Tea type
Fruit Green Herbal Blend
Not available
Lime, Mint, Peppermint, Vegetal, Grass, Lemongrass, Citrusy, Herbs, Menthol, Pleasantly Sour, Citrus, Lemon, Herbaceous, Cream
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf, Sachet
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
170 °F / 76 °C 4 min, 30 sec 16 oz / 482 ml

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27 Tasting Notes View all

  • “A looong time ago this sample came my way via none other than Dexter3657. Although I do enjoy mint teas I wasn’t in the mood for it back then. And then, well, we all know what happens to samples if...” Read full tasting note
  • “This is one of the most intriguing tea ideas I’ve seen in a while. I’m a fan of the mojito anyway, so I naturally couldn’t resist trying the tea version. The dry mix has a significant predominance...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sipdown, 840. Thanks to Bluebird Tea Co. for a sample of this tea. I shouldn’t have brewed this up today… my stomach does not want minty tea right now :/ Funny, because I thought peppermint was...” Read full tasting note
  • “so it took me until YESTERDAY to realize that updated notes don’t get moved to the top of the dashboard anymore. which will be pleasing news to some of you i’m sure. but it also means i need to...” Read full tasting note

From Bird & Blend Tea Co.

Our best-selling green tea is a refreshing blend of peppermint & lime. Full of flavour & not a hint of bitterness in sight! To be enjoyed in the sunshine or the rain, hot or iced and with lower caffeine than most it is great for afternoons & after dinner too.

Ingredients: Chinese Green Tea, Peppermint, Lime Pieces, Lemongrass, Lime Leaves

About Bird & Blend Tea Co. View company

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27 Tasting Notes

284 tasting notes

A looong time ago this sample came my way via none other than Dexter3657. Although I do enjoy mint teas I wasn’t in the mood for it back then. And then, well, we all know what happens to samples if we don’t drink it shortly after we get them.

I have been going through a mint phase. Santa’s secret, read my lips, then yesterday I went to Starbucks with a friend and opted for tea (a first for me. Green tea frap doesn’t count). I had the Tazo refresh which is a mint tea with tarragon — of which I tasted none, since we are on the subject.

This tea was sorta “meh” at the beginning. I thought it was herbal and found out it wasn’t only AFTER I poured boiling water over it. Realized mistake quickly enough, pulled out the sachet, dumped an ice cube in the mug and put the sachet back in. Saved the cup for sure. No bitterness.

At first I didn’t think it was much like a mojito. I actually didn’t think it was like a mojito even later. It’s hard for any tea to mimic alcoholic beverages. But as the cup cooled I could pick up the lime behind the mint. I only added a bit of honey to this. I did try a few sips without but it wasn’t happening for me so I fixed it.

All in all, a good mint tea. Conveniently packaged in sachets, I so would stock this if it was more available to me. As in, go and buy when I want, not pay for shipping and wait weeks for it to come to me. Because, you know, I’m flighty. My desire for peppermint might have changed again by then.

Many thanks to Dexter3657. Luckily for me she hates mint.


I’m pretty sure there is more mint tea here, if you ever want some more samples…..


…pretty sure there is more of every tea at dexters place…


Well, there’s not a lot of ziploc bags left around so I might lift the ban, dex. But why would a mint hater have so much mint?


Ummmmm, Amoda subscription, Herbal Infusions – 12 days of Christmas (apparently mint is a Christmas flavor), bonus in swap packages, samples tossed into orders….dunno – it just kind of happens….


“gee officer…i’m not sure why my house exploded under the weight of all that tea….it just kind of happened…”


No I know exactly why that happened – people keep sending me tea….


hahahaha love you too dexter!


Hmmmmm… Dexter, you want some more tea?


..i’m seriously concerned dexter will start another sil box… 1 for me…2 for her… giggling


I love all my Steepster friends, and their generosity just keep amazing me. It is thanks to them that I have been able to try so many amazing teas. I need to up my game and start being more generous and paying it forward more….
Thank you so much for the generous offer Cavocorax, but I really couldn’t take anything off you without sending twice as much back. I think Sil has the right idea – 2 for 1 swaps… :))


Hahaha. I’d be afraid of something like that. :P

Man, I love you guys. :D This is such a generous community!

