Grandpa's Anytime Tea

Tea type
Black Tea
Not available
Malt, Bread, Chocolate, Grain
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Edit tea info Last updated by Kittenna
Average preparation
Boiling 1 min, 30 sec 11 oz / 315 ml

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20 Tasting Notes View all

  • “SIPDOWN (214) Another from this morning as i needed a good strong black to get me going this morning after the all nighter last night. I really do like this one for that kick in the fact sort of...” Read full tasting note
  • “WOWZA! This is one potent cup of tea! So, admittedly, this is one of those teas I probably would never have ordered. It’s so finely chopped it looks like coffee grounds! Stacy sent me a sample, so...” Read full tasting note
  • “Stacy from Butiki Thank You for this one as well as the other teas you sent us at Sororitea Sisters! I didn’t see this one on the website (YET) but if aroma counts I share hope you add it! It...” Read full tasting note
  • “I’m in love with this tea and it’s almost gone. I could live in this cup. It’s bold and malty and I could drink it over and over and over. Plus it distracts me from learning how to drive standard....” Read full tasting note

From Butiki Teas

Wait a minute, what is a CTC (cut tear curl) tea doing at Butiki Teas? This particular CTC is malty, brisk, and delivers a lot of flavor. Our Grandpa’s Anytime Tea was named after Arthur Njuguna Komo, the oldest tea farmer in the world, who is now 113 years old. This black tea originates from the Kamunyaka settlement in the Thika District in Kenya. The rich red liquor of this tea produces chocolate, baked bread, banana, oak, and grapefruit notes, has a weighty mouth feel, and is lightly astringent. We recommend following steeping directions carefully as this tea can become very strong quickly. Grandpa’s Anytime Tea is best served piping hot.

Recommended Brew Time: 1 minute
Recommended Amount: 1 level teaspoon of tea for 8oz of water
Recommended Temperature: 212 F

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20 Tasting Notes

15544 tasting notes

SIPDOWN (214) Another from this morning as i needed a good strong black to get me going this morning after the all nighter last night. I really do like this one for that kick in the fact sort of morning tea that’s as close to black coffee as i want it to be (without tasting like coffee!!).

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3294 tasting notes

This is one potent cup of tea!
So, admittedly, this is one of those teas I probably would never have ordered. It’s so finely chopped it looks like coffee grounds!
Stacy sent me a sample, so here it is. It’s really intensely good!
I haven’t drank for 30 years, but it reminds me of one of those really dark thick beers. It’s malty, fruity, a little edgy. This is what I expect an Irish breakfast tea to be like, really In Your Face!

Not something I’d want to drink every day, but I might add a little to my cupboard from time to time.
Thanks Stacy!


haha you really do only want to steep this one for a minute…maybe less lol

Terri HarpLady

The instructions on the sample packet said 2 minutes!


oh! on the package you buy i could swear it says one minute…as do the instructions on steepster lol

Terri HarpLady

LOL, oh well. I was still drowsy, so who knows. I’m AWAKE now! :)

Butiki Teas

1 minute is the time we recommend but 2 minutes is what was recommended to us. I just find 2 minutes to be a little too strong, though some days I need a full 2 minutes.

Terri HarpLady

It was bold & beautiful at 2 min for sure, but next time I try it I’ll most likely tone it down a bit.

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6768 tasting notes

Stacy from Butiki Thank You for this one as well as the other teas you sent us at Sororitea Sisters!

I didn’t see this one on the website (YET) but if aroma counts I share hope you add it!

It smells hearty like a meal, slightly bready, and malty.

WOWZA! This is a STRONG TEA! I’m glad I actually followed the instructions of ONLY 1 teaspoon – I usually use more because I LOVE strong black teas! BUT this is CRAZY bold, intensely strong, malty, peppery, and an interesting level of crustiness to it!

It should be called Grandpa’s Anytime (You Need A Kick In The Pants) Tea!

I love it!

It does smooth out more as it cools naturally at room temp but it’s still hearty and full of flavor!

