Very Big Hill Dew

Tea type
Honeybush Tea
Honeybush, Lemon Balm, Lemon Verbena, Organic Flavours
Lemon, Lime, Rooibos, Citrus, Floral, Spicy, Lemongrass
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Caffeine Free
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Southern Boy Teas
Average preparation
190 °F / 87 °C 4 min, 45 sec 20 oz / 591 ml

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16 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I super love mountain dew. Almost as much as I love root beer. So I had to jump on this one. In saying that, I did leave it sitting in my cupboard for quite a while because I am trying to finish...” Read full tasting note
  • “I’m kinda snickering to myself, though for perhaps a stupid reason. I went to search up this tea to write my tasting note, and I got as far as “Very Big Hill” and noticed that DAVIDsTEA’s Alpine...” Read full tasting note
  • “Full disclosure: I’ve had Mountain Dew only a handful of times ever. That said, from what I can remember of the taste this is like 1/3 Mountain Dew, 1/3 Sprite, and 1/3 rooibos. I was surprised by...” Read full tasting note
  • “This was never a favorite of mine, I think in part because of the lemongrass. I’m not a fan of lemongrass as the primary flavor. My husband really likes this one though, says it tastes just like...” Read full tasting note

From 52teas

Our Tea of the Week for the Week of November 11, 2013

Several people from our Southern Boy Teas Kickstarter campaign requested that we make a Mountain Dew inspired iced tea. I was thinking about how I would do it, and I kept thinking how good this would be as a honeybush blend. So here we have caffeine-free African honeybush with lemon balm, lemon verbena, lemon myrtle and organic flavors. This is YUMMY. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

About 52teas View company

At, you will find unique, hand-blended artisan loose leaf teas: a new limited edition creation every week of the year. We pride ourselves on offering truly unique, one-of-a-kind tea blends that you won’t find anywhere else.

16 Tasting Notes

871 tasting notes

I super love mountain dew. Almost as much as I love root beer. So I had to jump on this one. In saying that, I did leave it sitting in my cupboard for quite a while because I am trying to finish the teas that are open first before opening everything else.

The smell of this dry tea is dead on mountain dew. Delicious. I almost wanted to crack open a can of the real stuff.

I brewed this 1.5 tsp, 10 oz, and about a 1/4 tsp of rock sugar. I normally don’t add sugar right off the bat, but I figured since it was based on the soda, I would add some sugar. The smell of the brewed tea is what I would guess hot mountain dew smelled like.

The taste is a bit different. My immediate reaction was jelly beans. Like a red fruit flavoured jelly belly. Towards the end of the sip there is a mountain dew flavour. I would like to try this one without the sugar, but also as an iced tea/cold brew. I think the sugar may be giving it more of that jelly bean flavour.

Also a very important note, this is a 52 teas honeybush blend and I am getting NO pepper, this is historic for me!

Edit: Made another cup, same specifications, but this time with no sugar. The smell of the brewed tea is still the same but the taste is quite different and not as good. There is a vegetal astringency. I can definitely tell it is missing something, specifically the sweetener. I feel like there is a lot of mint in this blend, but it is too much, giving it a bit of a spice. Not sure what the ingredients in this blend are, but this is what I am tasting. I definitely prefer with sugar.

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 30 sec
Roswell Strange

See, I found the same thing as you where the smell was dead on, but I had a hard time drinking my first cup because I found it uncomfortably peppery… Maybe I need to try it with sugar, like you did. Anyway – I’m sending nearly all of it to Kittenna. I’m curious how it’d do as a tea soda, though…


I think this would make a good tea soda. I think though I would make an iced tea concentrate out of it and then mix it with the soda. I will have to experiment a bit. I definitely think it tastes much better with sweetener.


does this taste like Canada mountain dew or US mountain dew? heh


I would say the Canadian mountain dew. But I haven’t had US mountain dew in a super long time, so it is hard to compare.


