Constant Comment

Tea type
Black Flavored Spice Blend
Not available
Citrus, Clove, Smooth, Spices, Cardamom, Cinnamon, Citrusy, Ginger, Orange, Round, Spicy, Tannin, Tea, Airy, Cloves, Earth, Artificial, Astringent, Medicinal, Paper, Tangy, Orange Zest, Bitter, Cream
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf, Tea Bag
Edit tea info Last updated by Teatotaler
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 45 sec 9 oz / 254 ml

Currently unavailable

We don't know when or if this item will be available.

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189 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I was reading one of my classmate’s essays for senior seminar and it was about her family—her mom, specifically. It was so well written that it made me homesick for my mom. Two of the things that...” Read full tasting note
  • “So, I’m sick and staying with family/friends in Colorado. I was craving some comfort tea from the moment I woke up. Something with lavender. So my cold-medicine-addled self put on boots and...” Read full tasting note
  • “Had this for afternoon tea. I think I overbrewed it a bit, but it was still drinkable. That’s what is great about this tea- it takes abuse and still tastes pretty much the same way you remember....” Read full tasting note
  • “Wednesday Jan. 12, 2011 1st Steep of the Day. After 2 Hours of Shoveling Snow. Came in to a Steamy Hot Cup Of Biggie’s Constant Comment. Could not have been a Better Choice this Morning. Big Bold...” Read full tasting note

From Bigelow

The Bigelow original. No recipe makes us prouder. To this day members of the Bigelow family are still the only ones who blend this secret recipe of black tea, rind of oranges and sweet spice. One sip & you will know there is still no tea like it… take a whiff then enjoy the one and only “Constant Comment”.

Ingredients: black tea, rind of oranges, sweet spice, natural flavor

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189 Tasting Notes

557 tasting notes

I was reading one of my classmate’s essays for senior seminar and it was about her family—her mom, specifically. It was so well written that it made me homesick for my mom. Two of the things that remind me of her is a cherry-almond lotion and Constant Comment.

Sometimes, nothing satisfies you more than grocery store tea. I have a feeling that I will always have some Constant Comment somewhere in the house.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

I agree, sometimes grocery store tea is just the comfort you need. I have a special love for Twining’s Irish Breakfast.

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735 tasting notes

So, I’m sick and staying with family/friends in Colorado. I was craving some comfort tea from the moment I woke up. Something with lavender. So my cold-medicine-addled self put on boots and wandered across the street to Wal-Mart, where I was sorely disappointed. They didn’t even have Tazo’s Earl Grey! That was my backup if I couldn’t find anything else with lavender in it.

I returned empty-handed, but was lucky enough to find this in the cupboard. This would do as comfort tea, I thought. And it was good. An old standby. Warm spices, a hint of orange peel, and a caffeinated black tea base. But I’m still craving lavender.

Boiling 4 min, 30 sec

No fun to feel cruddy when you’re away from all your comforts of home!


Where in Colorado? That’s where I live….rain is coming! Snow higher up! Hope you feel better. If I knew where you were at I might know a tea shop.


Bonnie if I ever come to Colorado I want to visit you! I have another friend there as well who has been wanting me to come up for a year now. I need to just make a plan and DO IT!


@Bonnie – I’m near Denver! I think the area I’m in is counted as Littleton? It’s so beautiful up here. Every time I leave Atlanta for the west I want to never come home.


Hope you feel better. I bought this tea today!

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71 tasting notes

Had this for afternoon tea. I think I overbrewed it a bit, but it was still drinkable. That’s what is great about this tea- it takes abuse and still tastes pretty much the same way you remember. Yummy!

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

One of my favorites – even if it is bagged! :)

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400 tasting notes

Wednesday Jan. 12, 2011
1st Steep of the Day.
After 2 Hours of Shoveling Snow.
Came in to a Steamy Hot Cup Of Biggie’s Constant Comment.
Could not have been a Better Choice this Morning.
Big Bold Black Tea base with the Right amount of Orange Spice.
Continue to Love this Old Favorite Tea.
I Wasn’t the Tiller man Today But felt like on Shoveling.
Music to Drink Tea By.

