this is a fairly simple cup of tea. kinda flat in nuance i guess. but nothing problematic or offensive. it’s kinda gentle in a way. hobbity. it has some nice damp earthiness to it. i’m sure my man-friend will drink it all up if i don’t watch him closely.
thanks very much TastyBrew! i’ll have several more cups of this i’m certain.
Jeremy Scahill/Glenn Greewald fan fic. horrible idea, or BEST IDEA EVER!?!?!!!!!
i’m gonna order a tea from Adagio, and i wanted to ask my friendly and thoughtful followers if you have a favorite Adagio tea they recommend. it’s hard to tell from the company steepster page what is actually the best because it’s opinions from the whole steepster community who i don’t know at all and may not even be active anymore. but i know the people i follow tastes quite a bit more, so i’d probably fair better with some of your personal picks. Thanks!! xo
I don’t seem to have great luck with Adagio (especially their straight blacks) but the teas I do like from there are their Gunpowder Green (very mild), Thai Chai, and Caramel. And those are pretty much the only ones I’d ever reorder!
I don’t seem to have great luck with Adagio (especially their straight blacks) but the teas I do like from there are their Gunpowder Green (very mild), Thai Chai, and Caramel. And those are pretty much the only ones I’d ever reorder!
thanks for the feed back Lindsay! i was considering the Caramel :)