I am not sure how I feel about this one quite yet.
But I realize that the tea-Gods have a challenge here since I am an American transplant who hunts out the rootbeer supply whenever I find myself in a new area. Its like looking for water in the sassparilla desert. I know, I have a problem.

In this infinite search, coupled with my tea-addiction, this was right up my alley. Tho I admit I am not quite sure how I feel about honeybush (if the word roobis is on it, it hates me). So far, honeybush has been ok with me and me with it.

But back to this tea. I didn’t take milk as an option, rather a requirement (surely you need creaminess for the float feel). And its creamy and yummy and delicious. I am so almost there yet can’t really get the rootbeer vibe. Rather I get the ‘black and tan gelding’ flavor (which according to the recipe book that came with the ‘Lets go to the Races’ someone got dad for xmas when I was 10 is a combo of coke + milk…that yes I do like and drink :P)

But let’s just pause it there. Its good. But I think I need another tasting. BBIAB

EDIT: Ok. About three cups of Rootbeer float cups later, and I have to admit its still a ‘fail’ for me on the taste of float-iness. Now don’t get me wrong, because its not a total fail. Like I mentioned before, as a hardcore milk/coke drinker, well this reminds me of a hot version of this. Its creamy, like a melted coke float. (which is what the cold combo reminds me of as well). There are moments where I ‘almost’ can smell a bit of sasparilla/rootbeer-esque-ness, but it doesn’t hold on second sniff and I have managed to tease it out on taste.

Still this tea is yum. I assure you its not bound for the top shelf of forgotten tea, but it means I still am on the ever continuing hunt for rootbeer happiness. :)

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Teatastic little me,
Lives by the sea
Cannot help but sip a cuppa or three.
Suppose its not so bad since at the end of the day
I’ll have a happy kidney.



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