Keep on Steepin

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

1st Steep of the Day.
After 2 Hours of Shoveling Snow.
Came in to a Steamy Hot Cup Of Biggie’s Constant Comment.
Could not have been a Better Choice this Morning.
Big Bold Black Tea base with the Right amount of Orange
Let The Cash Man do it RIGHT

Keep On Steepin


Thanks for playing along! I live in the snowbelt so I’m used it it! LOL Stay safe regardless!

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2816 tasting notes

I haven’t had this tea in ages but I know I drank a lot of it when I was younger. Thought I would try it again today since it was in the office and free.

Sadly this isn’t as good as I remember but I guess I’m a tea snob after spending so much time on Steepster. I steeped for the recommended two minutes but am finding the black tea base to be kind of thin with a bitter aftertaste. The orange and spices are what really make this decent. Probably won’t be tempted to try it again anytime soon.

Boiling 2 min, 0 sec

i used to think this was good tea!


We’re all lost at sea in a tub of loose leaf tea!


I could float away on all my tea. :)


I know what you mean!!!


i think i have a yacht of tea!

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814 tasting notes

meh … it’s a free sample… why not.

i just sorted my teas digitally. i have 126 teas in my cupboard and my goal is to get it to 76. give or take. cuz i have put samples in my cupboard too, but that’s because some samples i’ve already drank plenty of and could easily give them away. this all kinda makes me feel a little better because i thought it was WAY more out of control than 126. even if i could get below 100 i’d be happy. not that i don’t love to have lots of tea! but i do wanna feel like my collection is manageable and like i can give each tea in my stash the attention it deserves.
i would also like to be able to add new teas to my stash immediately, instead of sticking them in tea purgatory (the darkness in the back of a bottom drawer) until i have room to properly open and taste them.

there are 43 teas in my stash that i haven’t tried yet.
i would like to reduce my stash by 50 teas overall if i can.

problem is, my sister is moving-in in 3 weeks and even when we merge our teas since we have many duplicates, she will still be bringing several new teas to the collection. also, soon i am going to europe, and i expect to bring A LOT of tea back with me. (I’m also gonna try VERY VERY hard to only buy samples.)

i’ll just plan to do a big spring cleaning when i get back i guess.

this bigelow isn’t nearly as awful as i assumed it was gonna be. take what you can get bigelow.

Rob Rauschenberg

I’m trying to clear out the clutter in my cupboard too. I have to schedule a few sipdowns soon.


most of my teas have several cups worth of each left… if not more. whomp whomp no sipdowns on my horizon ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Rob Rauschenberg

haha. I have a lot of 3 tsp samples to go through. They all look amazing, so I’m looking forward to it!


Sorted your teas digitally? Did you use the Sttepster cupboard to do that, of something else. I love to hear how people organize their teas


ya i went through and made sure my steepster cupboard matched my real life cupboard. there were a lot of old teas in there. i’m gonna try to keep up with it better from now on. i wanna be able to share more tea with other steepsters in general and figure that’ll help.


oh i also have recently started to make sure that i have just ONE log/review for each tea i’ve tasted. so basically my ‘Tasting Notes’ should be exactly how many teas i’ve tasted to date and my ‘Cupboard’ should be exactly what tea i have on hand.
that’s my current plan at least.


i’m at 212 tasting notes so far. and my one year steepster anniversary is in about 2 weeks :)


Clever. I should make better use of that Steepster cupboard function also. I only remember to add new teas on occasion. I’m always searching for new organization options, but I frequently forget to look at the most obvious places. Thanks for the inspiration.

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6119 tasting notes

There were packets of this at the post-rehearsal supper tonight, so I figured I’d try this classic tea! I had no control over water temp (and didn’t worry about steeping time either), and ended up with a rather strong but pleasantly orangey/spicy cup. It reminded me of Christmas – perhaps cloves are part of the spicing? I ended up adding some coffee creamer (powdered stuff – ick!) to mute things a bit, which was pretty successful. I wanted sugar but there was none to be found. Anyhow, I can see why people would like this, as it’s kind of like a bit spicier earl grey. Steeped properly, I’d imagine it’s great without additions. I should have nabbed a second teabag…. sigh!

Terri HarpLady

When I was a kid, Lipton was the tea everyone used for everyday & iced. Constant Comment was the ’special" tea. : )


I have some of this in my cupboard. I think I bought it when I moved back here, so it’s… 8 years old? :D

Bigelow Tea

Kittenna, so pleased you were able to discover our Constant Comment and have such a delightful experience.