If there were no tea, I could live on Mtn Dew. That said, what is the difference between Canadian and US Dew?


There is a different source of sweetener in the Canadian vs US Mountain Dew. I always found the US version to be much sweeter. Also Canadian Mountain Dew is traditionally caffeine free, although you can now get it with caffeine I think. I always found the US Version to have more “kick” or “jolt”, if that makes sense.


i like to boil it down to. US version tastes gross and the canadian version is nice ;) canadian = more lemon/lime US = caffeine gross tasting blech



Crazy! I had no idea there was a difference!


cavo..oh yeah. mountain dew was? is? at one point the most caffienated of all the pops in the us. canada it’s always (until now apparently) been caffeine free


I had no idea about mountain dew differences either – interesting!


Orange Crush is high on the caffeine scale as well. No caffeine in Canadian MD? That’s just wrong. ;) Sil, everyone is entitled to an opinion – even when you are wrong. lol


It’s funny because orange crush (and the other crush’s), Mountain Dew, root beer, gingerale, and I am sure a few others, are traditionally caffeine free in Canada. Not sure why the difference. We also have ketchup chips. Ha ha.

If you just google Canadian vs US pop (or soda) there is some interesting info.


Orange crush is high in caffeine in the US?! So different! I’ll have to Google it out of curiosity sake.
Smiles, and I just happen to have ketchup chips on the table in front of me right now.. not than I am eating them.. :-)


Here is a link I found for US caffeine content.


oh i want ketchup chips…


Thanks, KS – interesting the amounts of caffeine in some things.
Sil, I know, I keep looking at the bag of chips… ;-)


Mountain Dew now has caffeine in Canada! I think it’s only certain kinds though. “The new Mountain Dew will feature a proprietary bottle, fully embossed with the Dew logo and both Mountain Dew and Diet Mountain Dew now contain caffeine while still having the same bold, great taste. The caffeine content is in line with the standards outlined by Health Canada.”

Roswell Strange

Mmmm, ketchup chips. I have ketchup popcorn flavouring at home, so when I get home from work that’ll have to do…


Wow, I didn’t know they were starting to make MD with caffeine it, I will have to check the ones I have at home. Hope it still tastes the same.

On another note, I have had the jingle for mellow yellow in my head all day after doing some looking up about Mountain Dew online…“and they call it mellow yellow…”

I should get some popcorn flavouring. I never knew it came in such flavours as ketchup though!


“…just butter it!….”


Dill Pickle chips as well. I think I need to stop for “groceries” on the way home!


better than dill pickle chips are regular ruffles chips with creamcheese dill pickle dip.




it’s like the guilty pleasure here in the house…Ian noms it all before i can ever get some most of the time haha


OH man, I am totally craving some of that right now. I… I don’t even know where my nearest convenience store is. We have an Iranian market down the street, but they don’t have chips.

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16374 tasting notes

I’m kinda snickering to myself, though for perhaps a stupid reason. I went to search up this tea to write my tasting note, and I got as far as “Very Big Hill” and noticed that DAVIDsTEA’s Alpine Punch was still one of the options in the drop down menu. For whatever reason, that really cracked me up.

Urghh… Three hours left. Time is going by VERY slowly and I’m running out of things to do to keep occupied. I know I could eat up time by browsing various tea websites, but I don’t want to stoop to that since my wallet is strapped enough as is. I’m trying to come up with a reasonable list of baking to make for Christmas. Right now my list is looking like:

- Pistachio Pudding Sugar Cookies
- Banana Pudding Sugar Cookies
- Carrot Cake muffins w. Cream Cheese icing
- Peanut Butter Marshmallow Cluster drop cookies

And I’m thinking one more thing would sort of round everything out. Maybe brownies? I like brownies…

Because I can’t cook to save my life, and Tre will be at work (so I can’t guilt him into cooking Christmas dinner for me) we’ll be ordering in pizza – which I think is a perfectly acceptable Christmas type dinner. I’m also gonna prepare a couple cold brewed teas, but am not sure which ones yet. So, still have that to figure out. Hmm, maybe I can use my Christmas planning as something to do to pass time by.

