I have no idea where the “scarlet” in Scarlet Cloud comes from. The color of the tea is a white peach. The raspberries in the tea offer no flavor at all. Neither does the blackberries or peach. It’s very sad to have a tea filled with fruit be so tasteless (I tried getting more of the tea leaves in the infuser, but it was still a ton of fruit.) I think the mint is included only to mask the fact that the only flavor is an odd vegetal taste. Which is fine if that is what you are expecting. Also, I love the “downy” in the description. There was a lot of floaty suspended particles in the water, making it cloudy. Hey, maybe THAT is where the name was thought up! I don’t know why I bought this. It seems like Teavana’s prices are so high to get people to think their teas are good. Then if they have a sale, I think it backfires on Teavana when people who usually aren’t customers buy their teas, that are on sale for a reason (and I think these sale prices should be their not-on-sale prices). The customers might not come back. I think I would much rather save up my money on an indie tea company that has teas that never fail. I’ve learned my lesson! I’ll be doing that in the future.