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3509 tasting notes

Okay, I was tired of seeing all the comments of people who grew up on this tea and had fond memories of it while I had yet to try it. I finally remembered to toss it in the basket tonight while shopping.

When I opened the pouch that the teabag comes in, the aroma was arresting. It reminded me of the instant Russian tea people used to mix as Christmas gifts when I was a kid.

I am so glad I read the package instructions. They say to steep for one to two minutes. Had I not read that, I would have gone five for sure. Since it was my first time drinking it, I compromised and steeped it for about one and a half minutes. Two would have been fine, thoug it was good where I stopped it.

I can see how this tea evokes nostalgia. It is very smooth. The orange flavor is very nice, and though it smelled strongly of clove, which is sometimes too strong a spice for me, it actually has just the right amount. Thank you to all the Steepsterites who kept mentioning this bagged variety. I am very glad to own it! Do I get some sort of initiation into a Constant Comment Club? Or at least the Cheapster Steepsters? LOL!


Hahaha! Bigelow had a tea I drank years ago called Plantation Mint. Really liked it and probably still would


I have not had this one in years….. It used to be my fancy tea! LOL!


You can join… but the T-shirts are on back order. I drank this for years and apparently never read the directions. I always steeped it for 5 minutes… IF I even bothered taking the bag out. ha.

The DJBooth

Ha ha we called that friendship tea growing up. Isn’t made with instant ice tea tang clove and nutmeg. My wife was given a bag at church at Christmas…i might have to try this instead


Oh, I remember the Tang stuff. It was nasty!


Yes,DJBooth, that is the recipe I remember! My mother hated it because way way back she went to the home of someone who had a baby and they had a pail full of dirty, smelly diapers soaking in the house,, and they were made her some of that tea. She could never separate the smell of that tea from dirty diapers again!


We are honoured that you have joined us. :)

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1719 tasting notes

Do you know the instructions on the envelope say steep 1 to 2 minutes? Who knew! Before trying to learn the ways of tea (ok less than a year ago) I would have steeped this flavored black tea at least 3 to 5 minutes, and in all honesty I probably wouldn’t have taken the bag out at all. This may be the very first time I have ever followed the instructions on this one. You know what? It’s pretty darn tasty. I have always loved this tea but brewed properly, I can actually taste the tea and it is nice. The sweet spice (especially the clove) is the main flavor but doesn’t mask the other ingredients. The orange surrounds the spice, and then I taste the tea. It may or may not be Argentina fannings, who knows, and regardless I don’t care. It works and that’s what’s important. Thank you Ruth Bigelow for introducing me to tea. I do miss the pressboard ‘tins’ of the 70’s. I wish I had kept some of them. Upping my rating because this was exactly what I wanted today.

Boiling 2 min, 0 sec

Wow me too! I never thought about that! Here I am steeping loose leaf to exact recommendations – tweaking to my taste when needed – but never did I even think to consider steeping instructions on a bagged tea! Wow maybe I gave bagged tea the bag too soon!?!
I will have to pull out some of my dusty bagged teas and give it a go! Not that I would go back fully to a bagged tea EVER lol but hey its worth a redemption shot – for the tea and myself! Thanks for admitting this! It has helped me see the light!


I used to like this tea, I need to try it again someday (it’s been a while!)


I admit in part I am drinking memories, but this seemed to exceed the memories today.


Drinking Memories is better than Eating Feelings :)

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902 tasting notes

I’ve had these last two bags of Constant Comment from my Bigelow Tea sampler for a while now…the first bag I had wasn’t pleasant at all. I finally decided to just go ahead and brew these, and have it as my first morning cup that, in all honesty, really just has to be more caffeinated than anything.

So, when I sipped this morning, bracing for that horrible spice taste, it wasn’t there. Gone. In it’s place is a spiced, orange-y black tea that’s quite lovely. What the crap?

Oh, I brewed it at 5 minutes before, and 3 minutes this time. Wow, that does make a difference! At 3 minutes, whatever spice I’d been tasting before hasn’t made its evil appearance, and all the flavors blend well together. Upping the rating, because this is very nice this morning.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec
Bigelow Tea

Thanks for this update….for more tea tips, you might want to check out Cindi Bigelow’s How To Make a Perfect Cup of Tea video:

Valorie for Bigelow Tea

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