A little bit goes a long way with this one and I think it’s DANDY!


oh god.. more new tea from stacy. crap on a cracker!


LMAO @ Sil!!!

Yeah…I’m super excited about these – then again – I always am!


oh i have money to burn with stacy…she’s the only expception to my "must drink my stash down to 150 teas before ordering more* rule that i’m TRYING to stick to… but not only are we working on the strawberry rhubarb tea from the contest but there are at least 2 straight teas of hers i’d like to try, then there’s the plum tea, the three friends, eggnog, potato applesauce uh…and i think another that i’m forgetting.

Not to mention that I still have an abundance of her teas i’m working through.


Sil – Stay Tuned…I will be tasting most of those SOON :)


this is where i say… i don’t really need you to taste them to tell me i know i’m going to want them hahahaha pretty much almost a guarantee that i’ll pick up at least a half ounce (or an ounce) of almost any of stacy’s flavoured teas that sound like i’d like them….because i always do.


At least I can TEASE you LOL :)


curse you woman! :)

Butiki Teas

TeaEqualsBliss-This one should be up on our website in about a week. The Potato Pancake, Kamba Berry, and Highland Green will be up either tonight or tomorrow. I’m really hoping to make this one into a special chai.


mmmmm more tea… yay!


i swear you just make me wait to torment me stacy… just watch there will be “technical difficulties” that prevents the tea from posting lol (i kid i kid!)

Autistic Goblin

I agree with Sil quite tempting us! (see no tea, taste no tea, buy no tea)

Butiki Teas

Sil & Helena-Hahaha. :) I will say the last technical difficulties were so not fun. My hosting company was hacked when I was trying to upload the new pages. Whoever hacked it also put up service tech numbers that were to a porn number and without knowing that I called the number. So, every 10 minutes or so I was getting a text from a that number. Still to this day like once a week I get a text from that phone number.


lmao ok stacy that just made me laugh…a lot. Not that i’m laughing at your pain but oh man… just teh mental image of you calling a porn number unknowingly… “yes i’d like to report a technical issue with my website” "oh yes baby…i can help you with you “website” yeah anyHOOOOO…. la la la


Oh no, that’s terrible Stacy!! I hope they get sued or spammed themselves somehow. Not cool.

Butiki Teas

Sil-Hahahaha. I kept getting messages asking if I would like to party with underage girls. Um, no thanks. Hahaha.

Indigobloom-It was amusing at first but very quickly became annoying. Ah well, at least its only once a week now.


This one sounds like a must buy.


I’ll bet.
Just saw the note about Kamba berry?! eeeep, I’m excited!

Butiki Teas

Indigobloom-The Kamba Berry is a blend done by Royal Tea of Kenya. Its a special blend that is dedicated to the Kamba tribe in Kenya and is their take on a berry blend using the purple tea with a specific focus on using ingredients with a high amount of antioxidants.

I wanted to mention that though Grandpa’s Anytime tea is a CTC tea, it has a ton of flavor and some very nice chocolate notes. I tend to water this one down a bit but I find it very delicious. I never thought we would carry a CTC other than for a chai blend but this is very tasty. I’ve been reading a lot lately about the quality of many CTCs being very high and I feel like this is one of them. This tea will also be used in a special chai blend that we are working on.


Great additional info! Thanks Stacy!


So tempting… so very tempting!!

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171 tasting notes

I’m in love with this tea and it’s almost gone. I could live in this cup. It’s bold and malty and I could drink it over and over and over.
Plus it distracts me from learning how to drive standard. . . All cars should just be automatic.

Boiling 1 min, 0 sec
Terri HarpLady

I love my standard trans! Once you get the hang of it, driving an automatic will be boring! I promise!


I agree with Terri. It takes some practise, but once you get it, standard is awesome. :)


I have horrible coordination.

