I’m having some digestion issues today so I am going to be drinking A LOT of Rooibos as they are supposed to help with that. This is a green Rooibos with other interesting ingredients! It DOES smell like Apple Pie…I will give it that!
I can taste the Green Rooibos and honeybush the hazelnut comes thru a little bit better than the apple and raisins but I can still pick out both.
This is a nice, creative blend…pretty good! I would love a more PIE-likeness – you know – crusty – but this is pretty good regardless!
Thanks for the suggestion…I guess I knew that but forget about it because I am not a huge ginger fan in teas! LOL – desperate at this point tho! LOL
Honeybush is even better than rooibos for the tummy, because it tends to be milder and more soothing.
Also, ginger is good.
I ditto the ginger movement. Feel better!
Thanks for the suggestion…I guess I knew that but forget about it because I am not a huge ginger fan in teas! LOL – desperate at this point tho! LOL
Matcha OJ would also be a great shot of antioxidants:)
I have Matcha…just not the OJ! LOL
Honeybush is even better than rooibos for the tummy, because it tends to be milder and more soothing.
True!!! I am a little low on honeybush…I think I have some SOMEWHERE!!! LOL