
Tea type
Black Tea
Black Teas, Freeze Dried Strawberries, Organic Marshmallow Root, Organic Natural Flavors (Vegan)
Artificial, Strawberry, Malt, Marshmallow, Astringent
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Southern Boy Teas
Average preparation
Boiling 2 min, 30 sec 5 g 16 oz / 463 ml

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20 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Backlog: In case Frank didn’t catch my full-length review of this tea back when I wrote it (see it here: ) HEY FRANK! I...” Read full tasting note
  • “Woot! First review :D this treat is ammmaaazziiinggg. The berry flavor is juicy but yet candy-like. I can catch marshmallow and malt. It’s like drinking liquid hot cereal. But in a good way of...” Read full tasting note
  • “Arby Advent Day 2 This tea is rather lovely. The strawberry goes very nicely with the light black tea. It looks like it’s flavored through dried strawberries, which I love in tea. It has a familiar...” Read full tasting note
  • “The strawberry flavour isn’t perfect – it has faded and is a bit artificial. The marshmallow is nice. I think a fresher version with freeze-dried strawberries would be amazing, but for a fairly old...” Read full tasting note

From 52teas

Our Tea of the Week for the Week of
October 21, 2013

If anyone from General Mills is reading this, please don’t sue us. My wife suggested we rename this tea Frank’s Berries so as not to get in trouble with the cereal company, but (and maybe this is just my dirty old man mind, but) “Frank’s Berries” just doesn’t sound right to me. ‘I like Frank’s Berries hot with a drizzle of honey…’ Uh, yeah, just doesn’t sound right.

This tea, on the other hand, is nothing but right. We’ve paired our premium black teas with freeze-dried strawberries, marshmallow root and organic flavors, including a touch of malt to give it a cerealistic (ie realistic cereal-like) flavor.

This fun and yummy blend is available at for just $8.99 for a 1.75oz pouch. It won’t be around for long, so get yours today!

About 52teas View company

At, you will find unique, hand-blended artisan loose leaf teas: a new limited edition creation every week of the year. We pride ourselves on offering truly unique, one-of-a-kind tea blends that you won’t find anywhere else.

20 Tasting Notes

15 tasting notes

It’s okay. Smells like Lucky Charms. I added just a little sugar and some milk, I don’t think I got the full flavor of it. Will have to try again tomorrow.

Flavors: Marshmallow

Boiling 2 min, 45 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 250 ML

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15588 tasting notes

Another one from VariaTEA that i was looking forwrd to trying after having success with walterbishop from Frank. this smells like koolaid but tastes like a bitter fruit tea. sigh i think i need to give up at this point. Thanks for trying to help me get back into a 52 teas groove Variatea!


I wasn’t a huge fan of this one either. Though I had friends who enjoyed it. I figured it was safe to assume that you hadn’t try some of the 52 Teas I had so I figured I would share even though I had a feeling you wouldn’t have loved them. You never know unless you try.


yep! i love trying new things :)

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16967 tasting notes

Sipdown (166/172)!

I christened my new Adeline Poppy mug with this one today before work! I brought the whole sample from VariaTEA along with me and since I had a bunch of time before I started my shift I took major advantage of my tea set up at work to brew some proper tea. All my coworkers “oo-ed” and “ah-ed” at the perdy new mug. It’s much nicer than all the shitty white mugs with the “Dollarama” logo on them that we all use…

So this new mug is pretty big; at least 12 oz. but I’m thinking it’s actually more like 16, so I ended up using the whole sample from VariaTEA for the whole mug. Hooray for teaware lending itself to faster sipdowns!

Taste wise, I thought this was pleasant enough but not breath taking or anything overly unique: the 52Teas black base was really present at first but as this cooled down it settled into the background and I got more of the strawberry flavour. The marshmallow root didn’t add a lot. Actually it was hardly noticeable to me. More so the malt stood out and this was a somewhat weird “malty strawberry”.

Definitely wouldn’t restock and I think if I received it again in a swap I’d just pass it on to someone else, but I’d probably drink it again if it was served to me. Like I said, it wasn’t bad.

Flavors: Astringent, Malt, Strawberry


I’m in the same boat you are but unfortunately I bought a bag of this. I think it will be tossed into the swap pile. That or I had a friend who seemed to enjoy it so I may just pass it on to her

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6444 tasting notes

Had a tea party with my friends and they wanted to try this in addition to their own tea choices so I brewed this up. I wasn’t a lover as the base was pretty prominent and the strawberry flavor was muted. I might try this yet again at a lower temperature but so far the cups I have had have been less than impressive. Luckily my friend enjoyed it so she finished up the cup for me.

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