Terri HarpLady

oh well…as I like to tell my students, you had horrible coordination when you were born. Your hands & feet wouldn’t do what you wanted, you couldn’t talk, walk, or anything. You decided you were sick of laying there pooping your pants, so you just kept trying, & as they say in the iching, “perseverence furthers”. Look at all the things you can do now! Just keep ‘practicing’ & before you know it, you won’t have to think about it at all. You’ll just ‘do’ (I could start quoting Yoda at this point, but maybe not today :)

Terri HarpLady

iching = I Ching
I don’t want anyone to think I mispelled itching, lol


That is very true. . . I have four more days to learn.


You can do it! You have your very own cheering section here on Steepster. :)

Terri HarpLady

When I was learning to drive a stick, someone yelled, “Clutch” & I thought they were yelling, “Klutz!” OR maybe it was the other way around. ;)


HAHAHA! Thanks guys!


I love a good clean cycle and they’re getting better all the time! This one is a good one. Gives your palate a break from fussy tea’s. I just tried a sample Ugandan ctc that was delicious. (Not for sale yet)


Is that also from Butiki, Bonnie?


No, Mine is local. I’ve run into others like Ajiri from Kenya and it seems that these tea’s are getting better tasting. I like that they’re strong and straightforward. Good tea’s to drink if you plan on reviewing other tea later on and don’t want any aftertaste lingering to ruin the taste. My tea shop has the Kenyan and we’re waiting for the new Ugandan to arrive. That sample was impressive. Butiki’s is bready which I like in a ctc. No bitter aftertaste either.


Way to tell me about something I can’t get! lol


I’m an info junkie. I like knowing ahead that tea’s are changing so that I can try them myself when they become available. I was just passing down the info.


But I want it, Bonnie! lol


I’ll let you know when it’s available.

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6117 tasting notes

Thanks to Sil for a sample of this one, and not making me share in a purchase :P Also, sipdown! 796 :D

Dominant opinion of this one? SQUASH! Yes, it reminds me a fair bit of the Kagoshima Black I had from Tealux recently. Which… is not necessarily bad, but it means I am not the biggest fan of this tea, which I completely expected. It’s a little astringent, but I think I did overleaf a touch. Probably not a tea I’d have again by choice. I think I may milk & honey this one up in a couple minutes, because I would feel bad dumping it (and I’m curious as to whether it retains the squash flavour when extras are added).

I’ll refrain from rating this one as I’m not a fan of this type of straight black, and I don’t feel that my low rating (around 33) would be indicative of anything other than the fact that I don’t care for this type of tea.

ETA: Ahaha, so I thoroughly doctored this one up with milk/honey/brown sugar, and it totally tastes like sweetened squash. Or like, sweet potato with brown sugar.

Boiling 1 min, 0 sec

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814 tasting notes

i had my first CTC tea today! i had two of them and this one was my immediate favorite.

i feel like i say i’m ‘putting something on my shopping list’ often. and kinda mostly mean it.

but for this tea i entirely mean it. i’m a person who likes lapsang. and puerh. and dark funk teas. for example i’m a stout beer gal. i like it strong and when it bites back. not exclusively. but i think it says something about my preferences. and this tea was like smooth melty blackness.

brew time 1 min? not for me. if i remember correctly, i steeped for 2.

thank you Sil!


What is a CTC tea?

Hesper June

Heather, it stands for Crush, Tear, Curl.
Here is more to explain:),Tear,Curl
Shmircles, this tea sounds tasty! (I am a stout beer girl too;)
I like how you said “I like it strong and when it bites back”


I love CTC teas! CTC Assam is my favorite.


What is the advantage or benefit of CTC?

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676 tasting notes

Thank you Stacy for this sample tea!

I almost forgot to write about this tea…oh dear me!

When I looked at the tea (it does look more like ground coffee)…it appeared quite a bit like one of my favorite tea’s, the Ajiri Black Kenyan, which is ‘very’ strong! (My tea friends tease me about how strong I drink this tea!)

I was hoping Grandpa’s was going to be Grandma’s kind of tea!

The flavor was not quite as strong or wheat-bread tasting as my favorite strong brew, but it had the briskness and a little more malt.