Anyway, back to the tea at hand (or rather, in hand). When I saw this one on the 52Teas site I knew I had to try it out, and wouldn’t you know I seem to be the first tasting note on it! No pressure, right?

After getting really into loose leaf a few months ago I basically cut all pop out of my diet with the exception of the occasional “cheat” drink (I let myself have one pop once per paycheck; so every two weeks). The three I’m having a hard time letting go of, however, are Root Beer (and now I have a tea alternative), Dr. Pepper, and Mountain Dew. So, the prospect of a replacement Mountain Dew tea has me super excited!

I actually gave the first cup away, which was hard for me to do. My favourite cashier Shelby from Tea Desire had expressed an interest in this blend so I brought it in the day it arrived in the mail (fingers crossed that she’d even be working that day) and gave her the honors of opening the packet and having the first cup. Sadly, I had to catch the bus before I got to hear her thoughts on it!

Dry, the leaf smells amazing and is basically bang on for Mountain Dew. I need to figure out how to make air freshener or something similar out of tea leaf, because I keep going back to the packet just to take the chance to smell it. Mmm!

Today when I was making it I decided I finally had to have it and couldn’t put off trying it any longer. I’ve never had a honeybush/rooibos blend from 52Teas before so I wasn’t totally sure if there was a generally “accepted” method to making them – so I went with 1 1/2 tsp. for my timolino steeped 6 minutes in boiling water. Essentially what I’d do with many of my other rooibos teas.

(Side note, I just had someone knock an entire shelf of box calendars down, kinda shiftily look side to side and scamper away without even the slightest effort to clean them up. On top of that, are debit/credit pad isn’t working at all today, and when I called about getting someone in to come repair it the response was “It’s too cold to come today, and we don’t work Sunday – so we’ll be there to fix it sometime on Monday”. Urgh! I was cold today too coming to work, but I fucking did it because THAT. IS. MY. JOB!)

The smell was kinda sugary lemon, with some lemon zest/rind type – faintly like Mountain Dew, but there was something missing as well, that I just can’t place my finger on. And, this time it’s not the absence of carbonation (though I really wanna try this as tea soda) or the fact I’m drinking it hot. It’s something else.

Taste wise – the first thing I get is a distinct taste of honeybush – straight honeybush. And then, oddly enough, I get notes of both lemon rind and graham crackers. I’ve seen Lala describe honeybush/rooibos as tasting ‘peppery’, and this is actually the first time I’m finding that too. Huh. Odd. In the body of the sip I’m not particularly impressed – but the aftertaste does come awfully close to tasting like Mountain Dew, so there’s still that. I’m wondering if I just messed up in how I brewed it or if there’s contamination in my timolino from the last time I used it (which would be for DAVIDsTEA’s Read My Lips) – although I did try to thoroughly clean it out.

I definitely need to try again at home, maybe with different proportions and in a nice, fresh, clean mug. But my thoughts right now are that this is one of those teas that sounds like a good idea and has an amazing smell dry, but just doesn’t translate the same in the actual steeped tea. Kind of disappointed, honestly.


Your baking list looks awesome. I almost never bake brownies but have been thinking of doing it for the holidays this year too. With the pudding cookies, do you add pudding powder to the batter?

Roswell Strange

Pretty much. It actually gets creamed into the butter.


Ohh ok. Interesting. I should try that sometime!


Omg you should make look at; her maplesnaps are out of this world.


I can’t believe maplesnaps are actually a thing! And no molasses. I need to try those out. :)


I just looked up that maplesnaps recipe – I think I need to make these as well!

