Earl Grey Shanghai

Tea type
Black Tea
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200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 30 sec 14 oz / 414 ml

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  • “Sipdown no. 33 of 2014. I don’t expect this will be the last I’ll see of this tea, though. I still think my “likes” are screwing up. I click them but then when I refresh the page or the next time...” Read full tasting note
  • “This is another one that came from Auggy. Slowly but surely I’m making my way through her offerings. There are definitely more tried than untried now anyway. Earl Grey for me have always been...” Read full tasting note
  • “My first real tea in three days! (Because I accidentally poisoned myself with something and have been dealing with a super-sensitive stomach that couldn’t handle more than ginger ale and white...” Read full tasting note
  • “What an excellent tea! I’ve been off Earl Grey recently because I’ve had too many pallid, callow, and scantily flavored Earl Greys. I ordered a sample from American Tea Room because it sounded...” Read full tasting note

From American Tea Room

Our organic Earl Grey Shanghai uses a Yunnan black tea base for a traditional yet intoxicatingly smooth flavor. Large, well-oxidized leaves and silver tips hold a full, classic bergamot aroma. The garnet brew goes beyond basic bergamot in its aroma to include undertones of tobacco and cocoa. The flavor is smooth, pure and classic, making Earl Grey Shanghai a perfect candidate for those who enjoy a touch of sugar or drop of honey in their tea. A subtle undertone of chocolate fades into a mellow, fruity aftertaste in this decadently satiny blend.

One taste will tell you why Earl Grey Shanghai is one of our best sellers.

This tea is certified USDA organic.

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11 Tasting Notes

2037 tasting notes

Sipdown no. 33 of 2014. I don’t expect this will be the last I’ll see of this tea, though.

I still think my “likes” are screwing up. I click them but then when I refresh the page or the next time I go to it, unless the note I liked showed up on the first screen (not after clicking more) it appears the likes are gone and I can click them again. But the don’t stick the second time either.

Anyone know if there’s a workaround for this or a particular browser this doesn’t happen with? I hope it isn’t user error. I’ll feel really dumb.

Mmmm. The sweet, brown sugar/molasses thing going on is just right for this morning. It’s almost like having coffee cake, but without the calories.

A sad goodbye, but only for now.


Oh yes, I’ve also noticed the same, but when I click on “likes” (not the heart) I see that my pic is there so I know my “like” worked…


+1 with theteafairy, I noticed exactly the same


Ah, great, I’ll take a look and see if that’s happening for me. Thanks!


I have the same problem

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1353 tasting notes

This is another one that came from Auggy. Slowly but surely I’m making my way through her offerings. There are definitely more tried than untried now anyway.

Earl Grey for me have always been somewhat touch and go. I won’t ever grow to love them, but I do seem to be able to tolerate them better today. Just a couple of years ago, I would say I didn’t much like it at all. I believe flavoured teas is the place where Auggy’s and my Taste Twinniness stops. We don’t always appreciate the same flavours. Or maybe it doesn’t stop as such. It just runs parallel. Even if it’s not the same flavourings, we still seem to look for approximately the same qualities. I guess ultimately it probably has to do with the balance between flavour and body, and then, when there is a difference in our tastes regarding a flavoured tea, the recent Burrough’s Brew being a good example, it has more to do with the flavour itself than anything else. If that makes sense.

Anyway, this one smells like a regular Earl Grey. Bergamot-y. That’s it. I’m not sure what the Shanghai element is at this point, and looking up the company’s description doesn’t make me any wiser. Apparently the base is Yunnan on this one, but… Shanghai isn’t anywhere NEAR the Yunnan province! They’re actually on opposite ends of the country. Unless there’s more than one place called Shanghai which I suppose is possible, but… Maybe, since the base is a purely Chinese tea, they just wanted something in the name that was very Chinese? Oh well.

After brewing the aroma is less bergamot-strong and more generally citrus-y. A bit orange-y even. Yes orange. Bergamot and orange. I skimmed through Auggy’s post on it and she mentioned that it reminded her of the Romanoff blend, and I have to say I agree. I’m glad for that orange note. It brightens it all up and makes everything lighter. Bergamot on its own is often a dark and heavy smell, but with the orange addition here it’s positively lively.