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2238 tasting notes

This is one of the most intriguing tea ideas I’ve seen in a while. I’m a fan of the mojito anyway, so I naturally couldn’t resist trying the tea version. The dry mix has a significant predominance of dried lime pieces, which I think is pretty fantastic. They’re not small things, these are actual slices of lime in halves or quarters, and at first I wondered what the hell these big lumps of brown stuff were in my tea! They’re not the most attractive looking things, but I have high hopes for what they might add to the flavour. The rest of the leaves are more conventional – pieces of lemongrass, chopped peppermint and lime leaves, green tea, and stevia. The scent at this point, as you might expect, is primarily of lime and mint, with a faintly detectable undertone of citrusy, hay-like sweetness from the lemongrass.

I waited patiently for the water to cool this time, honestly I did. It was worth the wait! The lime pieces don’t rehydrate as much as I was hoping, but maybe they’ll soften a bit more with subsequent steeps. Brewed, the scent is sweet and minty with a faint hint of lime, which is pretty accurate as far as I’m concerned. The taste is light and delicate, and seems to take a few seconds to develop fully. The green tea base is one of the most pleasant I’ve encountered so far – it’s very subtle, very smooth, with no hint of bitterness or astringency. I might even go for a slightly longer steep next time, which is seriously unlike me. There probably isn’t actually all that much green tea in this blend, when compared with the quantities of other ingredients, which might explain this to a certain extent. It’d be a fantastic candidate for a cold brew, I think! Anyway, the mint is what I can taste first here, followed by a slight grassy-citrus flavour from the lemongrass and green tea, and then finally the lime. It tastes exactly as if a twist of fresh lime was added to this after it was brewed – it just seems to dance there in the background, highlighting and complementing the other flavours. I’m really impressed with this so far, but I’m going to try a longer steep for my next cup and see how that works out.

Second cup: This time I used slightly more leaves, slightly hotter water, and another minute on the brew time, all of which seemed to help this tea to really shine. The mint is much the same as ever, but the lime is more defined and adds a tangy edge to this otherwise rather sweet tea. Fortunately, I’ve not found the stevia overpowering, which worried me a bit at first. The only thing that seemed to suffer a little bit from my adjustments was the lemongrass, which I can’t detect at all now. I guess the delicate edge has gone, but there’s still absolutely no bitterness from the green tea.

I’m actually torn as to how I prefer this tea now. The first cup was beautifully delicate, but, while all the flavours were there, I was looking for more punch. I’ve got that from my second cup, but at the expense of the lemongrass and the subtle play of flavours. There might be a line I could walk with this tea, which would let me have the best of both worlds, but I imagine it would be difficult to find. I’m more than happy with the versatility of this tea at the moment, though, so I’m not too concerned. Both cups were fine with me! Of the teas I’ve tried from Bluebird so far, this one has been the biggest hit with me. I’ve never had a tea quite like it before, and the flavours work fabulously together. It’s not a bad attempt at recreating a cocktail, either! Truly amazing –well done, Bluebird!

185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 30 sec

oh man sounds delicious!

Mike Turner

Give it a try iced with a bit of rum and maybe even a bit of raspberry. It’s the real deal! http://t.co/6XYZAD3dXr

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6119 tasting notes

Sipdown, 840. Thanks to Bluebird Tea Co. for a sample of this tea.

I shouldn’t have brewed this up today… my stomach does not want minty tea right now :/ Funny, because I thought peppermint was supposed to help upset stomaches.

Anyhow, although there was a piece of lime in my dry tea, I’m not really getting any in the flavour or aroma, it’s really just mint. My perfect mojito is alcohol-free, very limey, with just a hint of mint, so this tea is kind of the opposite of what I was hoping for. I’m sure mint lovers will enjoy it though, but I am certainly not one of those.

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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814 tasting notes

so it took me until YESTERDAY to realize that updated notes don’t get moved to the top of the dashboard anymore. which will be pleasing news to some of you i’m sure. but it also means i need to change my methods if i want anyone to see anything i say, or have any kind of presence other than the occasional ‘hoorah tea’ comment. cuz i usually log my tea right when i drink it and then make a note when i have a free moment, which is sometimes days later.
not complaining! just figuring things out, and i guess sharing this detail for anyone who missed it.

so this will be a long post cuz i just had a large iced starbucks latte. more caffeine than i’m used to at one time. because i had a HUGE caffeine withdraw headache due to a stomach virus going through my house. and we all know that caffeine makes music sound better and reading fan fic even more exciting and walking with umbrellas way more fun.

i have not seen Pacific Rim yet. i must see Pacific Rim.

i am a professional drinker. aka boozer. and i will say that this tea does not really taste like a mojito but it is still very yummy. kinda lime and lemongrass heavy. in fact it has all the right ingredients. hell, how would i know, i’ve never had a hot mojito.
drink this tea it is good. that’s what i say.
thank you Scheherazade for sending it all the way across the deep dark wild ocean to me!