Roswell Strange

Mmmm, all of those recipes look so good D:

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564 tasting notes

Full disclosure: I’ve had Mountain Dew only a handful of times ever. That said, from what I can remember of the taste this is like 1/3 Mountain Dew, 1/3 Sprite, and 1/3 rooibos. I was surprised by how much I liked it—I ended up drinking a whole pot! I’m not sure yet whether I want to get more or not but it’s a solid citrus/rooibos blend.

Flavors: Lemon, Lime, Rooibos

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2171 tasting notes

This was never a favorite of mine, I think in part because of the lemongrass. I’m not a fan of lemongrass as the primary flavor. My husband really likes this one though, says it tastes just like Mountain Dew, so I steeped up the rest as a cold brew. As predicted, I didn’t really like it so he drank pretty much the whole pot.

Flavors: Lemongrass

Iced 8 min or more 9 tsp 34 OZ / 1005 ML

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467 tasting notes

I kept reading the name of this tea over and over. I just couldn’t get it, then DUH! Very Big Hill = Mountain! When i went to review this, there it was… Mountain Dew flavored tea. Hahaha! I’ve never really been a Mountain Dew fan so I’m not sure what to expect.

The dry leaf has a lime scent, but not overwhelming. On the first sip I didn’t taste the lime/Mountain Dew flavor until the end of the sip. It’s not a great tea but more of a fun idea.

The more I drink it, the less I like it. It is beginning to taste/smell like some kind of cleaning fluid. Okay really … I haven’t been drinking Pine-sol cleaner so I don’t know how that would taste but that is the aroma in the back of my mouth.

Thank you Ost for sharing.


Mountain Dew tastes like cleaning fluid in my opinion so I guess it’s fairly accurate, lol

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92 tasting notes

Okay, let me preface this review with something. I quit smoking five years ago with minimal trouble. I’d been smoking for about 10 years, and I just stopped one day. I was evil for two weeks and to this day have dreams of smoking when I’m stressed.

When I say trying to give up pop is harder then that EVER was, I’m in no way exaggerating. I’ve tried probably 10 times and I always go back, so I’ve settled into ‘minimal pop’ like one or two a week instead. My drug of choice is, and always will be Mountain Dew.

This tea is either going to help those cravings, or make them 100000x worse. We’ll see as time progresses which way it goes. At any rate, the smell even has the scent of carbonation, which is awesome and weird all at once. Frank did an epic job with this one. Iced its super refreshing, but I don’t know if I’d enjoy it hot.

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6107 tasting notes

2021 Sipdown 21/365!

I have been quite lazy with the sipdowns. However, I have a small backlog of 1-cup iced teas to sipdown that I’d collected about a year ago, yet never actually made it through. However, single-serve iced tea is currently appealing for some reason, so maybe I’ll get through a few! This is the first from the batch (which mostly includes honeybush/some rooibos from Frank-era 52teas and Della Terra), and one I’ve been putting off for a while.

This is from a swap? Or stash sale? Probably mentioned in a previous note. One I’d missed getting when it came out. And it’s still so tasty – it really tasted like a lemony “pop”, especially when coldbrewed or iced. Wouldn’t mind if this flavour made a comeback!

Cameron B.

It’s always nice to have some easy sipdowns!


It is! Especially when they are collected in one place already! (And bonus: they will be yummy. Lemon Chiffon from DT is in there!)


*Della Terra

Cameron B.

I never wrote a note for that one, so I’m not sure whether I tried it… I’ll have to seek it out sometime to try once I’ve sipped down a bit more. :)

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4843 tasting notes


I found the name of this tisane to be very funny. My husband didn’t agree with me. We sometimes have very different sense of humors.

Anyway … this is pretty good. Instead of the usual “nutty” flavor that I usually get from honeybush, I taste more of an earthiness that really works well with the lemony and lime-y flavors. I taste the effervescent taste of soda here too. I don’t drink a lot of soda, but, I do like the way Frank manages to capture soda in his soda inspired teas.

It’s a pretty tasty tisane.

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