Thai Chai

Tea type
Black Chai Herbal Blend
Black Tea, Cardamom, Cinnamon Bark, Dried Coconut, Flavouring, Ginger Root, Lemongrass
Cinnamon, Coconut, Sweet, Spices, Medicinal, Perfume, Soap, Lemongrass, Citrus, Lemon, Cardamom, Astringent, Ginger, Chicken Soup, Cloves, Lemon Zest, Plants
Sold in
Loose Leaf, Sachet
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Michael
Average preparation
Boiling 4 min, 45 sec 5 g 11 oz / 332 ml

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157 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I decided to finish off my last little bit of Thai Chai in style – by making it traditional-style like I’ve been saying I will for months. I used this recipe on the website In a...” Read full tasting note
  • “Onto some more samples from CHAroma tonight as I await trick-or-treaters! I’m not sure exactly what I was expecting with this one, but I was initially quite put off by a very soapy aroma from both...” Read full tasting note
  • “In celebration of Coconut Day, I invite you, steepsterites, to join me in a rousing rendition of The Coconut Song, which I have just made up on the spot even though there are songs about coconuts...” Read full tasting note
  • “So, I still haven’t gotten around to trying this one with coconut milk, and I probably won’t. I think there’s only a cup’s worth left and I don’t think it’s worth repurchasing. On one hand, I...” Read full tasting note

From Adagio Teas

Silky sweet coconut and playful bright lemongrass highlight this seductive black tea chai blend. Let the aroma draw you in and you’ll swear you hear it beckoning…come closer, just take a sip.

We suggest two heaping teaspoons per 6 oz up, boiling water for 5 minutes, Sugar, cream or coconut milk if desired.

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Adagio Teas has become one of the most popular destinations for tea online. Its products are available online at and in many gourmet and health food stores.

157 Tasting Notes

190 tasting notes

I really really love this tea- the lemongrass can be pretty strong sometimes, but i made this iced and it was just delicious til the last drop!


How do you make your iced tea? I want to make this iced too! Do you double the tea and do it hot or make it cold brewed in the fridge or? Thanks :)


i usually double the amount of tea and make it hot, let it cool off then ice it.


Thanks! I will try it this weekend!!


no problem! Let me know how it comes out! :)

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76 tasting notes

I keep forgetting how much I like this stuff.
It’s one of the two teas from Adagio that I ever adored enough to go out and buy a pound of (that, and it’s very inexpensive).

I don’t really see this as a Chai in my mind. I see it more as…a naturally flavored tea. It’s kind of in its own category. As a big fan of coconut, I really like the flavor in this, and while lemongrass isn’t something I would think to add to a black tea, it works very well.

I do have to use more leaf per cup than I do with most of my other teas. A lot more leaf. Like 2-3 times as much. But again, the stuff is so inexpensive ($19 a pound) that it hardly matters.

A lot of people suggest trying this with coconut milk or heavy cream. I have tried these, and found them just a bit much for me. To me, the flavors of those heavier creamers overpower the flavor of the tea just a bit. A splash of plain 2% milk is just perfect for me.

One thing I haven’t done yet is tried this iced. That’s pretty high on my to-do list when warmer weather comes around.

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98 tasting notes

Thanks so much for this, Rebecca! Steeped some of this up this morning to try to banish my cold (which is leaving pretty quickly anyway). I added a little bit of unsweetened soymilk and a small dab of honey. Oh man, this is great…it’s definitely unusual with the bright notes of the lemongrass. I like how the pepper feels smoky along the back of my throat. It’s just what I need right now. Also, this resteeps really well (adding 1 minute for each additional steep), especially for a chai. I can still feel and taste the delightful spiciness. I’m on the third steep now and will try for one more, which I think it’ll be able to do. This is just…lovely.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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34 tasting notes

Not really a Chai person, but this was very good. Hints of nuttiness and very spicy.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

I’m not a fan of coconut personally, but I love the theory. Although I think it would be better as a Kashmiri chai. But then again I also think their sesame would be better as a green based tea.