It’s still lively in flavour, although the comparison to Romanoff stops there. It’s not the rampant blend of myriads of citrus that Romanoff is, but I wouldn’t say this comes across as a regular Earl Grey either. I believe that must have something to do with the base. Hardly a regular Earl Grey base, is it? But even the flavouring seems different. Whether it just interacts differently with different bases, I can’t say, but it doesn’t have that dusty, prickly, perfume-y bergamot characteristics that are the main reason I don’t normally go much for Earl Grey. Sometimes they even taste like soap! It doesn’t actually come across as bergamot at all. Just… citrus that isn’t any of the more common citrus-fruits. Just generic citrus, with maybe a smidge of bergamot in the background. Not soap-y though.

It’s an Earl Grey that understands how not to make a spectacle of itself. In spite of its fancy and exotic name, it’s down to earth and confident in itself enough to not have to be very loud in the cup. And that is the best way for me to have Earl Grey.


Yes. And yes. And yes. I think you’ve pegged many things here (both in our flavored tea tastes and in this particular tea). I haven’t given this one a rating yet because honestly, not a big fan. But I’m not sure how much of that is because it wasn’t what I was expecting (in regards to how the base works with the flavoring) or because of the type of EG flavoring (I like fruity EG, not perfume and this one is a bit more on the perfume side). One day I’ll man up and have it again for an official rating!


I was rather ambivalent about it too. On the one hand it was many things I don’t care for normally, on the other hand those things seemed to work together and make it bearable. I’ll have to make it for Husband, I think. I made an EG for him once which I thought was pretty type-typical, and he said it wasn’t what he understood as EG at all. So I wonder what he’ll say… (And I still want to know what the Shanghai-ness is. Do they drink this in Shanghai?)

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911 tasting notes

My first real tea in three days! (Because I accidentally poisoned myself with something and have been dealing with a super-sensitive stomach that couldn’t handle more than ginger ale and white tea.) This might not be the best return-to-tea choice but I’m sharing with the husband and he’s a big EG fan, so I felt we needed to give this one a shot.

The dry leaf smells a bit perfume-y and spicy. Perhaps like a spicy perfume? It’s rather strong. I must fight the urge to sneeze. But, as I’m learning, ATR tea post-steeping tends to be much mellower and more balanced than the smell of the dry leaf.

The liquor smells quite a bit like Romanoff – elegantly orange, but stronger. As for the taste… For being steeped for five minutes, this is remarkably smooth. It is a bit overwhelming in the Earl department, though. Earl Grey flavoring runs such a range, from spicy bergamot to perfumed bergamot. I tend to like the former – peel and pith type tastes – more, but this seems to be in the later category. It’s a bit like eating flowers at times.

The tea base, though, is quite lovely. Not the star of the show, by any means, and I kind of wish it was. It’s nice – smooth, a bit earthy, soft, with a full mouthfeel… but dressed in many layers of bergamot perfumed flowers. I think it deserves a tad more than to be tarted up like an Earl Grey floozy. A hint more screen time would be nice.

Some sips aren’t as perfumed and the tea just tastes sweet with a tiny squidge of spicy. I like those sips. And I seem to be coming into more of them as the tea cools. Or maybe my tastebuds have been coated so that they don’t recognize the perfume anymore, just the other flavors? These sips almost feel silky and that’s fun.

I’m a bit torn on this one. I think it’s well done in a way – easy to drink straight (no additives) and there’s no harshness to it. But it’s a bit too floral for my tastes and so seems to be a bit out of balance, at least in comparison to the other ATR teas I’ve had so far. If the EG were taken down a notch or the tea-base ratcheted up two notches, this could make me much happier.

That being said, the husband (who is this house’s EG fan) gave this 4/5 stars and said the bergamot was nicely balanced. So perhaps if you are like the husband and find most Earl Greys don’t deliver on the Earl or require milk and/or sugar to smooth them out, this one might be up your alley. Lots of Earl, no sugar required!


oh no, I hope you’re feeling better now!! I’m sensitive to EG myself, it makes me ill so I know the feeling. Is this what you experienced?