I would definately put Grandpa at the top of the ‘strong tea’ list somewhere between an Irish and strong Kenyan tea.

Do…Love the strong flavor with milk and sweetened! My kind of morning brew! I think of these kinds of tea’s like having a great beer! Fish and chips, pizza and Grandpa’s Tea!

Doesn’t go sour or bitter on the finish like some strong black tea’s.

Should carry this one Stacy, just sayin’!

Butiki Teas

This one is almost ready to go up on our website. Just a few more days.

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361 tasting notes

After yesterday’s festivities, I needed a strong cup this morning. Perfect morning to try this one. CTC Assams can be pretty hit or miss for me. One of my favorite teas is one, but so many end up tasting like grapenuts once they cool even slightly. Not my thing.

This one was not one of those. I followed her steeping instructions exactly as these can be pretty finnicy.No grapenuts flavor at all. Very malty and full flavored. Strong enough to stand up to some milk and honey. I really enjoyed it. This will go on the shelf for sure.


This one sounds right up my alley.

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166 tasting notes

I’m always excited to try anything I get from Stacy at Butiki. I love a good black and Stacy has good teas, but I anticipated this might be rather ordinary since it is a CTC. I was wrong! If you like something bold and unique, you should give it a try! All I had was a sample, and I followed the instructions to only steep for 1 minute. It has a ton of bold flavor, rich and malty, and I didn’t find it to be bitter. My first impression is very favorable, and I want to order some more if she adds it to her website. I may even score it higher when I try it again. I may have under rated it.

Boiling 1 min, 0 sec
Butiki Teas

I’ve been trying to put this up all weekend but something keeps coming up. In the next few days it should be up. :) I found it to be surprisingly good for a CTC. I was getting a lot of flavor out of this.

Donna A

I agree, there is a lot of flavor. I got a second steep and maybe could have gotten a third.

Butiki Teas

I generally go for 2 on this one but should try a third. So far I have been picking up banana, oaky, chocolate, and grapefruit notes.

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612 tasting notes

I had a feeling I knew what to expect here—something similar to what I enjoy so much about say, Persimmon Tree Vintage Black, that classic memory-inducing brisk-black-done-well experience—and I wasn’t let down, though I was in for some surprises. This has all those classic elements of briskness and relative astringency done well, but it’s more complex than I anticipated (though maybe I should’ve known, given it’s from Butiki). There’s more flavor interplay going on here than with some of my other go-to comfort CTCs and legacy-style teas, and a lot more fruitiness (which I guess I could’ve expected if I’d, uh, read the copy :). It’s also amazingly fine, the dry particles. It’s a nice unique tea for not being quite so straightforwardly in that classic category, but still being breakfast-y strong and full of pure “old fashioned tea” flavor.

As a side note, I’m really enjoying getting my husband to the dark side slowly but surely, muahahaha. I’d already gotten him to switch from his mostly soda-based habit for after-work treat to cold steeped tea, and now that it’s finally cooler and darker here in the afternoon he’s been coming home needing a pick-me-up and we’ve inadvertently found ourselves doing classic afternoon tea all “peckish Lady Bedford-style”—a couple cookies or a leftover biscuit or split sandwich and hot tea before I start working on dinner (his school year schedule’s nuts for our standard lifestyle; he’s up before 5am and eats lunch by 11am, so dinner really ought to be eaten at like, 4pm but come on, that’s just SO culturally early! So this works well—he eats a little something just to tide him over when he gets home at 3 or 4 and then we eat dinner around 6). He’s so busy all the time that I really cherish these moments. He’s visibly restored afterwards too, from so tired and forlorn looking when he comes in the door he can barely stay awake long enough to change out of his work clothes to alert and calmed, ready to start grading and lesson planning. Plus, he likes all the flavored teas I started out with as a loose tea newb which is a great way for me to get rid of them, woo hoo.

205 °F / 96 °C 1 min, 0 sec

Woohoo – another convert! I wish I could get my bf into it, but I don’t think it’ll ever happen.

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