is split-worthy for me :)

Cameron B.

You’ve got a deal! ;)

Lexie Aleah

This one sounds really good


summer granola and winter granola. too weird.

Cameron B.

Lol, I know! The summer one doesn’t have actual grains in it, but it has grain and biscuit flavors…


I can’t read the name of that tea without thinking of it in the tune of the Dio song Holy Diver.

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1651 tasting notes

Advent 14.

I skipped one. Something about spitting profanities and crying from back muscle spasms. The Epsom salt bath helped to a small degree. The muscle relaxers prescribed don’t seem to be doing much beyond dulling my mental state and, with a bit of wine, helping me take cat naps. Ineffective: Icy Hot lidocaine patches, sipping hot magnesium citrate. Tiger Balm serves as a momentary distraction. Heating pad allows me to lie on my back to sleep. Lesson learned: after 9 months of not lifting weights (thanks COVID), do not attempt to do pull-ups. Do not hammer in the top section of a garage door seal at a weird angle on a ladder. Do not cut limbs from a neighbors tree at weird angles on a ladder. Stretch long and stretch often.

The tea’s good. It feels nostalgic. Woody, brisk, glassy and thick base black tea with a hint of baked bread supports the flavors. I get something grapey-dried berry and gentle sweetness mixed with hazelnut liqueur, espresso grinds and puffed rice. The swallow is somewhat dark-bittersweet like toasted buckwheat mixed with pecans roasted a touch too long and candied in maple syrup. It was a nice mid-morning tea and I get where they’re going with the granola profile. Simply well done.

Flavors: Alcohol, Berry, Bread, Burnt, Dark Bittersweet, Dried Fruit, Espresso, Fruity, Grain, Grapes, Hazelnut, Maple Syrup, Mineral, Nutty, Pecan, Smooth, Sweet, Thick, Toasted, Toasted Rice, Toasty, Wood

White Antlers

Ugh. I have a herniated disc at L5-S1. Happened in my 30s. This will sound weird but when your back goes into spasm, drink a glass of water with 1/4 tsp. of pink salt dissolved in it. Not a cure but it eases the spasms. Try acupuncture, too.

Cameron B.

Oh no, drink lots of good tea and feel better soon! ❤


Is pink salt the stuff used to cure meat?

Thanks, Cameron B. Each day is a little better and a good cup of tea like this definitely helps :)

Mastress Alita

Ouch, poor derk! Have a TENS unit? I like pairing one with the heating pad.

White Antlers

derk Not sure. It also goes by Himalayan pink salt. Trader Joe’s carries it.


What’s a TENS unit?

I have a big rock of Himalayan pink salt, wouldn’t hurt to try. I was thinking pink salt was sodium nitrate/ite.

Mastress Alita

Stands for transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation. It’s a (typically battery operated) device with a small pad you stick with a gel against the muscle area causing you pain, and you can adjust how much electrical stimulation you send to the area. I have a very special one that looks like a Wonder Woman headband for my migraines, even!

Martin Bednář

I wish you a quick recovery derk. I have a scoliosis and luckily so far I don’t have much pain. But long term sitting in front of screen, because of lectures or something is indeed a bad thing. My knees hurt now and then often too. I blame long sitting seasons.

I guess I have to try baths too; that sounds like a good idea — and move somehow more.

White Antlers

derk I hope today is a better one for you-pain wise. NAN03-well, chemistry was never one of my strong suits…


Get feeling better derk!


Too much work, derk! I hope you feel better quickly.


Ouch! Hope you’re feeling better now. Muscle spasms are not fun at all. I have a grouchy low back and hip (loooong story but don’t dislocate your pelvis trying to sit on a tall stool) and heating pads are my best friends. A foam roller or massage ball helps with working out the knots but using them isn’t the most pleasant thing. Much swearing and funny faces while using them but it’s easier to move afterward.

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16975 tasting notes

#adventageddon Day 10 – 2/5

Feeling under the weather today, so I’m thankful to see so many soothing mint teas and cozier genmaicha/toasted rice type profiles in today’s adventageddon selections!!

Started the day with Granola d’Hiver, which was soft and smooth with a toasty rice or popcorn type note and a little underlying sweetness mixed with a gentle, malty black base! I think I would normally want more punch to the flavor, but today I was thankful for something soft!

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6444 tasting notes

This morning I wrote my second exam out of 4. That means we are half way through my week from hell (4 exams in one week is not fun). This particular exam was a bit terrible since it was for Legal Ethics which are seemingly straightforward. Except the prof based the entire exam around one case we learned and half of the exam was about a youtube video no one in the class knew we had to watch. Thankfully we are all in the same boat so the curve will save us but that is a shitty way to be in an exam. Oh well, time to move on…

As for the tea, I quite like it. It is different than what I would usually reach for but it screams winter. I am getting a lot of black tea base that I don’t really love with fruitier flavors but it pairs nicely with the popcorn (that’s why I enjoy the Dammann popcorn tea). The combination of the two make for a breadiness and a nuttiness that does evoke granola a bit. The goji berries also gives it a touch of berry/sweet that adds another level on top of the popcorn and berries. It’s nice and definitely fitting for this chilly day.


Well that doesn’t seem very fair with that youtube video. :/


Yeah, the only mention of the video was a link in the syllabus…and then the exam. Us being able to answer that doesn’t reflect our knowledge of ethics so much as it does our ability to watch and remember YouTube

Martin Bednář

Yeah, I know similar. “It’s your fault that you don’t know what I expect.” Argh!

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1968 tasting notes

Advent day 10! I found my thoughts to be generally the same as the first time I tried this. All the ingredients point in the direction of something I’d love, but the flavors are a bit too mellow for my liking.

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78 tasting notes

Dammann Frères Advent 2021 – Day 4
This tea and I have a misunderstanding. It smells of toast, pecans, and maple syrup and I want to love it. But once brewed, it’s a faint echo of what I want it to be. I don’t know if I brewed it at too low of a temperature or if I had a weak batch, but it doesn’t live up to its promise for me. Maybe I was expecting too much. I was hoping for a raisin nut bread toasted with a drizzle of maple syrup and I got a bit of sweet popcorn or rice cake with a hint of pecan. I liked it much better in previous years. It’s good but it’s mehhh for me this year.

This is a tea I only get to taste when I get the advent calendar so I will have to wait another year to give it another chance.

Flavors: Maple Syrup, Pecan, Popcorn, Toast

185 °F / 85 °C 4 min, 30 sec

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768 tasting notes

Day #1 of my Dammann Freres Advent Calendar.

This was different. I’ve never had a tea quite like this before. My sense of smell is weak, so I might not be really tasting this properly. The listed flavors are grape, buckwheat, pecan.

The little silky sachet bag was so easy to use and cute. The teas was not too sweet. It was not sour or bitter. The flavor had hints of grape-y tartness which was fine. There was also a cereal-like flavor. It didn’t care for that at first. It grew on me. I got pulled away and when I came back the tea was almost cold. I liked it better that way.

I give this a cautious recommendation. I didn’t hate it. I certainly didn’t love it. But if I was with a friend and she served this I could drink it. Looking forward to Day 2!

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 10 OZ / 295 ML

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