if anyone has a subscription to TIME mag and can send me the new cover article “Having It All Without Having Children” i would love to read it. or if you have a way to read it without a subscription that i don’t know about let me know. i rarely chase down articles, but this is of particular interest to me and i hope to god the article isn’t biased or one dimensional. (though i can’t wait to see what the slate podcasts have to say. i’m listening to the DoubleX Gabfest: The Monogamish Sex Edition right now. unrelated to the article from June 27th.)

i have tasted and logged 443 different teas to date, and have tasted and logged 450 different beers to date (via untappd). (see note above.) (also you get a ‘LEGENDARY badge’ for logging 500 unique beers.)
i’ve been logging beers for much longer than i’ve been logging tea. and i’m sure i’ll reach 500 teas way before i reach 500 beers, but i’ll make note of the moment when my numbers converge. and maybe have a beer-tea-tini or something to celebrate. (if i do you can be assured i will post it on instagram cuz i am ME after all.)


Holy crap. That’s a lot of beers! :O

And “and we all know that caffeine makes music sound better and reading fan fic even more exciting and walking with umbrellas way more fun.” is about the greatest thing I’ve read this morning.


I fully support what Cavocorax said!


I can pull a PDF from EBSCO and email it to you as soon as the August publication makes it there. :) Message me your email?

(I also agree with Cavo. Hee!)

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7 tasting notes

A lazy summer day with a cool fresh breeze, waves lapping the shore but your eyes are closed as you connect with the peace and joy in your heart. This is Mojitea. Given to me by a friend who knows who much I love tea and how much poetry and soul I believe each cup of tea to have This expresses the potential we all have to be light of being and at peace with ourselves. It is a young tea and reawakens the memory of carefree days. No bitterness, no heaviness. Taste and see that it is good!

185 °F / 85 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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1780 tasting notes

Advent Day 19

My cup has cooled now. I think this tea was a little more exciting when hot. It has a light lime flavor and a good amount of mint. Not a knock you out level of mint, but enough that you know it is there. I’m feeling like there is something that is trying to hint at being sweet. A little bit of green tea under it all. Mojitos are a summer drink to me and making it into a warm drink for the winter is messing with my understanding of the universe a bit. I think I would like it better cold steeped in the summer.

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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257 tasting notes

2022 Bird & Blend Advent calendar Day #24

Wow did I mix up my alcoholic drinks when I picked this out today. I was totally expecting a mimosa not a mojito. I think I definitely am still sleepy. Now that I’ve woken up a bit more, I can only laugh at my mistake because this definitely reminds me of mojitos. The mint is very prominent in each sip. As the mug, sits I do taste more lime and the green tea is coming through. I enjoyed the last of the cup of tea more than the beginning, when the mint was so strong.

Flavors: Lime, Mint, Peppermint, Vegetal

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2069 tasting notes

Another booze inspired tea? What I am doing with my life? Now, something I have more experience with than with prosecco, but I am not a daily drinker of it either.

I got a several nice wedges of dried citrus, according to the ingredients list it should be lime. And rest is green mix of tea, lemongrass and peppermint.

I put into fill-your-teabag a two teaspoons of the mix and piece of dried lime, used quite cold water (I have measured afterwards) and waited for steeping time. It turned out good, very refreshing and enjoyable, peppermint could be a bit stronger. I have noticed the lime flavour, but again it could be a bit stronger. The base tea is rather grassy and not much noticeable in all other flavours. The lemongrass is present in flavour as well.

Overall, I quite enjoy it — I shall try a bit more of lime next time. And I feel it is quite a nice alcohol-free version of this famous drink. Of course it doesn’t have that “boom” effect and drinking it hot is rather a wee weird. But pouring it on ice or coldbrewing… that sounds like an good opinion for this tea.

Flavors: Grass, Lemongrass, Lime, Mint

170 °F / 76 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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261 tasting notes

(#tiffanys2021sipdown Tea #4) So I finished this cold-brew pitcher yesterday 1/3. I wasn’t a fan of this one, but I think that’s because it was an older bag from 2016(?) because I generally enjoy fruity or minty green teas.

#tiffanydrinkstea #tiffanys2021 #tiffanysfaves #tiffanyinthe614 #tiffanysteasipdown #sipdownchallenge

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2593 tasting notes

This is another tea that tastes mostly just like mint. It’s not really worth my time. As it sits, the green tea comes out more, but just to make it bitter, not to add any extra pleasantness. I’d much rather drink plain mint. I received samples of this tea from both amandastory516 and also as freebie in a B&B order, so thank you to you both!

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