This is my first gen-mai cha (how does one spell this tea? I’ve seen it all sorts of ways!) so I’m not really sure what makes a good one, but I’ll give my opinion nonetheless :)

The tea in the bag was kind of cute. I don’t mean that in a condescending way at all- it just seemed so perky and bright. Yes tea leaves can look perky and bright and cute. Just go with me here :P

As the tea steeped the smell reminded me of sugar smacks cereal (it’s honey smacks now I think?). Once I poured myself a cup, the flavor was a very sharp grass flavor with an undertone of toasty rice. I added just a teeny touch of honey because I thought it would compliment this tea & the flavors transformed. It was grassy and vegetal (I can’t decide- okra… no asparagus… I can’t put my finger on it) but with the addition of the honey it brought out the sweet toasty puffed rice.

It’s very different from other green teas I’ve had, so I think it will take a little getting used to, but I like it a lot and I think it makes a nice uplifting cup to enjoy in the afternoon like I did today (or anytime really!)

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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I am a wife and mother. I am a musician, a singer, a hair dye junkie, a book lover and an artist. And of course a tea lover!


North Alabama

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