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46 tasting notes

As a big fan of Chai teas and the flavors of coconut and lemongrass, I’m very much enjoying this tea. This will be one that I buy again and again and this tea lives up to the hype from its reviewers on Adagio’s website. I’m drinking this one plain and the flavors all make a great stance for themselves. I used 1.5 tsps in a 12oz cup @ 208º for 5 minutes. I think I’ll stick with this amount for now and go up to 2 tsps if I’m feeling particularly “daring.” I highly recommend this tea.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

this is still one of my favorite chais. it’s a staple at my house.

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57 tasting notes

I swoon over this tea. So many flavors going on, spicy, coconut, lemongrass…yum. I made some chocolate cupcakes and brewed some of this tea into the butter, they were pretty fabulous. Highly recommended.


This sounds intriguing!

Rebecca Lynn

Haha, thanks. I need to think about it more and add more details.

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141 tasting notes

Holy lemongrass batman! What a potent and delicious mix of cinnamon, ginger and grass of the lemon. I can’t taste the black base too much, but I blame that on my limited palate. The coconut is pretty to look at but I don’t taste it at all either. But honestly, if you love lemongrass as much as I do I don’t think it will matter. Too bad this is a sample size, and a co-worker spilled about a teaspoons worth on the floor.

Also, I’m scared to add milk to this chai. Terrified, actually. It’s so damn tasty without it anyway.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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335 tasting notes

I got this from a friend I went to school with. I opened the bag, and it smelled like bowl of tom kha kai. I LOVE that soup, could seriously eat it everyday. So I am already very excited to brew this. I did what Jillian recommend, but brewed in 1 1/2C 2%milk, 1/2 C cream, and and 1/2 water. I simmered it for 3 minutes. I would even brewed it longer. I sweetened with sugar and a little honey.

It has a little Fruit Loop like taste to it, too .Very yummy. Wonderful blend of flavors with lemongrass, coconut, ginger, cinnamon. Wow, best blended chai I have had, seriously.

If you are a fan of Thai food, this tea is for you. I will have to buy more…

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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6 tasting notes

First tasting, did some experimenting with the tea.

First steep was 5.8gr/7oz water for 5 min. I liked a lot, could taste the ginger kick and the subtle lemongrass, but it was missing something. Second steep at 6min I added half a teaspoon of sugar, it was quite lovely. 3rd steep for 7 min with sugar was a bit bipolar: some sips were nice, others soapy.

195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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2238 tasting notes

I was looking for a comfort tea earlier, and my best idea of that is a chai latte. I’ve had this one in my stash for a little while, but it’s always been overlooked because it’s a bit of an oddball. When I think of chai, I tend not to think of either thailand or coconut, but there you go.

This was actually a very pleasant surprise. I’d never have believed it could work, but I found the coconut actually added a gorgeous creamy sweetness, which suited the milkiness of a chai latte perfectly. I was perhaps more surprised to find that the coconut actually stood out among the other ingredients. I’d thought it would get lost among the stronger flavours (perhaps particularly the cinnamon and ginger) but it was actually the primary taste.

Looking at the dry leaves, I could easily pick out most of the constituents — there’s pieces of cinnamon bark and ginger root, lemongrass, and dried coconut. I couldn’t see any cardamon pods, but that might just be luck of the draw with the spoonfuls I took out. Like most chai, this one has a black tea base, which, according to the ingredients, is coconut flavoured. I’m assuming that this is Adagio’s coconut flavoured black, which I actually have separately in my stash. That would make it a ceylon base, which I suppose accords with what I could taste. I have to say, though, that I’m more used to my chai being assam-based, and so to my mind this lacked a little depth. Perhaps that’s what allowed the coconut flavour to shine through so well, however.

Brewed, this smells wonderfully coconutty and creamy, with a hint of spicyness in the background. Same to taste. I was impressed with this tea — more so than I expected to be. When my sample runs out, this might well take its place among the teas I have on hand. It’s a little bit different, and so, so delicious. Definetly worth the risk!

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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