Autistic Goblin

Thanks Indigobloom for sharing that article it was very interesting :D


np, glad you enjoyed it! :)


Interesting article, indigobloom! It wasn’t the EG that made me feel bad though, but something else entirely. Thankfully it seems a negative reaction to bergamot is not something that I have to deal with yet! :)


Sad to hear you were not feeling well!


Skulleigh, Thanks! Fortunately I’m on an upswing now and can resume regular tea activities! :)

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259 tasting notes

What an excellent tea! I’ve been off Earl Grey recently because I’ve had too many pallid, callow, and scantily flavored Earl Greys. I ordered a sample from American Tea Room because it sounded good and they have never disappointed me. They’ve become one of the tea vendors from whom I’ve placed multiple orders and their shipping is speedy.

But I digress. I think that the success of this tea is based on two equally important features: the strong Yunnan base and the fact that they were not skimpy with the Earl Grey bergamot. This tea has some natural sweetness and some natural smoke—not enough smoke to scare away those who dislike smoky teas, in my opinion, but enough to anchor the bergamot into a marriage with the Yunnan.

If you love Yunnan, you’ll want to try this. If you love Earl Grey, you’ll want to try this. This tea successfully balances a few flavors and never loses its grasp on any of them. It’s going to be one of those teas I will need to have on hand.

5 min, 0 sec

Oh I am absolutely intrigued by your description! This goes to the top of companies/teas that I’m trying as soon as June rolls around.


Sounds fantastic!


This sounds lovely! Thanks for the review :)

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30 tasting notes

This is, simply put, a really good earl grey.

Put your nose in a bag of American Tea Room’s Earl Grey Shanghai and you get a fresh, sweet, and naturally smelling bergamot scent. Not perfumey or artificial like many competitors, the scent is not all that dissimilar to a freshly-cut orange. It’s inviting. American Tea Room blends the bergamot with an organic Yunnan base. The Yunnan hides behind the bergamot when sniffing the wet leaf and liquor. But fear not…

Upon tasting, you instantly notice the delicious smoothness of this Yunnan. There is enough strength for a morning wake-up, but it never overpowers. The terrific balance between the Yunnan and bergamot can not be overstated. The tea revels with harmonious fluidity and incredible smoothness. It’s strong, yet gentle. Graceful.

This earl grey has become a staple in my tea stash. It’s an earl grey done right, joy!

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 30 sec

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249 tasting notes

This is a nice solid Earl Grey. The tea is smooth, the balance is right, and I think it’s a tea that most people could enjoy. The bergamot is just a touch sharp for me, but it’s not bothersomely so. I got this as a sample, and if I liked Earl Greys more, I’d buy more – but they’re not often my cup of tea. :)

Flavors: Bergamot

200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 0 sec 5 tsp 20 OZ / 591 ML

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142 tasting notes

medium black tea but with very light Bergamot Flavor, much less than in like Twinings earl grey. A very smooth tea, not acidic or sharp at all.
Good, just different.

2 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 14 OZ / 414 ML

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672 tasting notes

Got this as a sample. The description talks about chocolate and tobacco undertones and a fruity aftertaste — I’m not sure I’m getting all that, but it is a flavorful earl grey, nice and punchy, with a hint of smoke. I still prefer the H&S earl grey supreme that’s become one of my cupboard staples; it’s a bit lighter and brighter and more citrusy, and just more my style, but this is still good.

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61 tasting notes

Very strong citrus oil flavors. A bergamot’s bergamot! I’ve found this and other ATR teas to be a bit too strongly flavored for my personal taste. However, is a quality-made cup with a distinct, wakeful aroma that may be good with a bit of something else.

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493 tasting notes

This is a sample from ifjuly – thank you!
First time i tried it didnt turned out good. It was just boring. As I remember it was at evening time, i had some cups of different tea through out the day. in other words, my taste buds did not work.
I was in a mood for EG today so I brew it according to ATR parameters. 1tsp 8oz 205F 5min. this cup turned out delicious. it was just right. Bergamot didn’t taste artificial perfumey and Yunnan base is great for this tea. i think I’m going to buy some today ,they have free shipping on any order

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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